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Oh, and guys, please stop spamming this thread. Posts will start getting deleted because it's getting hard to follow.


DynastyGal, if you have nothing to contribute to Forum Suggestions then get out of this thread (i mean that in the nicest possible way). Same goes for whoever it is she's talking to.


Ash; No more posts from Harribo or Ant. If they are banned then we don't want to hear from them until such a time that they may become unbanned (im not saying they will, or even might. They probably won't).

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"Justice For Antony Shimmin says:

I have had no infractions

Justice For Antony Shimmin says:

Onmy self

Justice For Antony Shimmin says:

I wasn't issued with any"


What infractions?

Like I just said, there were none.


And please can everyone stop taking everything out on me and McPhee?

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Guest dynastygal

Yeah I know, sorry. I tried to steer people away from talking about the ban and me, and I suggested something, don't know if you saw it. Oh well.

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If that's the case I hope change means:


- Less arrogance from mods/admins

- Less patronising and insulting from mods/admins

- Removal of certain mods/admins who clearly aren't fit to a job properly.

- Bringing back Fierce_Link

- Getting rid of all this fecking censorship


So in short, actually running a forum properly.


(not you McPhee, you're one of the few cool mods)


This post has my agreement, with the exception of Flinky. It's up to him.

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Doesn't matter. You're a moderator, and therefpre have next to no choice in the matter. It's really up to the admins to bring it back.


Actually I think you'll find mods do have a say in the matter.



If that's the case I hope change means:


- Less arrogance from mods/admins

- Less patronising and insulting from mods/admins

- Removal of certain mods/admins who clearly aren't fit to a job properly.

- Bringing back Fierce_Link

- Getting rid of all this fecking censorship


So in short, actually running a forum properly.


Obviously you're referring to me in most of those, guess what? I don't care what you think. If the admins want to remove me from my position they would've done so already.



This place isn't a democracy. At the end of the day, the admins can ban whoever the fuck they like and delete whatever the fuck they want. Afterall it's their forum. If you have too much of a problem with that then no-one's forcing you to stay.


EDIT: Welcome back to the forum staff, Mr Modwin.


Thank you Zell, exactly what I've been trying to say.

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Obviously you're referring to me in most of those, guess what? I don't care what you think. If the admins want to remove me from my position they would've done so already.


I still love you! :heh:


Here's a notion: why doesn't everyone without a serious suggestion clear out of the thread and let the mods get on and decide what to do? Your constant whining at them to get them to do stuff, is, if just from a practical stand point, slowing them down.

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Guest dynastygal

This is a mixture of a question and a suggestion....would it be possible to allow smileys to be shown in the quick reply box (I think some quick reply boxes have buttons that make smileys come up in a pop up window)?


I've seen it in some forums and think it's a neat feature. Saves going to advanced mode.

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This place isn't a democracy. At the end of the day, the admins can ban whoever the fuck they like and delete whatever the fuck they want. Afterall it's their forum. If you have too much of a problem with that then no-one's forcing you to stay.


This is what I've been explaining to Domjcg at school all day.


They are appointed by representatives of Connor, the owner, and, as such, they do his bidding.

If his bidding is "stop my forum turning into a shit storm", then they have performed admirably.

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Seconded, people should have realised that the mods and admins where pissed off, and not gone and stirred up shit and pissed in their pool. It's their own bloody fault!


Oh, and I've just recalled by I've always wanted to vote for Stefkov if an "elect a mod" system was in place. It's because he thinks like I do, and he respects the mods. :indeed:


Same here. To be honest I really did think he was gonna become one aswell.

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I feel the deperate need to agree with this post.


Give it a couple of days and Fish will be a mod.


As I said before, if it appears to be staff vs plebs, all hell will break loose.


If I desperately wanted a mod position, you would know - I'm an expert brown-noser. :wink:

All I'm doing here is voicing my opinion.

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I feel the deperate need to agree with this post.


Give it a couple of days and Fish will be a mod.


No, he won't.


Any more spam in here and i start handing out infractions. Is that sufficient warning? It's not something i want to do, because i think most of you are OK but im trying to get some input on how you guys want the forum improving and certain members are making it really difficult.


As of 9pm i start infracting (just in case anyone is already writing a post, would be unfair to infract them without them seeing this post)


BTW, im glad some people are posting up suggestions. Keep em coming :)

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I was replying to his post. The reason for it being locked is so that members can't post in it and stir up hell again.

Clearly not, the reason is or at least should be, that no one can post in it, im not critisizing you, but it makes the forum look bad and members feel alienated.

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Clearly not, the reason is or at least should be, that no one can post in it, im not critisizing you, but it makes the forum look bad and members feel alienated.


I agree with this argument. Once a thread is locked it should remain locked ie noone posting in it regardless of their power here.

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I agree with this argument. Once a thread is locked it should remain locked ie noone posting in it regardless of their power here.


Definitely, we can't say anything back, THEY'RE shit stirring by posting stuff we can't reply to.


Also, a point, we use meaningless as a chat room because the real one is shit, and the mod bully people.

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Once a thread is locked it should remain locked ie noone posting in it regardless of their power here.


I said i'd put forth suggestions posted in here, and i have. Im pretty much of the same opinion as you guys, unless it's to give a warning or some sort of forum announcement.

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Guest Stefkov

I just had to log in to say, seriously, I actually can't believe some people actually think this matters.

2 people are gone, get over it. They've got msn right? Talk to them there and stop spamming with the same recycled garbage I'm actualy reading.

You say it sets a bad example that mods post after threads are closed.


How does it look coming into a suggestions thread to see pure shite?

In a bit.

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What I don't understand is why the second somebody starts defending the mods/admins they are immediately accused of brown-nosing!? Maybe they just happen to agree with their bloody opinion!


I personally agree with Stefkov and The Fish, if you guys want to chat then use the chat boards, if they're as shit as you say they are then use MSN. Hell I've seen enough "I've got so many N-E members on my MSN" or "Lolz add me too" posts in the MPOTD thread to know that most of you have each other added about 3 times over.


All you're doing is repeating the same thing over and over and then getting yourself worked up because the staff aren't immediately giving in to your every demand. You just sound like a bunch of whining kids...

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