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Made debut at #7 in UK on All-Formats chart, #3 on Individual Formats chart (behind only Zumba Wii and Ocarina 3D). Phenomenal news.




Not that it'll stay there for a long time. But it has made a splash. :)


Edit: "Let's press on and on and on!"


Edit: To NoA: "What a bunch of jokers!" ;)

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So, ..... I've been playing my very first JRPG for a home console for about 4 hours now; and I must say it's rather incredible.


Only just arrived at Tephra Caves, because of the sheer vastness of Colony 9. Going over some quests and exploring the boundaries of the colony easily satisfied me for a few hours straight. I especially enjoyed the sense of danger when you end up at a shore, after having swum there, and seeing creatures of level 35 and higher living peacefully together, and you start to collect these.....collectibles all around the beasties:laughing:

Didn't go too well one time I'll tell you that much.;)

I even walked up to some giant blue dragon/bird beast, only to see that it was way out of my league.

Stuff like that really makes you feel small and insignificant because of your lack of experience, and lets you know that there are dozens of monsters out there (peaceful or not) which could snap your neck in a second.

And because of that, I enjoy the things I can do now, like sneaking up on a Little Bunnit and Back Slashing the li'l bitch just for being little:D


Thanks to the cutscene in which Shulk touched the Monado, I just know epic shit will go down in this god of a game!


One of the things I don't really get it the Heart-to-Heart stuff.....

How does one know when one can access these things?

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Been playing for a bit now (about 4.5-5 hours). It's the best "serious" RPG (I.e non Mario or "silly" RPG) I've played since Skies of Arcadia for sure.


The pacing is perfect, the combat is revolutionary and the world is so vast and lovingly crafted (everything is there for a reason) that it puts all other RPGs to shame.


Bosses that walk the plains as hidden battles, trillions of items and weapons, tons of quests that invest you in the game world (and most NPCs have their own relationships and backstory!) and some of the best music to ever grace a video game. It's pretty much the RPG I've been waiting for.


Special shoutout to the awesome English localisation as well. I can't believe Nintendo's UK localisation team pulled it off (I usually hate their works), but it is really genuinely fantastic. A great script that's full of life and little touches, with a dub that is nigh on perfect.

If the quality keeps up as it has done so far, it could be the best RPG since Chrono Trigger for me!


And what a treat it is to see it hit No 3 in the UK charts! The ultimate middle finger to NOA! (WHATA BUNCH O' JOHKAS!)

Edited by Dcubed
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Made debut at #7 in UK on All-Formats chart, #3 on Individual Formats chart (behind only Zumba Wii and Ocarina 3D). Phenomenal news.


Yup, absolutely fantastic and well deserved aswell. NoA take note!


I'm just under 30 hours in and I still feel I have yet to scratch the surface of certain things in the game.


Aaron, did you finish the game when you reviewed it? If so how long did it take and what level were you when you fought the final boss?


I got to Frontier Village this morning which is such a charming place. Even better was the forest that leads up to it. Again the enviroment is HUGE but it's a total change of scenery from Gaur Plains. Instead of a big open field you have a to travel through a dense forest. I also seen a massive level 97 dinosaur roaming about. Awesome stuff.


Just nicked this off Gaf! :D



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Just nicked this off Gaf! :D





Haha, I'm so knicking that for my twitter, FB and G+ :D


Anyway in need of some help again.

Got a quest for some mats, one being Brog Meat from Brogs on teh Bionis Leg... where the frak are the Brogs hidding on the leg?


I've gone to every water area in day and night and haven't found one (other than Eduardo), do I have to cross the bridge (and advance the story a bit) to find them?


Got a few other quests but since the areas they are telling me to go I haven't been yet I can only assume they are on the other side of the bridge.


I've still got 1 quest in Tephra cave left two, find 2 kneecap rocks, I've ran through that cave back and forth so many times and not a signle one (other than the one I found and used on my collection chart that I found long before I found this quest.)


Went back to Colony 9 too and pick up and done the King Squeeze quest, I enjoyed that one, haha.

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Only 5 hours in so just gotten the Monando.


Was surprised they killed off Fiora :(


"One hit kill! Or something..."




Too many side quests preventing me from leaving Colony 9, just keep finding more and more to do. I do find it a bit hard to find people though.


Not sure I get the Gem forging yet.

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Anyway in need of some help again.

Got a quest for some mats, one being Brog Meat from Brogs on teh Bionis Leg... where the frak are the Brogs hidding on the leg?


If you advance the story a little by going across the bridge you will find a fork in the road. Go right at the fork ( left leads to powerful enemies ) and follow the path to a new area of the leg. If you turn right in this new area you will find what you are looking for.


If you don't want to progress the story but want to get to that area then make your way across the mushroom like structures above the lake. You will have to peg it though as high level monsters hang around on them.


Not sure I get the Gem forging yet.


I've dabbled with it a little. What I was doing was looking for gems that had the strength ability and the mixed it with others til I got it 100% before forging them. I'm sure there is alot more to it than that but that I think that's the basics of it.

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Haha, I'm so knicking that for my twitter, FB and G+ :D


Anyway in need of some help again.

Got a quest for some mats, one being Brog Meat from Brogs on teh Bionis Leg... where the frak are the Brogs hidding on the leg?


I've gone to every water area in day and night and haven't found one (other than Eduardo), do I have to cross the bridge (and advance the story a bit) to find them?


Yeah, they are on the upper level of the leg which is beyond the bridge. There is a little marshland section West of the stone spiral landmark and they are there - obviously this post will mean a lot more when you get there :p


Going there only progresses the story if you have been following it. I explored that entire area way before doing the story because I was doing all the side quests first and foremost given in that area.

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Cheers H-o-T and Falcon.... guess I'll just have to cross the bridge... might stay in colony 9 for a bit though see if there any new side quests there :D




I'm looking for some Hox on the bionis' leg...anyone know where i can find some? I've only found those super strong Hox on those musroom things in the lake and i've looked all over >__<


Warp to the Refugee camp and then start running back out towards the guidepost you should find some Easy Hox along that path

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I give up, I got to ask, where is that "wallslide" monster or whatever it's called in the Tephra cave. It's supposed to be at the Mag Mell Ruins.


Am currently at Colony 6, when you get to go inside. Massive story spoilers ahead.


I actually felt bad for Xord. Almost as sad as Fiora. He is easily one my favourite villains ever.



Also, one of the love deciding quest in Colony 9, with Monica, Erik and Andreas.


Okay, that's just mean. She will be unhappy no matter what I do! Poor girl...I'm at loss of what to do. There have been other like this too, I love how there never is an easy option.



Found it !


Aaron, did you finish the game when you reviewed it? If so how long did it take and what level were you when you fought the final boss?

Would be nice if he put that in a spoiler tag if no one minds. I don't want to know.

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After spending about an hour on the Gaur Plains atop the Bionis Leg I suddenly feel very insignificant after gaining a true sense of perspective on just how big this amazing overworld truly is.


Just as I feel like I'm starting to get familiar with the game, I now realise that I've only really begun to make a small dent in the surface - scratching the surface was everything up to now - and it's a truly wonderful feeling. :)

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Where can i buy this for £29.99 please , and pay by paypay if possible ?


My friend really wants a copy


Play.com still have copies, honestly it's probably your best bet being that ShopTo are currently out of stock.

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I'm in the Marshland now and when it turns to night time... wow, the music is incredible and the lighting makes the place look ethereal which is a far cry from it's appearance during the day of grey, grey and more grey.


Just stumbled across this pic...




and to think the Wii U won't be able to upscale games. It's an absolute travesty.

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I think I need to start doing some side quests, I just seem to move the story along and that's it, I'm a little over a couple hours in and I'm supposed to be heading to Colony 6... I haven't even wandered around Colony 9 yet!!!


Awesome game though, I am absolutely loving it!

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I think I need to start doing some side quests, I just seem to move the story along and that's it, I'm a little over a couple hours in and I'm supposed to be heading to Colony 6... I haven't even wandered around Colony 9 yet!!!


Awesome game though, I am absolutely loving it!


I've spent way more time during side quests than the main story and I think had I not, I'd have been somewhat underleved and really struggling with the fights now - not to mention have crap weapons/armour.


Quick question, I've now got more than 3 people in my party and I was wondering if any person who doesn't fight still gets XP,SP and AP whether it the full amount or reduced?

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Quick question, I've now got more than 3 people in my party and I was wondering if any person who doesn't fight still gets XP,SP and AP whether it the full amount or reduced?


Yeah, I think they still get the same amount as my 4th character seems to level up at the same time as my main ones.


I think I need to start doing some side quests, I just seem to move the story along and that's it, I'm a little over a couple hours in and I'm supposed to be heading to Colony 6... I haven't even wandered around Colony 9 yet!!!


Awesome game though, I am absolutely loving it!


As CF said, you really need to start doing some sidequests as they are a great source of experience points, otherwise you may end up getting a fair beating.


It's been a nightmare at work knowing some of you have been able to play this during the day. Time for a shower and then for H-o-T to play catch up. :D

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Yeah, I thought to myself "Head to Colony 6..? Not before I level up a bit through some side-quests first!"... so I've spent the last couple hours doing some in Colony 9.

I'm gutted I have to go to bed now!


And again I have to say... this game is amazing! Hell, it's better than amazing, it's A-MAY-ZAAAAH!

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Yeah, I thought to myself "Head to Colony 6..? Not before I level up a bit through some side-quests first!"... so I've spent the last couple hours doing some in Colony 9.

I'm gutted I have to go to bed now!


And again I have to say... this game is amazing! Hell, it's better than amazing, it's A-MAY-ZAAAAH!


jesus Kav, story wise you are prolly up to where I am, haha.


I just reached colony 6 but haven't tried gettin inside yet.


keep going back on myself looking for more side quests or exploring the map :D


Just found a side quest last night where I had a choice what to do.... OMG i wasn't expecting that... what to do what to do (the one with the "light" in colony 9)?


also found a side quest where some lady asked me to find 3 items her son lost when he travelled to the Bionis head.. I already had 2 of them haha.


Love getting a new material or collection quest and you already have the needed items :awesome:

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