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I've done nothing but play this all weekend, with the occasional break for food, sleep and toilet breaks, and I have well and truly LOVED this weekend.


This game is so damn good, a definite "must-have" title for any Wii owner!

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I've done nothing but play this all weekend, with the occasional break for food, sleep and toilet breaks, and I have well and truly LOVED this weekend.


This game is so damn good, a definite "must-have" title for any Wii owner!


Absolutely - it's sucking my time like I wouldn't believe. I've not been this into a game for a while.

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Oh forgot to mention yesterday (or maybe it was Sunday evening, can't remember) I did find Cherri in Frontier Village finally. And checking what landmark I got the quest from/near wouldn't have helped much as I got the quest intially from Rasha :wink:


I've still got a few quests on my list that are just sitting there now.


1: Olga in Colony6, still need the last item for her Chemist to reopen. Sirius Anemone(sp?) or something and none of the blue orbs will be it :heh: I never even had 1 before so I don't have it on my collectable list yet either so I actually need 2 of the buggers :heh:


2: Find a Bug-loving Friend for a Nopon in Frontier Village... not really too bothered with it, I'm sure I'll bump into the right Nopon somewhere soonish... hopefully. I assume he/she'll have a red ! over their head anyway.


(EDIT: nevermind, found him. Warped to the village and there he was standing next to me, haha.)


3: The Two girls friendship thing... think I've nearly gotten this done. Have been using Melia as my lead with Sharla in my team to try and get as many affinity hearts as possible from talking with people and hitting the B during fights.... but my god improving peoples affinity to each other takes ages... wish there was a progress bar so I could at least see how far to the next affinity level.



Anyway my main progress is going well.

Managed to beat the boss in the Tomb without warping out to level up. Loaded the game yesterday thought I'd give it one try first, swaped Melia for Reyn and got it done. Reyn took all the aggro and I just had to make sure he kept his HP up while Shulk hammered away form behind :D


After that I thought I could finally start looking for side quests as I expected to have all my characters back but no still had to do a little bit of story progression to get to that. :heh:


Got up the point where Shulk has another vision of Prison Island when they go talk to Melia and now I'm meant to go talk to the Emperor but since I now have my full party again I'm ignoring that and looking for more side quests.


Found a fair few and got some done. Been to all the Hovering platforms but not all the water islands... don't know what to do bout exploring that :heh: Wish you had access to a bloody Jetski of something. Think I'm just gonna warp to various Hovering Reefs and dive down to nearby islands :heh:


Still likely have a few quest to find like the numbered ones (Monter Quest 1, Challenge 2, Search Quest 1, etc) those kind of things. I also actually noticed there are a few of those that I'm missing from Frontier Village too, so will have to go back there to try find those :heh:


*sigh* so much to do, so little Reyn Time: peace:


Absolutely - it's sucking my time like I wouldn't believe. I've not been this into a game for a while.


I haven't been this into a game since Monster Hunter 3 :wink:




Also I was thinking if/when Nintendo make a new Smash Bros game, Shulk and Reyn had better be playable, haha




On and forgot Sunday Evening got an Acheivement "Reyn Time Baby" haha, made me laugh :D


EDIT Again:


I only just remembered that Monolith Soft have only had 1 other Wii game "Disaster: Day of Crisis" which Nintendo of America never published Stateside... similar to how Xenoblade seems to be being ignored by NoA.... I starting to wonder if someone at Monolift pissed off Reggie somehow?

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Passed the 42 hour mark and I'm now in the Valak Mountain area, probably a little under levelled (lvl 48 all around and not exactly a huge number of quests there to pick up so I'll have to head elsewhere) but still enjoying it immensely. Not sure what percentage that'd put me at as far as completion rate goes but the game is definitely giving me a lot of bang for my buck.


The whole Prison Island bit, and the events after, was fantastic. Lots of story twists and although I'm still no wiser as to how everything will go down or who people are aligned with, it's certainly engaging as hell. I just want to keep playing and playing to see what happens next :D


Did like some of the character developments as well, such as... (spoilers unless you've gotten to and completed Prison Island)


Melia clearly being jealous of the bond between Shulk and Fiora after finding out the full reason as to why they were on this journey and trying to hide her true feelings for him when confronted by Sharla.


And going from that, Fiora herself requesting/heading out to try and meet Shulk again because of the underlying feelings messing with the soul transfer thing/Lady Meyneth's soul in the Mechon. This has me thinking that the Mechon use the bodies of the Homs, such as Fiora, as vessels to put their 'leaders' or someones' souls in because they're long dead. Kind of in a similar fashion to how the ancestor was represented in the Tomb, if people get me.



Also decided to mess around with a different party config. Had been running Shulk, Reyn and Sharla but swapped out the latter two for Melia and Dunban to see how that'd work and despite there being no real healer, it's actually a lot more interesting with this party setup. Another two different configs to try out but really enjoying the toughness of having to battle against uniques without a healer and relying on swift consecutive chain attacks.

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Uhm... I'm just wondering...


Has anyone obtained and completed the "What is Courage?!" quest in

Colony 6



I can't find Ewan to actually do the quest after accepting it, I'm supposed to walk to either the mine or the marsh but I cant find him on either path... Is there something I'm missing or has the game bugged up on me..?

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Uhm... I'm just wondering...


Has anyone obtained and completed the "What is Courage?!" quest in

Colony 6



I can't find Ewan to actually do the quest after accepting it, I'm supposed to walk to either the mine or the marsh but I cant find him on either path... Is there something I'm missing or has the game bugged up on me..?


I posted this earlier. He doesn't appear on the map as a ! so you have to look for him really hard. If you want to find him in the mine....


Then teleport to the lake/pool of water in the mine and he will be there. You have to defeat the unique monster there. If it hasnt spawned then save the game in the mine and just keep loading it until he arrives.


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Ah thanks, I'm going to give it a go finding him in the marsh I think, wish me luck on that. XD


And if you still need help, to find him in the marsh...


where it says soter ruins on your map, he is north west just on the ledge that sits over that bit of swampy water which is directly west of where the pickaxe symbol is. He is being attacked by a wolf type creature.



Passed the 42 hour mark and I'm now in the Valak Mountain area, probably a little under levelled (lvl 48 all around and not exactly a huge number of quests there to pick up so I'll have to head elsewhere) but still enjoying it immensely. Not sure what percentage that'd put me at as far as completion rate goes but the game is definitely giving me a lot of bang for my buck.


Also decided to mess around with a different party config. Had been running Shulk, Reyn and Sharla but swapped out the latter two for Melia and Dunban to see how that'd work and despite there being no real healer, it's actually a lot more interesting with this party setup. Another two different configs to try out but really enjoying the toughness of having to battle against uniques without a healer and relying on swift consecutive chain attacks.


Your levels sound about right as I've just been wandering around the mountain for a while and am level 50 all round.


As for my team, as soon as I started thinking about affinities for gem crafting, I swapped my team around as Shulk, Reyn and Sharla already had a good affinity between them. Unless fighting mechon, I lead with Dunban who is much more interesting to play as than Shulk who typically remains benched.


Finally found the Shimmering Forte and killed it in about 8 seconds.


It looked so much like the Inferno Deinos, I've probably walked past it a dozen times and thought nothing of it.

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Just to Daroh on finding Ewan.


I've heard/read elsewhere that whichever area you went to first after accepting that quest he will only then be found in that area, he won't appear in the other.


So if you went to the Mines for something else after taking on his quest then he will only be in the Mines from that point. Just in case you went to the Mine and then thought you'd look for him in the Marsh or vice versa.

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Just got into the area after Valak Mountains, and I'm very pleased with how it looks like the game will be progressing now. :D However, before I went any further, I nipped back to Frontier Village, just to buy some art upgrades, and ended up being given a tonne of new sidequests... and I just couldn't resist their little Nopon pleas! Some of the quests were actually quite different from the norm, and there were a couple of pretty good rewards too. Still got a couple more I'll do tomorrow before heading back to the main story.

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Played up to the bridge now. This game is vast.


I thought I heard the name Schala and had a pang of Chrono Trigger nostalgia, then saw how it is written and was disappointed to see the name is actually Sharla.


Just discovered you can level up your moves by spending AP on them. So I levelled some attacking moves of Shulk and Reyn's up. I'm still dying too much through wreckless abandon, though. :laughing: But don't worry, I've not been crazy enough to approach any of those prowling baddies that are into their seventies, level wise. I was tempted to try my luck against the turtle things but thought better of it. They are lvl 32 and we are only lvl 19 so its still a mismatch.


I found one of the bird things that one shotted me near the water of Colony 9. I took it on and killed it. Revenge on its race was sweet.

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Valak Mountain = a chore.


God how boring is it running around that map..? I decided not to bother after what seemed an age uncovering just a little over half of it (maybe more actually).


I just advanced the story here, I did the first set of side quests you get as soon as you enter the region, then the quest you get when you meet up with the Nopon expedition team and I just could not manage to bring myself to spend any more time on that dull lifeless area (the music does not help the setting at all).


After a few cutscenes I simply couldn't explore the next area either, as I wanted to progress the story further so badly (I love the story) so I pelted through

Sword Valley and I ended the night just as I'd entered Galahad Fortress.


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Still haven't progressed to Prision Island yet. Still have a fair few side quests to do from Alcamoth and the odd one from Frontier.


Found the Shimming Forte quest in the Forest and took me ages to get a "Hot Day" with changing the time over and over, haha.


Got all parts of Colony 6 leveled up to lvl 2 and did a side quest for Werner which took ages and multiple warping to the same spot to get the Fliers to respawn.


Should get most of my Alcamoth stuff done today and get to move the story on.


Though tomorrow I'm going away for 6 days to visit my cousins house in Dublin... we have plans for a BSG marathon as he's watching it for the first time from my Boxset, he's got the last 8 eps of season 3 and season 4 & 5 left we plan to get through it all in the 6 days, haha.


Though I may copy my Xenoblade save file to an SD card and bring the game up with me and try play on his Wii whenever we aren't watching BSG, haha.

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You could try just contantly changing the time to try and get it to thunder, it's a random thing though so there is nothing you can do to garantee thunder.


White Eduardo is on an island on the Lake when you get the thunder. If you warp to the Komos (sp?) guidepost and walk straight to the Lake the island is a little off shore to the right, west of the big bridge I think. It usually has Famil's (sp?) on it.


White Eduardo is a Brog type monster and will be the only Brog there if he is there


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Yeah I just ran around doing other stuff. Once it started to Thunder I warped to the guidepost and made a dash for the lake.


Saved the game too while it was thunder just in case it stopped before I found him, so that I could reload and look again. :D

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Valak Mountain = a chore.


God how boring is it running around that map..? I decided not to bother after what seemed an age uncovering just a little over half of it (maybe more actually).


I just advanced the story here, I did the first set of side quests you get as soon as you enter the region, then the quest you get when you meet up with the Nopon expedition team and I just could not manage to bring myself to spend any more time on that dull lifeless area (the music does not help the setting at all).


After a few cutscenes I simply couldn't explore the next area either, as I wanted to progress the story further so badly (I love the story) so I pelted through

Sword Valley and I ended the night just as I'd entered Galahad Fortress.

I love Valak Mountain. I've been humming to the night music(or was it day? maybe both :p) while running around exploring. Love it.

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OK need some help here. There's a few thinsg I'm missing and can't find and it's doing my head in and my pride won't let me continue the story until I find these.


Roughly where is Secluded Island and Anu Shore on the Eryth Sea map? (Just give the nearest Hovering Reef that I can jump off of)


Also looking at my quest lists there are a few I'm missing.


Can someone tell me who they got the following quests from (though I suspect it'll just be regular non-named NPC's) in Alcamoth and the nearest landmark when you found them (and if possible the time you got if you remember?)


All from Alcamoth:


Challenge 2

Material Quest 1

Collection Quest 2


I've run all over the city night and day and can't find these quests, it's doing my head in :cry:



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Warp to the high entia tomb entrance at the sea. Look north and slightly west to the only bit of land that way, that is the shore. Look south west from the tomb entrance and you will see the Island. It's quicker to swim from the warp pad that takes you to alcomoth as that Is much closer - as you're almost far enough west, head south.

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All from Alcamoth:


Challenge 2

Material Quest 1

Collection Quest 2


I've run all over the city night and day and can't find these quests, it's doing my head in :cry:

Although I can't say for certain off the top of my head, I think you get some of those from Eryth Sea. Check the lighthouse.

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