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Decided to move on to Eryth Sea. Frontier Village was irritating me. And f**k me is it big.


Normally I'd go and scout the entire area before moving the story on but because it's so damned massive, I can't bring myself to do all the swimming necessary to fill the map page. There should have been something in place to make it easier than swimming, such as some form of vehicle. ::shrug: So I went and moved onto the city place and saved it there.


I'll get it all uncovered at some point but I did look around a hell of a lot already so it's good to know that I'll not get irritated by the music while doing all the swimming/walking (as I rather like both the day and night tracks that play).

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My god I think I've put in about 5 hours straight into this today doing nothing but explore Makna Forest more, and doing Frontier side quests, gotten most of them done.


Though one that annoyed me was the Challenge quest to kill the Breezy Zolos, took me ages to find the thing then when I did it was same level as me (38) and kept kicking my arse :heh: Did multiple attempts, finally managed to kill it when I got up to level 40 :D



Had a bit of a glitch happen too.


Was looking for a Flitered Water at the SHimmer Pool for Cherri. Had to find the pool though first. Lucky spoted an area on the map I'd not been yet and figured that must be it and it was.


But when I picked up the red orb it didn't register as me having gotten the item. No message for the quest 1/1 collected or press +Update or anything. The quest remained listed as "new" on my list and the item wasn't in my items list. Like WTF?


I think it may have been because when I entered the area and got the Landmark message maybe I picked up the red orb too fast?


I tried saving (on a different file space) and reloading, didn't work. Tried warping back to the area, didn't work.


In the end had to reload my previous save, luckly it wasn't that long ago, only about 10mins or so. Went back and did it again and it worked fine that time (waited for the Landmark message to fade before picking up the orb)




Anyway now my problem is I can't frakking find Cherri in Frontier Village anymore :heh:

I ran up and down that damn tree during her active time and found nothing... anyone any ideas where exactly she'd be?


I've progressed the story a little now too, just opened up Erth(sp?) Sea, saw the intro cut scene for that and saved. :D


Lucky my previous save wasn't that long


*looks at the time*


Its Reyn time.


Is it never Reyn Time :D

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If you look at the quest page, it lists the character's closest landmark. Still a pain to find characters in Frontier village though, but it helps a little at least.


That's just where you were when you got the quest isn't it? So yes, it means the character must pass a point somewhere near said point during the course of their day but it is still a pain in the backside... especially in the village where no one sits still.



I'm still at the sea trying to do my quests before moving on to the Island. I assume the Island is next anyway. Done so much swimming its untrue but I've been to all the land masses now. I've just been setting my controlller down a resting something on top of the analog stick to swim for me for some bits clearly far away.


In the tomb, I found a secret chamber but it was marked as the second secret room. I had a look around but couldn't see any other secret passages. Anyone know where the other is?

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In the tomb, I found a secret chamber but it was marked as the second secret room. I had a look around but couldn't see any other secret passages. Anyone know where the other is?


I'd heard about that, and was looking all over for it it this evening, but couldn't find it! :( I've just moved on to the prison, but maybe I'll go back and try and find that room again, as there's supposed to be an item in there that I need for a quest I've been given...

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Dunbar joins party, has the Monado.


*switch lead character to Dunbar*


Shulk nabs the Monado as Dunbar succumbs to overexertion.


*switch lead character to Shulk*


I'm so fickle. :grin:


Having spent 4-5 hours on Xenoblade now, I'm getting used to it and I've now sort of got a handle on how the first colony is laid out. I don't think I'm getting the best out of the battle system yet but I've noticed that battles aren't as frantic as I was having myself believe, so I should hopefully be able to start thinking out my attacks a bit better - ie making proper use of side and back attacks, instead of just choosing whatever attack isn't in cool down, lol.


Whats the timing for the b button presses and what do they do? I had a few of my characters on fire, NBA Jam style, but don't know specifically what it means.

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Just started playing this today as I finally had a free day where i could properly sit down and start it. I'd heard good things about it but wow, after just over 7 hours of straight play i'm very impressed.


The opening scene and battle was epic. The graphics are impressive for the wii, (but this didn't stop me thinking about how great this could've looked on the PS3).

The battle system is engaging and fairly easy to pick up, i love the banter going on between the characters as they're fighting. I love the menu layouts, the customisation of talents and skill trees is nice and easy. And the music, god the music in this game is so so good. The story is also fairly good, a bit undecided on how good i think the mechron are as the enemies, but they're something new and interesting which is always a plus. The characters in the game so far have all been likeable, so the cast gets a thumbs up from me so far.


My only minor complaints from the 7 hours i've spent with this so far, is the camera -while customisable- gets a bit annoying at times. Boss battles for one, which put you in a set area are bloody annoying when you get thrown back into a wall and the camera is looking straight over you.

The other minor problem is when there's lots of enemies grouped together and Reyn goes to get one, and then runs into another nearby group and aggros a fuckload of enemies. Then again this could just be me being careless. :p


As of now I have just reached the entrance to the Drainage area near Colony 6 with Shulk, Reyn and Sharla, all who have just reached level 20. I don't know if this is the right level to be at this point, some enemies seem to kick my arse more than others, but so far bosses have been okay it's mainly just big groups of normal enemies that kill me. I've generally been picking up every quest I see, but only finishing them if i happen to run into the objectives whilst exploring or progressing the story.


But overall, i'm very very happy that this game is so good thus far and can't wait to play more.


P.S. Did anyone else nearly run into that huge red thing which is in the bionis' leg area. I just about managed to see it as i was attacking something, looked at it's level and ran the hell out of there. As if the random level 7x purple chocobo things weren't bad enough.:eek:

Edited by Arnieboy
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Well, I started today's session at roughly 13:00 and I finished at just before, literally a couple minutes, 05:00 (with about an hours break for food).


That was a mammoth session... I stopped playing just as I got on to Prison Island.


Man I love this game!

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Well, I started today's session at roughly 13:00 and I finished at just before, literally a couple minutes, 05:00 (with about an hours break for food).


That was a mammoth session... I stopped playing just as I got on to Prison Island.


Man I love this game!


Man I wish I had the freedom to still play sessions like that *wife cracks whip* *baby cries*....:weep: I should have thought how this family lark would effect my obsessive gaming additiction :heh:





Anyway had a nice 3 hour session last night. Picked up at Eryth Sea decided to jump back I think I went back and did a few things round colony 6 and Frontier then went to start on the Sea.


JESUS Christ that place is huge. The sheer size of it made be progress the story to Alchamoth as I wanted to pick up side quests first before trying to explore anything. Then all the stuff happened and I didn't want to go off without my full party so was forced into progressing the story further.


Had to finished up at the Altar...


Couldn't beat this new Tellethia and had to leave it there. Got Shulk on 42 and the rest at 41, might go back now and level up a bit. Have Melia in the party and can warp out with it I think so will go side questing next session


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In case you want to move on, the sidequests in Alcamoth won't disappear if you move on to Prison Island and to next area after the events on Prison Island. Don't know when the cut off is but according to gamefaqs, you aren't told. FYI I don't use gamefaqs, I just wanted to know if it was safe to leave Eryth and Alcamoth and it is for a little while at least




Currently at lv 47 and 50-51 hours.

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The graphics are impressive for the wii, (but this didn't stop me thinking about how great this could've looked on the PS3).


On a similar note, from the beginning I was wondering to myself what these guys will manage to pull off on the Wii U.


My only minor complaints from the 7 hours i've spent with this so far, is the camera -while customisable- gets a bit annoying at times. Boss battles for one, which put you in a set area are bloody annoying when you get thrown back into a wall and the camera is looking straight over you.


Agree with you on this. I've noticed it a bit too, especially in the battle with the big mech with the face. The camera also sticks a bit when you are going down narrow back alleys. You'd think Nintendo would have lent them some of their camera expertise. :heh:



As for that battle with the mech with the face. You had to topple it to deal mega damage, remember? I assume this was meant to be done through timing those b button presses properly and triggering a group attack? Right, well, I didn't succeed ONCE with that, so what exactly is the timing you should be aiming for when that shrinking circle appears? This is no joke, that battle took me the best part of an hour last night! It was so long for me that I was needing toilet and drinks breaks during it. Luckily, the battle ended when you whittled that thing down to half its HP or I'd probably still be playing it! I chipped away at it doing one point of damage per attack. What a slog.

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You get the best result if you press the button when the outer circle aligns with the outer part of the inner circle(3 hearts). Within and you get 1 heart. As for the beginning of battles, I assume it has the same effect, meaning you get the most out of it if the outer circle aligns with the outer part of the inner circle.

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still cant find a copy of this anywhere :( dam you nintendo and your poor stock


That doesn't sound good...


... yeah, sounds like a pain.


I'm sure eBay have a few copies up their sleeve, but they are expensive... if I see one in any shops where I live then I'll be sure to buy it and sell it to you but aside from that, place a pre-order with ShopTo as they are sure to be one of the first online retailers to get it back in stock, plus they take Paypal.

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At the beginning of the battle, and during, the b button timing thing adds to your chain meter in the top left of the screen. The closer it is to being perfectly aligned with the blue circle, the more it'll fill up, diminishing as the circle gets closer to the b. So the better the timing, the quicker the chain bar fills up, and the quicker you can pull off a chain attack (which is what you needed to do to topple the mechon to damage it).


It also gives a boost to character attacks by the looks of things, working as a sort of rage effect. At least it has looked that way to me when using it. And as Tales mentioned, it helps with the affinity levels between characters, which you'll need to increase to be able to do the heart-to-hearts littering the world. You'll get used to it after a while (it's become second nature to me really) so just take on more battles, or groups of enemies, and test it out.




Went back to Frontier Village this morning to do some more side quests. Still can't complete the challenge quest in Makna Forest because it's never a hot day so Shimmering Forte won't appear. Annoying. But did some quests there and got to level 44 and decided to move the story forward.


Completed the Tomb (although was slightly confused with Melia's arts/not being the typical spell caster) and went through all the awesomeness that followed and I'm now ready to head to the Island. Not sure if I need to level any more than I have done as the Tomb was an absolute walk over so hopefully the next part will put up more of a challenge.

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Anyway now my problem is I can't frakking find Cherri in Frontier Village anymore :heh:

I ran up and down that damn tree during her active time and found nothing... anyone any ideas where exactly she'd be?


She is in the corner doing work in the pollen orb storage area in daytime and being bossed around by her nnoying boss, met a new face, jade face.


The new face (jade face) is gadolt, yes sharlas lover boy but his memories have been removed so he didn't remember and tried blowing them all up including himself using a huge energy force but fiora used the power of lady meyneth who is inside of her to shield them but gadolt is no where to be seen. It was a short boss battle though and didn't even get his health t below half so I think he is still alive, poor sharla but shes always got reyn



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I'd heard about that, and was looking all over for it it this evening, but couldn't find it! :(


You were looking for the first or second room? The path doesn't appear on the map, even if you walk straight past it but the room will... it's just that the room is far enough away to never appear accidently.


I noticed something of a second path but I couldn't reach without Melly but even with her, it came to a dead end. I say dead end, there was something on the wall as if I need to activate something elsewhere or need another character to get further. Maybe the other secret room is linked to that. I don't recall being given a quest linked to it though it did say something about it being the treasure of the HE. Yet the only thing I recall getting is a scroll so I can learn the advanced levels of Melly's Summon Bolt.



Thanks to Tales' post, I decided to push the story on a bit more and did now in the snowy mountains. For some reason, my map for the Sea is totally filled in when I know it shouldn't be. What I don't get is that they explicitly state that the reason it snows is because they are so high up and yet you walk out of the forest, where it's super sunny, into the very peak of the mountain where it's covered in white and make your way down. Doesn't make sense to me...

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I got a bit of a taste of this this evening there thanks to the 'snowman and it seemed very promising :hehe: I'm certainly interested in getting Xenoblade Chronicles now but finding the time to focus on it could prove very difficult :hmm:


Time is a huge factor but an hours play a day could have Xenoblade complete by around Halloween. :indeed:


The Bionis Knee/ Leg plain is huge. Its how that massive field area in FF XIII looked. :o

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You were looking for the first or second room? The path doesn't appear on the map, even if you walk straight past it but the room will... it's just that the room is far enough away to never appear accidently.


I was looking for the second one, but found it in the end thanks to a thread on the Gamespot forums.


I also started exploring the mountain area today (and thought the same thing as you about the sharp change in climate!). Another great area that looks even better at night!

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I was looking for the second one, but found it in the end thanks to a thread on the Gamespot forums.


I also started exploring the mountain area today (and thought the same thing as you about the sharp change in climate!). Another great area that looks even better at night!


So any hints as to where the other room is then?


Yeah at night it looks amzing and also the music gets so much better as well. I found the day music a bit dreary and I know it's supposed to highten that feeling of bleakness but it borders too much on dull.

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