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England Riots


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well in the interest of good humour, I give you this:


what the police report said:


what the public demanded:


what the government promised:


what I predict will happen:

(youtube tags were acting up, not sure why)


Fixed... you just need to post the unique 11 character video code inbetween the YT tags, the part after the 'v=' and nothing after or including the '&' symbol.

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Look, I want to apologise for my posts in this thread. My explanation: temporary insanity. I was literally angry out of my mind on seeing the riots, especially Monday's. I somewhat understood the disquiet on Saturday night after the shooting of Mark Duggan. I am never happy about someone being killed.


To see such a huge group who hate their own country so much was a big shock to me. When something has gone that badly wrong in society, big change is needed. I do have anti-liberal views, however I am genuinely upset if I offended anyone. In particular, I can't tell you how gutted I am to have upset King V, who is clearly one of the most decent and impressive people we've ever had on here.


Supergrunch is right: to have posted such things is a punishment of its own. Whilst I know I do not dislike other races, I believe my posts had a snarling tone that is similar to that of a racist's. Truly, I am ashamed to have turned so ugly. It just goes to show, you should always be on your guard not to lower yourself.


If something positive can come of this, perhaps we can come together to sort the problems out. If in 10 years' time there is no gangsta culture, no chav culture, no real underclass and no racism either, I for one will be happy.


I know the mods want an end to this, so that's all I'll say. Sorry.

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God dude. We put you on a pedestal and worship you, you instigate the creation of one of the most historical and epic threads on this forum and you make this hurtful comment. I am crai. I am crrraaaaiiiiil. But seriously, I love you I hope you feel strongly for some of us.



... :(


No, i didn't mean it... I just got... emotional. :nono: Such an act is frowned upon my people --- the Vulcans. Its just seeing some of this stuff at such a time makes me feel unwelcomed here. But you and many others are always in my heart :) - sorry to the genuine good folk of N-E for my 'friendly-fire' comments. :blush:


Look, I want to apologise for my posts in this thread. My explanation: temporary insanity. I was literally angry out of my mind on seeing the riots, especially Monday's. I somewhat understood the disquiet on Saturday night after the shooting of Mark Duggan. I am never happy about someone being killed.


To see such a huge group who hate their own country so much was a big shock to me. When something has gone that badly wrong in society, big change is needed. I do have anti-liberal views, however I am genuinely upset if I offended anyone. In particular, I can't tell you how gutted I am to have upset King V, who is clearly one of the most decent and impressive people we've ever had on here.


Supergrunch is right: to have posted such things is a punishment of its own. Whilst I know I do not dislike other races, I believe my posts had a snarling tone that is similar to that of a racist's. Truly, I am ashamed to have turned so ugly. It just goes to show, you should always be on your guard not to lower yourself.


If something positive can come of this, perhaps we can come together to sort the problems out. If in 10 years' time there is no gangsta culture, no chav culture, no real underclass and no racism either, I for one will be happy.


I know the mods want an end to this, so that's all I'll say. Sorry.



Graz, I didn't really mention your comments because I could sense - like me - you were in an emotional state. I know you are a rational thinker and so no respect has been lost for you.


For over 500 years, western Europe became 'Super Powers' by the mass labour of ethnic minorities. The slave labour and indentured servitude of these people have provided us in the west with economical prosperity. That same mechanism is in place to this day - The government might not say it in simple terms, but immigration has always done great things for the economy. That is why we ethnic minorities are here. And any legal 2nd generation citizenship should never be questioned.


We HAVE to come together as English people to solve these problems. That 'us' and 'them' mentality will only cause more alienation, mistrust, racism, counter-racism, terrorism etc...


But... 'aww shucks!'... I don't know about being impressive... but thank you for your kind words. I always hold you with high esteem, so no sweat. :hug:

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So, I went on holiday the day after the night this happened and only just catching up.


Had problems getting to the airport mind you as Woolwich was wrecked and they shut the train station which I needed to get to... I've seen a video from Woolwich of some scumbags charging and outnumbering like 8 police. Scary stuff. They also burnt down the wetherspoons in Woolwich which doesn't make sense as that's where most of them probably drunk. Burnt down your own boozer??


As I said I'm just catching up with it as I was enjoying the sun and peace in Malta. Glad I escaped a rioting London and England. Can't believe some of the stuff people have done and how they think they can get away with it. WTF.

Edited by Platty
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