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Borderlands 2


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My friend and I completed this just before Christmas and have started the second run through. Taking us aaaaaaaaages as we only get to play a bit once a week, and this is a looooong game if you're trying to complete everything. Bought the DLC pack as well way at the beginning, so we've got all that to go through once we've reached lvl 50!

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Bought this for the PC a few weeks ago, been playing 2-player co-op with my friend. We're at fat lady's desert garage place now...


The game is friggin' great, but it's stupid having to wait for weekends to play this :/ Well, I guess I could just go on shooting stuff by myself / with random people too...btw, I hear there's a second playthrough available after beating the game. Does this lock the character into that mode or can you change the difficulty back to normal at any point? Basically, is there a penalty / point of no return for playing the game forward by yourself?


And yes, I'm using the commando and his trusty turret. Assault rifle, submachine gun and sniper rifle for teh win.

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You get a NG+ at the end, True Vault Hunter Mode. You can switch in and out of this mode at any time. It will be a second playthrough with all missions reset, but challenges, weapons and levels remain tied to the character.


I'm confused by the second half of your question though. If you play the game forward by yourself you'll just have to replay it later, as your teammate won't have levelled up enough to join you in the tougher areas and you will have outlevelled the easy areas (even if you're ok with finding it easy, you'll make it too easy for your partner). Would make more sense to make a second character to get your fill.


Everyone... everyone picks the Commando. Zero is infinitely more fun. Just sayin' :D

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I have Zero. Ca'man, he had a freaking sword and can go invisible. Commando looked like your target audience catcher alpha male type.


I must say, disappointed with the loot I got from the end boss in True Vault Hunter mode. Fuck that, a couple of purples which were all worse than stuff I got from the golden chest.


I also don't see how it's possible to solo the warrior in this mode without picking him off before you drop down into the pit. One death and he's full health.

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Yeah was very disappointed when we beat the boss on TVHM. However, the single orange drop we got when beating Terramorphous was awesome (Siren class mod, "Slayer of Terramorphous"), wish it had been for Assassin...


I honestly can't fathom why more people didn't want to be Zero as soon as he appeared. Nothing feels more awesome in Borderlands to date than linking together 5 or so assassination attacks. I finished off Terramorphous jumping through the trap and hitting him with melee in mid air when he was on about 5% health. At that low health, 800% melee damage... :D I could be wrong but I swear the damage counter popped up "219k".

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  • 2 months later...
I am so goddamn tempted to just buy the game...but I always say to myself: "Wait for the GOTY edition!"


Yeah, that worked out nicely :blank:


Bought the game yesterday, because a mate and I will have a couple of evenings to play throughout next week and we needed a nice coop game.



Started playing solo. I like it, even though I'm annoyed by the snowy, arctic setting. But it's supposed to become more colourful later on, so that's something to look forward to.



Have some money on my PSN account, so any DLC worth getting right now, or should I finish the game first?

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Finish the game first, and see if you want to get the DLC. The game lasts pretty long without it anyway.


About the setting - there are different settings other than snowy, but don't get your hopes up on colourful landscapes. The one thing Borderlands doesn't do well is colour...


Finally reached level 50 yesterday playing through the 2nd runthrough. Which means i can use all my golden keys to get some good weaopns. To me it seems like orange items are much rarer than in the first game. So far i've had only one orange gun (a crappy rocket launcher), whereas in the first game, we had found a couple by the end of the first run through....

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Borderlands 2 is a lot more colourful than its predecessor though. Caustic Caverns green, Eridium Blight purple, Opportunity silver and blues...


Yeah it's a bit thin on orange items though. Not a single one from beating the Warrior on True Vault Hunter Mode in a team of 4. You can always grab an orange class mod from Terramorphous though.

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I don't know how you're supposed to know about Terramorphous without looking it up....


I knew it existed, but had no idea how to get to it until today. Might try it after we finish the game the second time.

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Nope, definiately never got that.....will have to look around for it the second time.




Level cap inbound! I'm not too fussed about the extra character. It's taken me four months just to get one character to level 50, not sure i can be bothered to play with others. The level cap will be good though, for the DLC (which i have not played yet) but i can't imagine playing through the whole game a third time :/

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