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A couple of recent discoveries worth sharing - a DJ by the handle Hiatus who sates my sordid appetite for quality easy listening perfectly. I heartily recommend you listen to his album Ghost Notes and other tracks on Soundcloud. His music is, as they say, "well chill."


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The other thing I've stumbled across is "ef", the Swedish anthem band I never knew I wanted to hear. Imagine if Coldplay were able to leave a greater impression then moldy 70's wallpaper and you're about half way there.


Broadcast Yourself
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Me, in a subjectivity argument? Who would have thought.



Anyway. I'll make this brief. Apparently good songs, objectively are the ones that have quality. Well then what makes a song have more "quality" than another? Is it more chords, is it more emotional attachment, is it more notes, is it talent. Besides quantitative answers like "most records sold, most notes, longest song, most listened on youtube" you can't possibly describe quality objectively. You would need to create categories. People would never agree on these categories. You would need to create scores, people would never agree on these either. You would have to put weight to each category, and no one would agree on that either. It's clear that how important something is for a song to be good (at entertaining that person) is dependant on the person. What is the point of music? To be rich in social satire, to evoke deep emotions, to allow people to dance? Until you have a clear purpose for music, you can't possibly make an objective decision of what a "good" song is because something can only be good at fulfilling a purpose, and can't stand as something good independently.


However, most arguments, or at least most of the ones I have fall down at the first hurdle. And that is that we probably define "objective" differently.


Does music fall into the objective category for me? No.


ob·jec·tive Adjective /əbˈjektiv/

- (of a person or their judgment) Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts

historians try to be objective and impartial


Music is obviously influenced by personal feelings, and you can never say that a song is factually "Good" unless it is good AT something.

- Not dependent on the mind for existence; actual

a matter of objective fact


What humans call music can exist without people, but without people to "judge it", it can never be called good.


- Of, relating to, or denoting a case of nouns and pronouns used as the object of a transitive verb or a preposition



Well that wasn't as brief as I thought. Oh well.

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This'll wake your ears up. My recent favourite band.



I'd thank but I'm out. Loved the tune.



And here is some Young Heart Attack. Everything about them is really cliché classic hard rock but they do it so well. So much energy and general good feelings from their music.


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Good stuff! These would be my favourite Anamanaguchi tracks other than Airbrushed (which is probably their most popular song):




And the 8 minute epic (honestly do stick with it, it is so worth it):



They have some singles available for free download on their website. Go get 'em.





Basically, go get all their stuff, right now, because it's awesome.


And if it sounds familiar? They did the soundtrack for the Scott Pilgrim XBLA/PSN game.

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This is a little shameless, but never mind:


My friend (and former forumite) plays bass in a new band called The Switch. Happily, they're awesome.



I enjoyed, they seem pretty decent for a new band.


Also, I finally got around to properly listening to Grace by Jeff Buckely yesterday - Hallelujah! - I can see why you love the album, it's genuinely brilliant and I think it's a huge shame that he died when he did, especially in such an unnecessary way :( he clearly had so much more to give.

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Auto-tuned so much. There's no need for actual humans in pop anymore.


I love the feeling though.




I just rock back and forth, shaking my hands/wrists, feeling emotionally distraught.






I'll be the Rose Of Sharon for you.

I'll be the Lily Of The Valley for you.

I'll be Isolde or Marian for you.

I'll come in a hurricane for you.

I'll do it for you.


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Ok so I'm a bit (10 years) behind the times with this one but does anyone listen to The Avalanches? It's the most excited I've been about hearing an album in so long. It reminds me a bit of the music I always wanted Jet Set Radio to have. The only have the one record, Since I Left You, but dam it's good. Varied, atmospheric, creative, derivative yet completely original....



All kinds of awesome.

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Also, I finally got around to properly listening to Grace by Jeff Buckely yesterday - Hallelujah! - I can see why you love the album, it's genuinely brilliant and I think it's a huge shame that he died when he did, especially in such an unnecessary way :( he clearly had so much more to give.


Grace is my favourite album of all time, never fails to send me into a reflective reverie where everything is bittersweet and beautiful.

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Going through a bit of a Jimmy Eat World phase at the moment, which coincidentally seems to occur whenever something awful happens in the world that forces us to re-examine everything we consider humane :heh:



So many great songs to choose from but I'll choose just one.



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Michel Gondry's new video for Björk's latest, Crystalline. Awesome video for an awesome song. The 'drum'n'bass' bit (though that feels too standard a description, it's out of this world) in the last minute is my life.


I feel done in. When will she stop being the best damn thing?

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Good. September will be a big month. Bjork and Laura Marling's new albums, Lars Von Trier's Melancholia is in cinemas, DC relaunch their entire line of comics, it's my birthday, back at uni...yesss.


Anyway. Music. Yes. Bjork. Yes.

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