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Pokémafia X : The Tournament of Champions


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Let us recap Esequiel's bullshit.

now Jonnas will have had a message and I received mine aswell. Aslong as there was no redirection involved I can safely say;


Vote Jonnas because he is mafia guaren - damn - teed.

No Jonnas was my target but I ended up at tales before who said they were palliative I think?

You admit here you've been redirected.


I targeted Jonnas 2 nights ago and was redirected to tales, was told he couldn't hurt me any more. I targeted Jonnas again last night and was told he couldn't kill me now even if he wanted to. Simples no?

No, it's not simples. Because if you ended up with Tales then it is Tales who couldn't kill you even if he wanted to.

If you don't vote a mafia off today it will be game over, both Jonnas and Eddie are killers. Pick one.

Do you actually read what you've already posted?




"Seemingly foolproof"? Esequiel says he targeted me, ended up at someone else, and that somehow makes me evil?

I think your lying pal.

Based on what? You can't even keep your own story straight. You acknowledge you targeted Jonnas and then was redirected to Tales, yet still maintain your information you got last night was on Jonnas when you known damn well it isn't.


Read into as you will, you and me both know that you can do diddly squat about it :)

Bait me all you like, it still doesn't change the fact your story is full of holes.


I would love to vote yo' mafia ass off if you hadn't protected youself against two votes.

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I'm not really sure how you could be a townie, thinking about it Esequiel. I'm absolutely not saying we should vote for you (much more willing to go with Eddie at this point), but the fact that your power basically stops people from targeting/harming/killing you has no real use for the town. I would say its more likely that you're a neutral, and that your goal is something along the lines of "you must ensure that you cannot be lynched, by getting a majority of people who cannot harm you" or something. Just something I thought of, although it has no real relevance to your info.


Right now I'm much more willing to go with Eddie - she seems to be the one who has cast iron evidence against her. Will wait to hear what she says first though, and how she answers my questions. At worst we can lynch Eddie today and Jonnas tomorrow now that we know they both can kill.

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I targetted you last night I got a PM.


Dude I targetted Jonnas 2 nights in a row. First time ended up with tales, second time got Jonnas.


At worst we can lynch Eddie today and Jonnas tomorrow now that we know they both can kill.


Oh, for fuck's sake! Do I need to point this out to you?


I targeted diageo so I didn't get anything. But my pm told me I was also knocked down by a powerful blast. The pm included last night's note about not being able to harm Esequiel, probably because I voted for him.


There, he got the PM, not me. Esequiel was redirected to Tales.


Frankly, Dohnut, I wouldn't expect this sort of argument from you. I'm starting to think you're the mafioso here.

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He said he had deleted his PMs after the 007 game, so he wasnt sure.


And Jonnas, while I do suspect you, I would like to point out again that I'm still very confused about the whole thing. Accusing me just because of this is ridiculous, I'm simply saying what I think the evidence is suggesting. If I am presented with evidence that Esequiel was redirected again I will take that comment back. In fact I'm still a little confused (and think you/Tales might also be) about who Esequiel ended up targeting last night. I assumed it was Tales the night before last and you tonight, but are you saying Tales has admitted during this day phase to receiving the 'no harm' PM?



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I stand by that Chairdriver is the safest bet as a redirector. If the lynch lean towards Eddie tomorrow I'll vote her. Remember it's pointless to go after Esequiel. don't waste too much discussing him, the mafia would want that.

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Tales! You can clear this shit up. Did you receive a PM at the end of last night, and if so what did it say?


As for the Eddie or Chair thing, it seems like there's more solid information on Eddie than chair as we have an actual investigation, but if Eddie gives a legitimate explanation them chair or Jonnas (depending on your answer) are the next obvious target for today.

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The same as last night. That I cannot harm Esequiel. It was included in my regular pm, where it said I was roleblocked by a blast. I thought it was because I voted him for and I trespassed my last warning so I got it again, didn't know he targeted me again.


About the blast, it said I was still confused about not being able to complete my action last night, implying not this most current night but the one before that, and then I was knocked down by a blast at which I replied "not again". I don't understand, I didn't send a pm that night, I forgot. Anyway, it's probably not too important. Just make sure we get EVERY town on the lynch, with 5 mafia that's the only way we can win unless we have a double voter.

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I think it unwise to take anything Esequiel says into consideration :|


Targeted Jonnas, got redirected to Tales and did whatever, but apparently Jonnas got a PM, which Esequiel got one also. Which doesn't make sense. If he got redirected Tales would've recieved a PM, not Jonnas.


What? I don't understand what these PMs are. So Jonnas got one saying not to harm Esequiel, like Tales did from before (or perhaps someone else, I forget)?


Okay, Eddie, so what's the name of your power? What pokemon are you?


I'm Venusaur. Which is why I couldn't have been the killer, because iirc from a past game/I assume/imagine that it would have been strangulation by vine (whip...lol), whereas herojan's description just...doesn't match that well?


You're not getting my power right now, since I don't even know anything about you (or Dazz, or EEVIL, or Ell, etc.). But I can confirm the possibility of Esequiel being a Pokédoll or whatever he's claiming, based on something else I know.

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I'm afraid that's not good enough. You have just said the reason you couldn't have brutally murdered someone is because you are a very large and powerful pokemon who would choose to strangle because it has vines? Lol try again :p


Give us your power or be lynched is the message here. The reason for you to hide it is because your power will get you lynched.

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Yeah, that's not good enough. Don't know if I've voted already but I will again just in case


Vote: Eddie Coleslaw


You could easily be telling the truth about your pokemon and still be the killer, so I want to know your power. That said, you could well be lying about your pokemon as well.


Also, Rez I hope you extend the day a little until a little while after the weekend. A lynch would be impossible with the meet going on, so please give us some extra time for people to get back, get online and catch up!


And Eddie, in terms of PMs:


Esequiel targeted Jonnas twice, and was redirected to Tales twice. Tales received two PMs saying that he couldn't harm Esequiel. Esequiel got PMs that confused things slightly, but ultimately he got Tales twice and so everything is cool there. It's between you and chair, and Tales seems happy to go for you instead as Chair was more of a 'it would kinda make sense if he was evil' thing. You're the more solid lead right now.

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Vote : EddieColeslaw - 7 ; Nintendohnut, Tales, Esequiel, Chairdriver, EddieColeslaw, Dazz, The Peeps.


A majority was reached! The folk gathered around EddieColeslaw, and even she herself admitted the truth...




EddieColeslaw is dead, she was フシギバナ (Japanese Venusaur), and blamed the lack of release of Pokemon Green outside of Japan on her lack of popularity when compared to the other Kanto starters. This lead to a vicious killing spree. She was neutral.




10 Players










The Peeps

Edited by ReZourceman
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