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Just watched, good call! Care to make another suggestion and make it a hattrick? :p


Haha, glad you liked it dude!


Not sure if you fancy a creepy, slow paced, rotoscoped highschool slice of life, but Flowers of Evil is pretty good. So good that I'm delaying the ending by never watching the last episode - meaning I can't say for sure how it ends, but I hear it's somewhat inconclusive!

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Shingeki no Kyojin


I love this manga. That latest chapter revelation!





I always suspected that there as a higher developed, richer human civilization outside the walls. Let's see if the story will turn into some kind of Truman Show-esque one.


Maybe it's a social experiment run by this newly revealed civilization or maybe the Titans are a failed experiment to create super soldiers and what we've seen now was just to keep the other civilization safe by using the humans inside the wall as bait/food.


Oh man...I need more chapters :laughing:


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I always suspected that there as a higher developed, richer human civilization outside the walls. Let's see if the story will turn into some kind of Truman Show-esque one.


Maybe it's a social experiment run by this newly revealed civilization or maybe the Titans are a failed experiment to create super soldiers and what we've seen now was just to keep the other civilization safe by using the humans inside the wall as bait/food.


Oh man...I need more chapters :laughing:


It's brilliant isn't it?! I always thought that too, there just had to be more!


The possibilities of where it could go now... I absolutely love it!

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It's brilliant isn't it?! I always thought that too, there just had to be more!


The possibilities of where it could go now... I absolutely love it!


You're not alone :D


By the way:


I love how Levi basically "destroyed" two possible cliffhangers:


"The key doesn't fit" ... FUCK IT, Levi kicks in the door. "We're going in now, biiiiitcheeees"

"The drawer is empty?" ... Levi finds the secret compartment. :D


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So I've been working my way through the One Piece anime. I'm in the middle of the Alabasta arc and I was just wondering, when do they stop the 4:3 aspect ratio and finally start broadcasting in 16:9? I heard it was around episode 200 or so.


During the next arc. Episode 207, I think?

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Personally I don't think the change in aspect ratio and the jump to higher definition was that great for One Piece. Seemed to me that scaling up eventually cost them a lot and the actual drawing quality suffered for a long time as a result. It's better these days but there were some really, really weak patches.


Speaking of the One Piece anime, I'm back to watching it :D reiterating like I do every 6 months that there's no way I could watch this show week by week, the pacing is just atrocious. I find myself fast-forwarding through. There's only so much I can put up with "I'm keep telling you x! And I told you y!" (cut away and return to this three episodes later). Still awesome beneath this though.

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The next episode, starting the Arlong Park arc, is where I think it hits it stride and basically never stops (well, with the exception of filler arcs, but some of those are actually good, in fact there were some I didn't realise were filler).


I remember once catching a random episode on TV (with the old, awful dubbing and censorship) and thinking it was really dumb. That was such a mistake as it lead to me putting it off for years. So glad I gave it another try. Yeah it's wacky but I wouldn't say childish, not really. It's silly and you feel like the mangaka is embracing crazy ideas he had as a kid and turning them into something deep and still fun. The story builds and builds and folds in on itself but it never feels stupidly out-there like Naruto and Bleach did towards their respective ends.


It also really, really messes with your emotions at times.


You're in for a hell of a ride :D


(But yeah expect the pacing to *really* stretch things out in some arcs, as well as super long intros, OPs and "previously on"s :p)


PS episode 272 best episode.

Edited by Shorty
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Personally I don't think the change in aspect ratio and the jump to higher definition was that great for One Piece. Seemed to me that scaling up eventually cost them a lot and the actual drawing quality suffered for a long time as a result. It's better these days but there were some really, really weak patches.


Speaking of the One Piece anime, I'm back to watching it :D reiterating like I do every 6 months that there's no way I could watch this show week by week, the pacing is just atrocious. I find myself fast-forwarding through. There's only so much I can put up with "I'm keep telling you x! And I told you y!" (cut away and return to this three episodes later). Still awesome beneath this though.


It looked great during Thriller Bark from what I remember. The quality drop seemed to start after then.


I think it's because they dropped the fillers arcs so now they have to rush to get the episodes out. Plus the 1 chapter = 1 episode really killed the pacing. They started adding some really random filler to the the episodes.


One of the filler arcs is based on a Playstation game.


I stopped watching it weekly to let it build up, but I kinda fell out of watching it so I need to do a catch up at some point.


I was saying to @Goafer on Sunday while we were watching some episodes I actually think its Coby that put me off everytime I tried the show. I get that the show is wacky but that character felt like it was out of place and almost from a different show.


I hated Coby at first, he seemed like the annoying sidekick character. Luckily he's only in a few episodes.

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