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The new anime and manga thread! [Use Spoiler Tags!]


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Am I the only one who's watching Knights of Sidonia then? :shakehead


The character animation is kind of growing on me, I'm just finding fault with the oddly slow framerate that's purposefully done (supposedly).


I googled it.. Looks interesting. Then I see this on Wikipedia:


The series will also be localized and streamed by Netflix at all its territories in Summer 2014.


Oh wow. Unexpected, but so awesome if true (I´ll look into it).


That said, I can see myself getting annoyed with the frame rate as well..

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NetfliX? Holy cow, I had no idea they were doing this! That sounds pretty damn cool.


As for the frame rate thing, apparently it's done so it feels more like it's been drawn/animated by hand, but I'm kind of sceptical about this, in the same way I'm sceptical about those who defend the industry standard FPS for movies being at 24fps, as higher framerates supposedly give every thing a soap opera feel.

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Been watching more One Piece over this weekend with kav


I'm now around 200 episodes in




Damn right it is. I used to think that Naruto is great, but One Piece is really something else. I started watching it from the start last summer, and have now gotten up to speed with the latest anime episodes. The writing is just so damn good, all the characters have their own personalities and quirks, the locations are interesting, and the fights are always tense since the heroes get their asses kicked too! Also, the foreshadowing is pretty damn godly, "remember that little thing you saw 200 episodes ago, yeah let me explain". I haven't even watched Naruto in ages now, it's feels like a totally dragging filler fest after OP...


So...any other animes you guys would recommend? Something in the vein of Naruto and OP, action and adventure that is...

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Damn right it is. I used to think that Naruto is great, but One Piece is really something else. I started watching it from the start last summer, and have now gotten up to speed with the latest anime episodes. The writing is just so damn good, all the characters have their own personalities and quirks, the locations are interesting, and the fights are always tense since the heroes get their asses kicked too! Also, the foreshadowing is pretty damn godly, "remember that little thing you saw 200 episodes ago, yeah let me explain". I haven't even watched Naruto in ages now, it's feels like a totally dragging filler fest after OP...


So...any other animes you guys would recommend? Something in the vein of Naruto and OP, action and adventure that is...


Hunter x Hunter

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Also, the foreshadowing is pretty damn godly


You're going to see more of that epic foreshadowing in this arc as well! :awesome:


So...any other animes you guys would recommend? Something in the vein of Naruto and OP, action and adventure that is...


Like Kav suggested:

Hunter X Hunter 2011



Seriously, this is top tier stuff. No filler, no plot-holes, great characters with even greater character development all wrapped inside a truly excellent story that looks cheery and fun-filled at first, but has a much darker core when compared to similar adventures like One Piece/Naruto. The only problem with the series is the inconsistent art and the constant hiatuses.

In the manga the art ranges from rough sketches (sometimes this was due to his illness) with no effort, detail, background art etc....



To great...

Trust me, there are MUCH better examples than this, but they're far too spoilery.




Hunter X Hunter only started a year after One Piece yet it's over 400 chapters behind due to Togashi putting the series on hiatus on a number of occasions, but having said that, the manga is returning from it's most recent break (over 2 years) to Weekly Shonen Jump on June the 2nd. Yoshihiro Togashi is an excellent story teller and it's great to finally see him back (and this is coming from a new fan :p)


Roughly 300 chapters have been expertly condensed into 126 episodes for you to watch so far. The animation is fluid, the soundtrack matches the series really well and the voice actors are fantastic.


Madhouse as a whole have done a marvelous job in staying true to the manga while giving us one of the most consistent shows I have ever watched. I highly recommend it.

Edited by -Dem0-
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Is it worth watching this newer Hunter X Hunter 2011 series if you already watched the old one and the 3 OVAs?


In a word, yes.

The quality of animation is so good it's definitely worth watching. Episode 126 is possibly the greatest example of how to do an episode of anime I have ever seen! A flawless episode!



On a side note, I watched a few episodes of One Piece with @Blade last night and decided to hook my WiiU up to my projector to do so, 'twas awesome!




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THAT S.O.B TOOK HIS EYE! I demand vengeance!


Did not see that coming. Also looks like Sakura could be in for a world of hurt in the next chapter.


That was a good chapter, but the last few pages with Kakashi just made me laugh.


Like seriously, we all know he's exhausted and extremely vulnerable, yet an experienced Jonin has his back turned on a dangerous battlefield towards Madara!?


There could only be one explanation to this...


What everyone saw:


Kakashi recuperating


What my messed up imagination saw:


Kakashi reading Jiraiya's Make-Out series in public!


If that wasn't enough we get some super-speed-high-efficiency-eye-transplant-surgery from Madara to top it all off. What happened to the long process that Sasuke went through to get Itachi's eyes (unless I'm forgetting something)?


Who needs Specsavers when there are Sharingan eyes ripe for the picking?


So yeah, I found that funny. Maybe Sakura & Obito will provide me with some more comedy in the next issue.


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Am I the only one who's watching Knights of Sidonia then? :shakehead


The character animation is kind of growing on me, I'm just finding fault with the oddly slow framerate that's purposefully done (supposedly).



Just watched the first 3 episodes and quite enjoyed it, I'll keep watching and post what I think after a bit more.

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Speaking of HunterxHunter


Gon is quite scary right now, he's just seeing through every bluff and distraction tactic Pitou is pulling and it's awesome. Not much happened yet so much happened, I really want to get Gon and Pitou's fight already.


Edited by Emerald Emblem
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Think my next manga purchases are going to be Vinland Saga (apparently it's like a much more mature One Piece, sounds good to me!) & Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin (both hardcover omnibuses). The Origin was recommended to me even though my only Gundam experience came from the Gundam Wing dub on Cartoon network. I've read some reviews/impressions and it sounds good. The quality of the book as a whole is quite impressive (youtube video).


What do you think about buying The Origin, @Debug Mode?

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What do you think about buying The Origin, @Debug Mode?


Oh god yes. Those hardback omnibus volumes are absolutely gorgeous, I nearly bought all the ones available to date the other week haha, but I've got to be a little bit more frugal with my money for the near future at the least.


The Origin is arguable the most accessible way to get into the original Gundam story. It is mostly the same, with some deviations every now and there, but from the Japanese volumes I've read thus far it is an absolutely brilliant adaptation.


If you like mecha, you'll love Origins, especially if you were a fan of Gundam Wing. Universal Century will always be my favourite due to the incredibly difficult political situation, and there is so much material on it. Absolute classic.

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Speaking of HunterxHunter


Gon is quite scary right now, he's just seeing through every bluff and distraction tactic Pitou is pulling and it's awesome. Not much happened yet so much happened, I really want to get Gon and Pitou's fight already.


Me too!!! So buzzing!!

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