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Soy beans and almonds are good sources of protein/low on fat content (peanuts being 50%, according to urban legends) - and generally nuts/beans/legumes are great snack foods for all-round nutrient value versus your typical crisps/pot noodle/choc bar snacks. They're just not necessarily readily available in affordable amounts as the other snackfoods are.


[/2nd hand knowledge]

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You really think the only source of protein is animal products? Oh dear


I seem to have offended you, sorry about that.


For the record, that wasn't aimed at you, specifically.


My intention was to get people talking about protein in non-animal products.


As you can see I was successful. :smile:

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No, cooking is effort.


I can base tastiness on restaurant meals and other things. I thought ready made meals with meat were cheaper than buying ready made meals without meat or cooking with vegetables. I don't know why. I don't really buy groceries. I can concede if you want, I never put any research into the prices of various groceries. Vegetarianism is probably cheaper.


The main point is that I have no reason not to eat meat.


Read meals with 'meat' probably are cheaper but actual meals? Not so much. I'd say on average veggie meals are cheaper.

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Ready meals with 'meat' aren't cheaper. Look at basics range microwave meals. Mac cheese is cheaper than lasagne or chicken/bacon meal. Cheapest level pizzas there tends to be no difference in price whatsoever.


But... Man, what? Srsly diageo, go out and live a little. I'm glad you gave some leeway in your 'debate' here concerning your ignorance on teh subject. I just hope you can realise that this is a kind of microcosm of your arguments in general; if you have no experience on the matter then you have to realise your opinion is going to be of less value than those who know wtf they'r talking about.


Lol tired.

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I only said it once, that I thought they were cheaper. Then I immediately conceded and said I never researched it, and that it was not the crux of my argument.


You seem to be focusing on the price, which I have already said is not what I care about because I never buy groceries.


The "microcosm" of my argument is that there is no reason for me to not eat meat. It has always been.

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You did indeed say it once - but I figured I'd establish this as the first instance to which you have conceded that you are not aware of everything because you have not experienced everything, and if you can admit as much then there's progress made towards other areas of your 'opinions' that you may reconsider the next time an argument arises.

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I didn't know I had to be an expert on every discussion to give my opinion. I like discussions because they help me either think things out more thoroughly, learn new things, or help others. Obviously my opinion on the price of vegetables is going to be taken less seriously than someone who regularly buys vegetables, or a vegetable researcher or something. I still don't see why your focusing solely on this price thing.


I didn't think I even needed to be quoted by Ashley. I said, that I previously thought that ready made meals are cheaper, and that is why I called it cheaper. And that I'm more than happy to agree that vegetarianism can be, and probably is cheaper. I don't care. I don't see why you continue to go on about it like all I care about is the price of my food products.


You did indeed say it once - but I figured I'd establish this as the first instance to which you have conceded that you are not aware of everything because you have not experienced everything, and if you can admit as much then there's progress made towards other areas of your 'opinions' that you may reconsider the next time an argument arises.


I have never been "afraid" to concede in an argument. I am well aware that my opinions can change. That's why I discuss them.

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I still don't see why your focusing solely on this price thing.


Because some of us have to care about the cost of food, while apparently you don't :heh:


(I know that's not what you said but its how I'm reading it Mr. Moneybags)

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Well fell free to discuss it. It's just the fact that you quoted me seems to have given jayseven tunnel vision.


It just seemed like you were trying to convince me of something I already conceded on. But I guess you were just taking the fact that I mentioned ready made meals and talking about it.


Ready meals with 'meat' aren't cheaper. Look at basics range microwave meals. Mac cheese is cheaper than lasagne or chicken/bacon meal. Cheapest level pizzas there tends to be no difference in price whatsoever.


But... Man, what? Srsly diageo, go out and live a little. I'm glad you gave some leeway in your 'debate' here concerning your ignorance on teh subject. I just hope you can realise that this is a kind of microcosm of your arguments in general; if you have no experience on the matter then you have to realise your opinion is going to be of less value than those who know wtf they'r talking about.


Lol tired.

I know you are probably done with this now, especially since you repeatedly claim you don't have enough patience to talk to me extensively, but your words tend to stick in my mind like priests stick to altar boys so I had to come back to this thread.


Go out and live a little? What is that supposed to mean. Are you insinuating that because I don't buy my own food that my life is incomplete, that I should be ashamed to be so dependent on others and realise that this area of my life needs special attention because I can't be a fully experienced, fulfilled and happy individual without it?


Then you go to highlight my "ignorance on teh subject", like the entire conversation has been destroyed because I dared to mention price without the full required research to back up such a claim and that the whole idea of being a vegetarian or vegan, revolves only around the fact that meat is more expensive.


Next, you generalise over everything I have ever said, claiming I can only take a severely limited point of view, stuck in my own bubble without ever taking any other human's opinions into consideration and completely ignoring that there is a world outside my comfort zone.


Then lastly, you speak as if everyone else besides me is an expert on the matter at hand, and that I should digress for divulging my own opinion unless I have years of experience in the subject. That you and others here know "wtf" you are on about, with an attitude that "I should let the grown-ups talk about the things they care about because I can't understand it". Now I am not insinuating discrimination regarding age, but that's just the sort of patronising atmosphere I am getting from your comment.


So basically, you annoyed me. And on the spirit of not holding back just because you are not sure someone will want to read it, I decided to write this for you. Even if you don't read it. Because as I said before, the things you say, and no it is not because of their intrinsic wisdom (not that you don't have words of wisdom), but because they have this innate ability to get under my skin. And as much as I don't like thinking about it because really, it's not that big of a deal, I thought I would try getting it all out for once. Either for my own benefit, to release, to procrastinate, to pass the time, to entertain, or for the benefit of others, whatever that may be.


Now I know that I'm reading heavily between the lines, and the intentions behind your words may be very different to what I am taking from them. Feel free to correct me. I have taken that into consideration and so will hold these ideas temporarily until confirmed, which may be never depending on your patience.


So finally I will retort. Seriously, I live the way I want to live because that is how I want to live it. And if I don't find the price of food important, it doesn't mean I am in need of better "living" because I don't fall into your categorisation of a "lived" life.


"Some leeway on the 'debate' here concerning (my) ignorance on teh subject"? My only ignorance on the subject of vegetarianism/veganism was price. And since that is not of great significance in my argument at all, there is no reason to highlight it repeatedly and use it as an example to claim that I have said ignorance in all arguments or discussions I partake in, including this one. My opinion is as valid as anyone else's, including yours. And while making a mistake in one part of an argument can undermine it somewhat, smart individuals such as yourself should understand that people make mistakes and that you should focus on the actual point of the argument, instead of using this mistake to make a large sweeping generalisation over everything I have ever said.


You hope I can realise that I live in a microcosm. Your "hope" making you seem like a caring, more knowledgeable individual who only cares for my personal development. When really, you don't give a crap, and just want to take a stab at me based on your perception of my arguments and opinions because they are so wildly different to yours. I would comment on the "arguments in general" bit, but I would be just repeating myself even more than I already am.


You say I have no experience on the matter. I don't know if you are referring to the price of groceries or Veganism/Vegetarianism itself, but I really hope you are talking about price, even though I don't think you are. Because to have no experience on the matter of whether or not I eat meat, I would have to never have eaten a meal in my life. And I know I'm taking a general term very literally, but it's little things like this that I notice the most. If you are referring to Veganism/Vegetarianism, then I can safely say that I can have an respectable opinion on the matter, and while the argument of price may have fallen through, I can change and adapt my thinking to compensate to that new knowledge and see that my opinion still stands strong, even if you don't think it does.


Even if you think you know "wtf" you are talking about and you think that I don't, I can still be part of the discussion. It annoys me no end that your post insinuates I have no place in this thread because I don't have extensive knowledge on the price of groceries.


Well that is probably the longest post I have written in a long time, or ever. I sure feel better after rambling. At least you helped me with something, since you "hope" for me to come to life altering realisations. This post came out very negatively, and rightly so because it bothered me enough for me to write this whole message. But I don't harbour particularly negative feelings towards you, just towards that post. I'll probably forget about it in a week.


That's me done for tonight.

Edited by Diageo
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They have groups for people who have been affected by priests. I'm sure they have one for you too.


In all seriousness; I'm touched you took such an effort to reply. Genuinely, I have a thing about one's debating style, and I think more often than not some people end up drawing heat when 'opining' because they fail to express what they're saying in a way that is both open and humble. I also have a thing about humility.


I apologise.

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They have groups for people who have been affected by priests. I'm sure they have one for you too.


In all seriousness; I'm touched you took such an effort to reply. Genuinely, I have a thing about one's debating style, and I think more often than not some people end up drawing heat when 'opining' because they fail to express what they're saying in a way that is both open and humble. I also have a thing about humility.


I apologise.


I was about to say that it is often the styles of debate that clash rather than actual opinions. :)

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Rats are ace. My friend had one as a pet. They're pretty smart.


Anything is fair game for medical testing.

Would you not kill a cockroach in your room. Or thread carefully on grass in case you crush a bug. Or not smack a fly that's on your arm.


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