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Kurtle Squad

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I tend to wait 10-15 minutes for a reply then send about 5 more messages asking "Why won't you love me?!"


The real tip is to wait 5 minutes more and then call her a stuck up bitch who you were just doing a favour messaging.

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The real tip is to wait 5 minutes more and then call her a stuck up bitch who you were just doing a favour messaging.



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Sci-fi, video games and board games.


Thats cute :D Where are you going for your date?


Just downloaded a Tinder app... Wish me good luck cos I just spent last 6 years being a quirkyalone XD


Dont they force you to give you their phone number or something?


They all seem to want your phone number these days.

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Apparently most women within my area are heightists. There are one woman who wrote "Do you know what guys under 6 foot called? Friends." Automatic swipe left for me.


Should have sent her a message saying that you're only over 6 feet if you lie on your back. Might have worked.

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Sorry to hear that Cube, but don't mull over it at all, it happens. Move on and give it another shot :D all good experience.


First couple of dates I had when I got back into it last year, I was bothered at first when they didn't go anywhere. But in hindsight I appreciated the chance they gave me to iron out the wrinkles in my dating game, expendable dates where you can say something daft or whatever, and next time you know you won't do that again.

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Sorry to hear that Cube, but don't mull over it at all, it happens. Move on and give it another shot :D all good experience.


I'm just glad that I managed to keep a conversation with a stranger going for two hours.

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I met a guy who was absolutely lovely, great personality, great on paper (owned a house, and a car, very successfully self employed) and great sex.... but that click just wasn't there. I didn't feel that warm adoration you feel when you are really into someone. Often its honestly just not their fault, just sad facts.

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I think that went pretty well. I'll probably be seeing her again.


Edit: Apparently not. There was apparently "no chemistry".


I've had that so many times. I find it really annoying as you can't always tell if there's chemistry after one date, especially considering you'll both be quite nervous and not your natural selves.


I did have one woman text me back a day after the no chemistry line saying she'd been a bit hasty and wanted to go on a second date.

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I've had that so many times. I find it really annoying as you can't always tell if there's chemistry after one date, especially considering you'll both be quite nervous and not your natural selves.


Yes, it does seem odd to me. I thought it went well because she told me a lot about her (including where she lived, which seemed a bit random) and she gave me a lift home even though I was capable of walking.


Still, at least she was polite when I hugged her at the end of it (unlike my last date, who refused).

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Still, at least she was polite when I hugged her at the end of it (unlike my last date, who refused).


The next time you hug someone in a first date, try poking them in the eye with the collar of your leather jacket. Worked a charm for me and I'm still with her.

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So, question: How often is reasonable to see your other half? How long have you been together?



Also current things!

Haven't seen my lady friend for 2 weeks(is only a trip into london for me, but she had uni work, and then she went on a holiday last week) and we only text when we're not together because she hates phone calls. Tbh I'd seen her 3 weeks ago and asked if I'd see her before her holiday - she didn't even seem sure til I suggested I'd come up and see her again a week later. I understand she's got uni and work to do and I don't mind just chilling with her whilst she does it but meh.

She has placement this week(12 hour shifts) and I probably won't see her at all. It's also my birthday this week, and whilst I'm not explicitly doing anything I thought she'd maybe be thinking about trying to see me. It bugs me. I miss her, and texts just ain't the same, I wanted to call/speak to her just before she flew for holiday - she almost pretty much ignored it. She came back yesterday, text me a bit(was messaging whilst on holiday too) but no mention of trying to see me. I dunno if I'm going crazy, but I miss her, and tell her, and she says she misses me too - but sometimes I wonder how much effort she wants to make to see me. Resultantly I've had a massive text barney this morning - half fired off by me thinking she ignored me for an hour after I asked if I'd see her soon because her fucking message didn't come through(VERY unfortunate, evident only halfway through the conversation) and she thinking I was ignoring her a bit too. I want to see her, or at least talk to her on the phone, but she's said phone calls make her anxious and uncomfortable(we've had like 2-3 before, usually brief when there's been an issue) and she's absolutely unwilling to compromise on them.


The thing is if she texts me(sometimes those awkward 'statement' texts that you can't neccessarily make a good reply to) I make an effort to text back most of the time. If I don't, I get worried she'll think I don't want to talk to her or something's wrong. Sometimes a conversation flows ok, sometimes it doesn't. I don't feel like we struggle when we're together, and in fact that's fantastic, but when we're apart sometimes all the crazyness creeps into my head. I'm thinking about saying I need to dial back texting her back - because tbh it does kinda hurt me having this half a text conversation but not having her, but I dunno. I think she's gonna take to it badly and think I'm just trying to punish her for the phone call thing.

I feel like more often than not she's putting her before me than me before her, but I don't know if I'm just being crazy or what. I feel like I'm giving more than she is sometimes, though. I dunno if it's just the age thing or what, but I am starting to wonder if I can carry on doing it/giving as much.


tl;dr - how would you feel if you'd only communicated with your other half through messages and nothing else for 2+ weeks?



(powar aboose caveat: my posts may mysteriously edit or dissappear, along with quotes of them, in the event she ever discovers N-E and how much this place matters to me)

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