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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Cheers, we're tentatively planning something different next week. We've had a date where she lives (last Saturday), where i live (yesterday). So thinking of Cardiff for the 3rd, however next Saturday has that Six Nations game on so would be trying to avoid Cardiff.


I got some ideas for a 3rd date, she's got some ideas. I'm sure we'll sort something out.


Edit: She's up for next weekend, we are also meeting up for a coffee tomorrow morning as she's going past mine on her way to work.

Edited by Jimbob
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Still working out if I want to be friends again with the ex in a few months , like I think we both want to find the relationship we used to have which was so much better than the last few months . Problem is we have pushed each other away so much I can't see that happening .

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I'm sure the conversation came up before - but(jokes aside) how young would people say is too young? Classic half your age plus 7? I'm pretty sure someone's kinda into me, but there's a fair bit of an age gap that's bugging me, plus a whole other issue in that I know some of her family quite well. I'm currently stuck thinking what a terrible idea it is, but also there's the whole less logical side of it all too :p

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I'm sure the conversation came up before - but(jokes aside) how young would people say is too young? Classic half your age plus 7? I'm pretty sure someone's kinda into me, but there's a fair bit of an age gap that's bugging me, plus a whole other issue in that I know some of her family quite well. I'm currently stuck thinking what a terrible idea it is, but also there's the whole less logical side of it all too :p


For me it's more a case of what stage in life they're at. I'm at the point where I'm starting to build up my career, and will be looking to settle down in a few years, and then kids after that.


If somebody is going to be going off to uni, then looking for a job etc. then they won't be looking to settle down for another 5 or 10 years.


Equally if somebody is already settled down then I feel like I'd be missing out on some of my years if I settled down with them.



Unless she's like 12 or something, then you should be ashamed for even asking.

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Unless she's like 12 or something, then you should be ashamed for even asking.


Ahhh, the much preferred half your age minus 7 rule. It's served me and ReZ well.


But on the proper note it's like...9/10 difference?


For me it's more a case of what stage in life they're at. I'm at the point where I'm starting to build up my career, and will be looking to settle down in a few years, and then kids after that.


If somebody is going to be going off to uni, then looking for a job etc. then they won't be looking to settle down for another 5 or 10 years.


Equally if somebody is already settled down then I feel like I'd be missing out on some of my years if I settled down with them.


Hmm. Maybe I'm just thinking how young it is and in some ways how young *I* was then. Tbh I keep forgetting how young they are and how old I am :p


But I guess I agree with you and Raining. I mean, I'm certainly progressing somewhat in life but I can't say I feel terribly old or settley downy or anything, really I'm probably more like the oldie who won't stop partying, even though I know I really should :p


It's also somewhat the fact I know her family of sorts, as the reason I know her is they're related to some friends of mine that I've known for a long time. I think maybe the whole implication of knowing that family well(ish) is also bothering me, but meh. I'm feeling a little less silly about it than I was most of the day, and I think I'll have a chance to see her in the next few days anyhow. Who knows, could be making mountains out of molehills and she just had a bit too much to drink.

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Ahhh, the much preferred half your age minus 7 rule. It's served me and ReZ well.


But on the proper note it's like...9/10 difference?


I went on a few dates with someone two summers ago and there was a nine-and-a-bit difference. It felt weird at first, but in reality was fine (other than some age-related jokes). As Moogs said, depends on the person really.


That being said nothing really happened as they went off to uni.

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If things with the girl I'm seeing go anywhere, which... I have still got no idea if they're going to, the age difference (only five years in my case) is a big plus to me. All my previous serious relationships the girl has been older and its caused the occasional strife, almost everything about a five year difference in the other direction is an advantage.

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I went on a few dates with someone two summers ago and there was a nine-and-a-bit difference. It felt weird at first, but in reality was fine (other than some age-related jokes). As Moogs said, depends on the person really.


That being said nothing really happened as they went off to uni.


Well, nothing's really happened between us either, though that was quite possibly due to me making the decision to be sensible on Saturday despite myself :woops:


I saw her last night though, as part of a tabletop thing we do, we were pretty close and comfortable but I didn't really get any chance to particularly talk privately, and her cousin either didn't want me to or is just obliviously tactless to the fact so couldn't on the way home either :p It's weird as it's really something and nothing at the same time; so I think I'm just gonna ride it out for now and see what happens. Will likely see her in company again next week, I'll just leave it til then. Got enough going on anyway.


Weirdest thing though - whilst I'm not feeling rested I'm pretty sure I had the most tranquil night's sleep I've had in a very long time. Don't think I've woken up feeling so at ease in forever. Of course such delightful feeling is slowly disappearing as life and work creeps on me today -.-

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Well, nothing's really happened between us either, though that was quite possibly due to me making the decision to be sensible on Saturday despite myself :woops:


I saw her last night though, as part of a tabletop thing we do, we were pretty close and comfortable but I didn't really get any chance to particularly talk privately, and her cousin either didn't want me to or is just obliviously tactless to the fact so couldn't on the way home either :p It's weird as it's really something and nothing at the same time; so I think I'm just gonna ride it out for now and see what happens. Will likely see her in company again next week, I'll just leave it til then. Got enough going on anyway.


Weirdest thing though - whilst I'm not feeling rested I'm pretty sure I had the most tranquil night's sleep I've had in a very long time. Don't think I've woken up feeling so at ease in forever. Of course such delightful feeling is slowly disappearing as life and work creeps on me today -.-

Sounds like you got roofied.

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Got unfriended by the ex , it's all my fault . Now she will definitely publicly be seeing someone else . No friendship chance as well to be honest

I'm sorry this is happening to you but maybe it's for the best. Being friends with an ex can work but it also has its downsides as well. Whether it's yours or her fault doesn't matter, what matters now is focusing on yourself because she's clearly shown that she's doing the same for herself.


You time is the best time sometimes...time.

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I really feel for you, I went through an awful breakup. I hung onto that person, we stayed friends, but really it would never work. IMO you're just better parting ways in nearly every breakup.


I wish you all the luck in the world finding someone new, don't lose hope in yourself just yet! :-)

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Gonna be seeing my ex-fiancée in a week or so, sorting through stuff she left at my house (I put it all in the basement...), helping her take things to the tip (she got rid of her car). Now that I'm moving house this stuff needs sorting. It's been about 18 months, think I'm okay now, but we'll see. It's gonna be strange, just trying to have normal conversations about work and the weather and crap, ignoring the elephant in the room.

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Partial solution to my dilemma. Decided to be a bit brazen and suggest visiting her last night(never been there before etc), but it seems our combined subtle hints and complete fucking idiocy means that neither of us were actually all that sure if there was something there or not, and she didn't seem to want to bring it up, so I didn't bring it up, but then eventually I managed to bring it up and we wondered why we'd spent so much of the eve having nice polite discussions(tho they were good chattings) rather than talking about it all. She's gonna talk to her cousin(my mate) about the idea of us being anything before we do anything for now.

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