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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Gah, the imperial system is so terrible, why don't you guys just change it??


We have, the majority of things are transferred over apart from our driving system.


The use of stones and pounds for measuring weight and feet and inches for measuring height are actually out of date. Any time you get weighed/measured for medical purposes I believe you should be given the reading in kilograms and centimetres. Which is the way it should be.


At any rate, I've long since stopped weighing myself in stone. The metric system is just far easier to use and far more transferrable and scalable.


As for our roads, I would imagine because its so set in stone (road signs, every single car speedometer, milometer etc) is already in miles it'll be very hard to change that across the whole country.

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I had a revelation today. It started with me thinking I'm too paranoid for this 'dating' malarky. What if they know my friends and they gossip. Then I realised I don't actually care about gossip. It's more the fact that the only people who ever seem to be into me I just don't find attractive and if they did know my friends I'd think they'd be judging me.


I'm just really fucking shallow I guess :D

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Oh yeah, being immune to gossip is important. Not just romantically, but for everything.


I used to always be worried about what people thought about what I did, hence I never got anywhere. Now, I don't give a fuck, life has never been so much better.


People who gossip about you basically have nothing going for themselves in life, hence the only reason why they like to gossip is to make themselves feel good.

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I used to always be worried about what people thought about what I did, hence I never got anywhere. Now, I don't give a fuck, life has never been so much better.


People who gossip about you basically have nothing going for themselves in life, hence the only reason why they like to gossip is to make themselves feel good.


Very true.


As long as I've got a clear conscience (which is important), I can hold my head up high. I've found the best people see your true side too.

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I used to always be worried about what people thought about what I did, hence I never got anywhere. Now, I don't give a fuck, life has never been so much better.


People who gossip about you basically have nothing going for themselves in life, hence the only reason why they like to gossip is to make themselves feel good.

That's a very vast, blanket statement that's not true.

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That's a very vast, blanket statement that's not true.


Say what you want, but the moment you start thinking about what others think, you start to slow down and think about what they might be saying. Life is all about having a clear vision on what you desire, even if everyone is out to get you with what you want to do, the main thing in life is to go after your desire, but you alone have to believe in yourself first, because if you can't then who will? I know a lot my friends had to go through hell and back, they were laughed at always talked behind their back etc etc... now a lot of them are successful who never look back, while the ones who were laughing and talking behind their back are still working in some shitty job with no life going for them.


It's the same thing with girls, if I like someone I ask her out, I don't wait, most of the time people might be scared she might tell everyone, but even if they do so what? I just move on.

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Hmm, been texting and talking with this one girl, overall vibe still positive :) Talked about going for a walk today and she was open to that despite all her stress and school work. Agreed on that she'd think about it...but come today, no confirmation at all, i.e. yes or no. Well shit, next time I'll confirm it myself! xD "You coming or not womaaaaan, tell meeeeee!"


Hmm, not so sure about this anymore. She texted on Monday and asked about some math stuff, not even mentioning the walk. When I did ask about it, she was all "sorry sorry sorry, was in a coma-like state the whole weekend, so tired". Well, I've seen her calendar and it's so fucking full that I don't doubt her being tired at all...However, she didn't even remember the whole walk or just failed to inform me? Wtf...


Yeah, the signal is too mixed :( We get along fine, texting here and there, she laughs at my jokes, seems interested, keeps up the conversation. However, going for a walk or doing something else besides seeing each other at school or other random places...total fail. I asked her for a little fall sightseeing trip earlier, response positive-ish, but no follow-up from her part. Brought it up later by hinting I might do the trip myself, no real response. Have asked her for a walk twice now, first time she wasn't in town, second time this. No follow-up, no effort to reschedule, no initiative to do anything, just the occasional text. Well, seems pretty clear she isn't interested or ready for anything more...or just immature / very confused / consumed by her studies. Thought I might ask one last time and clarify if she even wants to be asked out and whether she will actually ever say yes, but not so sure anymore...Anyway, even if she really were interested in me, what does that matter if she can never get her ass out of the flat...in that case, no point asking! I mean come on, if you're really interested in someone, you can always find some time in your calendar, be it today, tomorrow, this week or the next one! So yeah, a pretty clear sign of disinterest / major indecision...


So what can I say, unfort seems like a total red flag...i.e. just too complicated. Ass. Anyway, the shitty thing is...that if you're really attracted to someone, being just friends can become really difficult. I mean if the tension is there, it just is, and since you cannot alleviate it via deepening the relationship, what alternative have you got but to distance yourself from the said person...? :( I mean it's just torture hanging out with someone you're naturally attracted to, but cannot really get together with...


Well, that's life I guess...i.e. total asshattery at times! xD Fuck. Not sure if I'll ask her one last time, we'll see...depends on her own activity as well. Anyway, so stupid how nature works: you just get attracted to people regardless of whether they're attracted to you...now that's bullshit! xD


It's the same thing with girls, if I like someone I ask her out, I don't wait, most of the time people might be scared she might tell everyone, but even if they do so what? I just move on.


Exactly. You're interested in someone? Just go for it!

Edited by Ville
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Say what you want, but the moment you start thinking about what others think, you start to slow down and think about what they might be saying. Life is all about having a clear vision on what you desire, even if everyone is out to get you with what you want to do, the main thing in life is to go after your desire, but you alone have to believe in yourself first, because if you can't then who will? I know a lot my friends had to go through hell and back, they were laughed at always talked behind their back etc etc... now a lot of them are successful who never look back, while the ones who were laughing and talking behind their back are still working in some shitty job with no life going for them.


It's the same thing with girls, if I like someone I ask her out, I don't wait, most of the time people might be scared she might tell everyone, but even if they do so what? I just move on.


It was targeted more at the second paragraph.


What you say is a very individualistic, success-dependent, goal-oriented sort of lifestyle choice. If all you care about is being "successful" and rich, not caring at all about what other people have to say won't win you any favours. Not worrying about what people say behind your back is one thing, but not giving a fuck about anyone is another. And completely ignoring the constructive criticism of others is also not the way to go.


I'm not sure exactly what you mean by not giving a fuck though.

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It was targeted more at the second paragraph.


What you say is a very individualistic, success-dependent, goal-oriented sort of lifestyle choice. If all you care about is being "successful" and rich, not caring at all about what other people have to say won't win you any favours. Not worrying about what people say behind your back is one thing, but not giving a fuck about anyone is another. And completely ignoring the constructive criticism of others is also not the way to go.


I'm not sure exactly what you mean by not giving a fuck though.


I don't personally read any of that into it that you mention there. What I got from it was that you shouldn't let the fear of other people's opinions discourage you from doing what you want. That doesn't mean ignoring everyone else and what they have to say, only disregarding the irrelevant opinions of those who don't matter in your life.

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Prospective lady-killers, take note :)




We cannot wait this out. The playboys will keep playing and the losers will always be losers, but the reputation of men – of those millions of decent men situated somewhere between the two extremes – needs to be defended.


(imo: The "Southern" part can kind of be ignored. And women should also take note of the bits about manners.)


However, going for a walk or doing something else besides seeing each other at school or other random places...total fail. I asked her for a little fall sightseeing trip earlier, response positive-ish, but no follow-up from her part. Brought it up later by hinting I might do the trip myself, no real response. Have asked her for a walk twice now, first time she wasn't in town, second time this. No follow-up, no effort to reschedule, no initiative to do anything, just the occasional text. Well, seems pretty clear she isn't interested or ready for anything more...or just immature / very confused / consumed by her studies. Thought I might ask one last time and clarify if she even wants to be asked out and whether she will actually ever say yes, but not so sure anymore...Anyway, even if she really were interested in me, what does that matter if she can never get her ass out of the flat...in that case, no point asking! I mean come on, if you're really interested in someone, you can always find some time in your calendar, be it today, tomorrow, this week or the next one! So yeah, a pretty clear sign of disinterest / major indecision...


I wouldn't take this from a friend, sounds like either blatant/unintended and clueless disrespect for your time. If I'm too busy to meet someone, I tell them straight up, and give them a time during which I'll definitely be free, no matter how far away it is. Feel disappointed for you :( I can't stand lateness/indecisiveness when others' time is in the mix.

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I wouldn't take this from a friend, sounds like either blatant/unintended and clueless disrespect for your time. If I'm too busy to meet someone, I tell them straight up, and give them a time during which I'll definitely be free, no matter how far away it is. Feel disappointed for you :( I can't stand lateness/indecisiveness when others' time is in the mix.


Totally agree with this. I think if she was interested she would make a proper effort to find a time when she is available.


I don't think anyone is so busy that they can't schedule in a small period of time to meet up with someone they like. If this person did like you then no matter how busy they were they'd find the time.

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I don't think anyone is so busy that they can't schedule in a small period of time to meet up with someone they like. If this person did like you then no matter how busy they were they'd find the time.


Although I hate when people aren't patient when the other party is genuinely busy. There's only so any times I can say "I don't know when I'm free next week, I've got a whole project to do and my schedule fills up at random times, leading up to my assessment in a week." It's like...I'll see you, just let it breathe.

[/related to my situation more than anything in this thread]

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Although I hate when people aren't patient when the other party is genuinely busy. There's only so any times I can say "I don't know when I'm free next week, I've got a whole project to do and my schedule fills up at random times, leading up to my assessment in a week." It's like...I'll see you, just let it breathe.

[/related to my situation more than anything in this thread]


Yeah I totally agree with you there too. People are too quickly to move on and I think this can be put down to some people using "sorry I'm too busy" as an easy way to turn someone down.


What one should be saying is "sorry I'm busy right now but what I'll do is..."

a) try and rearrange some things to find time

b) get back to you next week with a time I'm free

c) etc

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I don't see why this massive hate for gossip and to those who gossip. Everyone talks about other people behind their back, sometimes positive and sometimes negative. Doesn't mean they have nothing going for themselves and that is the only reason they say it. Sometimes talking about other people is genuinely interesting, and when you're angry about someone, bitching about them to someone else can help you get some perspective on the situation.

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I wouldn't take this from a friend, sounds like either blatant/unintended and clueless disrespect for your time. If I'm too busy to meet someone, I tell them straight up, and give them a time during which I'll definitely be free, no matter how far away it is. Feel disappointed for you :( I can't stand lateness/indecisiveness when others' time is in the mix.


Yeah, me neither...to be frank, I was pretty pissed off on Monday, because she didn't give me a yes / no / anything on Sunday. I did tell her that when she texted, but she only said to be a bit surprised, kinda dodged the whole issue...


Totally agree with this. I think if she was interested she would make a proper effort to find a time when she is available.


I don't think anyone is so busy that they can't schedule in a small period of time to meet up with someone they like. If this person did like you then no matter how busy they were they'd find the time.


Exactly. It might be just immaturity on her part, because I know she has the same kind of social history as I do, i.e. not really spending time with other people. Just concentrating on her studies and nothing else...Also, I can hear from her speech that there are some self-esteem issues as well...Still, seems way too complicated. Like you said, if you really fancy someone, you can always make time for them...and will gladly do so! Don't know what the big picture in her case is, but apparently I'm not a part of that xD Prob just study mania or smth...


What one should be saying is "sorry I'm busy right now but what I'll do is..."

a) try and rearrange some things to find time

b) get back to you next week with a time I'm free

c) etc


Indeed. In this case, nothing like that.

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I'm going to be really annoying, but...


Man. I'm just in such a good place right now. I posted at the beginning of Summer about how a girl I was seeing broke up with me, mainly because we were just in different places in our lives. Amazingly, as my freshers week started she text me saying she would be in Nottingham and wanted to see me, so I happily offered to see her at the end of that week. And man. It's just felt so natural since then. We've been back together over the last month and I literally feel ecstatic. Or maybe that's the wrong word..I think saying I'm 'at peace' with my life would be a better way to summarize it. We've definitely been through a fair bit in the past but it's got to a situation where for the first time of us knowing each other we are both the right place for a relationship, and despite the distance I know it's going to be fine. She's going away from January-April to do volunteer work and that was always an issue for her (I was always fine with it, though I guess that's because I knew back then that I felt something strong for her) but now we talk about it as though 4 months isn't a long time at all, which in the grand scheme of things it probably isn't.


On top of that, I introduced her to my mum on Saturday when she came over for dinner. Coming from an Asian background, that's a pretty massive step, but it's put me in such a good place mentally.


I've got to admit, I always thought distance was something that I wouldn't be able to tolerate, but I guess if you both lead your own independent lives with things to fill up your time, it's not an issue at all. I've got LOADS of work to do at Uni so it's nice to know when I see her it's something I want to make the most of.


Ah. Sorry to be all happy/lovey dovey in this thread. I'm just, at peace and very happy with the way my life is atm. About time too, actually.

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