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Ghost Recon Online


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E3 2011: Ghost Recon Online Blowout


Ubisoft is detailing the upcoming title as well as the online features it includes.


The demonstration began with Ubisoft showing an exclusive trailer detailing the game which started off showing people playing in multiplayer and using the touch pad to arm themselves with weapons, voice chat and coordinating attacks, scanning and calling air attacks with the tablet which eliminated the need for headsets for online play. Team play and strategy is being cited as a huge aspect of the title and the designers wanted to make Ghost Recon easy and intuitive to the gamer.


The title will use different classes named: Assault, Recon and Specialist. The controller will be used for intel gathering and action commands akin to the real life device "crosscome 2.0". The extra screen is used as a tactical 3D map showing real time information that users will be able to interact with, see friendly and enemy troops as well as sharing strategies such as one player tapping a location on their touch screen which creates a marker that other players can see in the battlefield field for the likes of choosing where to attack and defend.


There is also a missle perk system that allows you to aim using the controller and steer with the tablet. The tablet could also become a drone view and used as an X-Ray to spy on enemies. The tablet can then be used to scroll through various items.


The online section of the game has a personalized account system used to track stats, seamless match creation, flexible friends lists, ranking and matchmaking and scheduling to encourage "micro-competition" and includes parental controls. The game will also feature a mode called "Ghost Feed" which will allow players to follow their friends activities on the Wii U controller, even if someone is using the TV.


When asked if this friends and online account system was specifically for the game or system wide, Ubisoft replied that it was up to Nintendo to reveal the details. Ubisoft also said they guarantee security on the 'always online' services such as Ghost Feed.


Ubisoft was also asked if Ghost Recon Online is free-to-play like it's newly announced PC counterpart and replied that such details are still being discussed.


Edited by Retro_Link
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I'm quite interested in this game given the run down Ubi done on this last night. Certainly seems like it could turn out to be a fun strategy/multiplayer game with chums, especially with team matches. I'll be keeping an eye on it.

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That a project like this is coming to WiiU gives me considerable hope for it's online function - a persistent online action game like this hopefully suggests a relatively open online field available for the developer to do their stuff.

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Can't help but think this would play so much better, if it supported the Wiimote+ & Nunchuck setup.


As would any shooter third parties might bring to the WiiU. ;)


I'm sure there will be controller options so you can.

Personally I got sick of Ghost Recon when they started adding too much stuff for one screen, it was such a pain switching between map, action, and all sorts of other shit. New controller would work better in my opinion, but like I said there's bound to be choices.

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That's the great thing with Wii U, it can literally offer everything. From standard CCPro, to Wii M+ to U Controller!


And that's the sad thing: If only one option comes with the console, it will literally offer only that option most of the time.

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And that's the sad thing: If only one option comes with the console, it will literally offer only that option most of the time.


Well, that's not really the case. There are two controllers with this, the Wii remote and the U Controller. What's more, with both Wii, PS3 and to a lesser extent 360 there are multiple control schemes for each game. I think there will be a motion control option for shooters and a U Control option. But let's face it, most people on these boards whine over not being able to use dual analog so most will go for the U Control, which is essentially dual analog with a tonne of extra functionality and immersion provided by the touch screen!

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Well, that's not really the case. There are two controllers with this, the Wii remote and the U Controller.


It's not really about what it theoretically offers, but what devs will bother to support. If it's an option that people aren't guaranteed to have the necessary hardware for, what incentives does a dev have to support an alternative control scheme relying on that option? Especially, if it's an option they haven't used up until now. It's not like remapping a button from "jump" to "throw grenade". The only dev that I can really see offering the option, is Treyarch with CoD. They have people who know their way around pointer controls and have done it in previous games.


That's why I've been arguing Nintendo should bundle a Wiimote+Nunchuck combo with in each WiiU. It'll instantly make support more viable.


Anyway, back to Ghost Recon online. I've already embedded the following video in the "WiiU online" thread, but it fits in here, too.


Going from 11:00 they have a slightly staged trailer, but if multiplayer with the WiiU actually supports the level of communication shown, this might be a rather fun game.

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  • 11 months later...

Forgot about this one...




E3 2012: Ghost Recon Still Coming to Wii U


Ubisoft has confirmed that Ghost Recon Online is still on its way to Wii U. While the Wii U version of the title was announced at E3 2011, it was absent from both Nintendo and Ubisoft’s E3 press conferences and booths this year, causing some people to wonder if the title is still headed to Nintendo’s new system. Now, Ubisoft tells IGN that the Wii U version is still planned but will arrive after the PC version.


“Ghost Recon Online is being developed for the PC first. That was always the plan,” senior vice president of sales and marketing Tony Key told IGN. “The team is taking a little bit longer than they thought they would to get Ghost Recon Online to the level and quality that they want and that definitely has had an impact on how much time they’re able to spend on the Wii U version because we want to make sure we get it right.”


According to Key, the development team working on the PC version is made up of many of the same people who will make the game for Wii U, so the project will have to wait until the PC version has been completed.


“If we start working on the Wii U too soon, we might end up wasting a lot of resources because the PC is a lot easier to test and learn with,” Key said. “Ghost Recon Online on the PC, we can test and learn with that and apply all the best benefits we learn onto the Wii U version to make sure that it’s a great Wii U game. That’s an unusual product for a console and we want to make sure we nail it. It really is because the PC team is a lot of the same guys that will work on the Wii U.”

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I was looking forward to this. It is the only proper shooter that the Wii U has, which is important in achieving what Nintendo set out to do with the system. I'm frankly shocked that we haven't had confirmation of more of them.

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I'd imagine COD will be coming, but yeah Nintendo could have done with securing Medal of Honor and 007 Legends aswell.


There was an interesting incident as a neogaf poster (Shiggy, seems to be closely related to the press) had a slip a few weeks ago. He accidentally posted an OT for a 007 game on the Wii U in the gaming forums and the removed everything about it. At least he seems to be sure the game is coming.

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What's going n with black ops? Didn't the developers say it was coming? Then absent. Then during e3 acitivision sort of hinted at it when asked. So what's the latest?


They didn't say it was coming, it was only at E3 when they said something along the lines of "we haven't announced it yet."

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If this game is F2p on wiiU its a huge step in console gaming. The F2P model has been a Pc thing that needed to come to consoles. I know ps3 is getting Dust, but to see Nintendo supporting this from the start would be great news.


Has Nintendo changed their stance on Free2Play concerning 3rd parties, yet? They seem to be very opposed to the whole concept themselves and I get the impression they wouldn't allow it on their systems. So I'm expecting this game, if it ever comes, to cost something on the Wii U, if only because Nintendo enforced it.


If Free2Play becomes the next big thing in console gaming in the coming years though, I guess Nintendo would begrudgingly allow 3rd parties to use such pricing models on their systems eventually. Probably not before 3rd parties have complained and left (or threatened to) Nintendo's system though. Kind of like they've handled DLC and patches. :-/

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If this game is F2p on wiiU its a huge step in console gaming. The F2P model has been a Pc thing that needed to come to consoles. I know ps3 is getting Dust, but to see Nintendo supporting this from the start would be great news.


Yeah definetely. It's a big 'IF' though. I can imagine this being F2P on the PC and a fully priced retail game on WiiU, which does bother me a bit!

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