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Super Pokémon Rumble


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ShopTo is saying my pre order is released in 10 days, everywhere else I look seems to say 2nd December. Does ShopTo know something everywhere else doesn't? :confused:


Clearly they don't know that November comes before December. ;)



I'm kind of guessing that they must have moved forward the release date though...

Edited by S.C.G
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European release on December 2nd 2011...it's so going to get overshadowed by Mario Kart


For me it will be the other way around. This game is the BIG Christmas release for the 3DS , for me at least. Played the hell out of the WiiWare version and I can't wait for a portable version so I can do my catching at work. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Yes. Yes, I have.

Well, I haven't been playing too much MK7, seeing as this game has been stealing most of my time recently, but yeah.


I only just got my 3DS so I can't really comment but I watched the trailer for this on the eShop and didn't think it looked like best game on the system material. :heh: Whats so good about it aside from it being addictive?

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I only just got my 3DS so I can't really comment but I watched the trailer for this on the eShop and didn't think it looked like best game on the system material. :heh: Whats so good about it aside from it being addictive?

It's like crack. From the outside, you think it's awful but when you get on it, it's the best thing ever.


Except this game won't kill you :P

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Whats so good about it aside from it being addictive?


If the game doesn't get it's hooks into you then yeah it's probably a short and shallow experience. If you do get sucked in though, it will suck all your time away.


I've only managed to do a few of the first areas as Mario Kart has been taking up all my time, strange I thought it was gonna be the other way around. From what i've played so far it's just like the WiiWare version, but in portable form and with many, many more Pokemon to capture.

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Iwata Asks is up for this. Lol at your guys wife being such a fan of the Wiiware version. My brain can't fathom the following:


Iwata:About how many Pokémon with such Special Traits are there?

Matsumura:This time, we have added in the new Pokémon from the Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version games, so more than 600 Pokémon appear. When it comes to the combinations with various Special Traits, there are about 30 billion types.

Iwata:Thirty billion?!



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  • 4 weeks later...

So would anyone recommend this game? I have had a read of some reviews and watched some trailers and think it looks pretty decent. Plus it has had some glowing praise from a load of you on here!


It seems to have gone down to £20 at a lot of places now.


Worth a purchase?

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It really depends if you want to catch them all. If you just play through the game then it's hard to recommend it. I mean all you need to do is walk around and keep hammering the attack button. It's pretty mindless stuff but I was really addicted to it on WiiWare. This game is just exactly the same but for some reason it hasn't grabbed me the same as the WiiWare one.

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Started playing this the other night and mindless is the right word. Never played the WiiWare title so was curious to try this after that got quite a bit of praise, but I find this game way too simple and the gameplay (enter arenas and mash the 'A' button) is so repetitive and bland. Should have been an eShop title priced at under a fiver.

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  • 6 months later...
It's like crack. From the outside, you think it's awful but when you get on it, it's the best thing ever.


Except this game won't kill you :P

Man, no kidding.

I picked this up recently and have been absolutely hooked on it ever since! :o

I'm up to the final chapter now, with around 15 hours playtime on the clock.


Love going around with my Lucky+ ability Pokémon and a coin doubling move like Thief. The results are spectacular! :D

Is it true that there's a ++ version of the lucky ability too? Can't wait to find a Pokémon with that one if so. :cool:

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The one on WiiWare was much better IMO. This one got too big for its own good and it just didn't hook me as much as the WiiWare one did.
Only ever played the demo on Wii, perhaps that's why I'm enjoying this more.

They seem very similar, so I imagine fully playing through the WiiWare version would probably have a negative impact on this one. :hmm:


Did you complete the 3DS game though?

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