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Aliens: Colonial Marines - Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen


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Let's just entertain the fact that there could be truth to this rumour: What a horrible, horrible thing to do to those PS3/360 owners. I refuse to believe that the rumour has any truth to it, because Gearbox have a decent reputation (up until now) and to know that they've purposefully gimped 2 versions of their own game in this way is unthinkable.


It's very disrespectful to the current gen. I don't believe it's true. What is more likely is that either:


1. The WiiU version is just as shit as the other versions.


2. The WiiU version is even shitter (yes, shitter) than the others and has terrible, terrible problems of its own.


3. The WiiU version gets canned due to negative criticism.


Also, well done on you 360 and PS3 owners for buying this game in its droves and potentially funding more bullshit projects from Gearbox. :nono:

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The biggest Game of 2013 so far. Wasn't sure if this should go in sales figures thread, but it is relevant to this game, BECAUSE IT'S AT NUMBER 1!! Mental.


Well, I knew it was gonna be mediocre, and bought it still. Totally happy, 33 h in and still going...

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Let's just entertain the fact that there could be truth to this rumour: What a horrible, horrible thing to do to those PS3/360 owners. I refuse to believe that the rumour has any truth to it, because Gearbox have a decent reputation (up until now) and to know that they've purposefully gimped 2 versions of their own game in this way is unthinkable.


It's very disrespectful to the current gen. I don't believe it's true.


Conversely, if this was true I would over the moon. In fact I'd be getting the popcorn out and watching the ensuing internet explosion with a large grin on my face. It would be even more epic than the Bayonetta 2 reactions!

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Conversely, if this was true I would over the moon. In fact I'd be getting the popcorn out and watching the ensuing internet explosion with a large grin on my face. It would be even more epic than the Bayonetta 2 reactions!


Wow. Just wow.

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Let's just entertain the fact that there could be truth to this rumour: What a horrible, horrible thing to do to those PS3/360 owners. I refuse to believe that the rumour has any truth to it, because Gearbox have a decent reputation (up until now) and to know that they've purposefully gimped 2 versions of their own game in this way is unthinkable.


It's very disrespectful to the current gen. I don't believe it's true. What is more likely is that either:


1. The WiiU version is just as shit as the other versions.


2. The WiiU version is even shitter (yes, shitter) than the others and has terrible, terrible problems of its own.


3. The WiiU version gets canned due to negative criticism.


Also, well done on you 360 and PS3 owners for buying this game in its droves and potentially funding more bullshit projects from Gearbox. :nono:


I don't think anyone is implying they gimped it on purpose, just that they were possibly negligent because they were looking into the near future.

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Sorry, I didn't mean any offence to anyone who has bought and enjoyed it, I guess what with all the negative reaction just seemed suprising it had made it to number 1!

But then I haven't played it so I don't know :)


None taken, no worries man. Yeah, it's pretty surprising that it's #1, because there was quite a lot of pre-launch talk about how messed up the development had been and how shit the end product would be. I would've actually thought the opposite, i.e. people not buying the game at all. Guess not, then.

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I don't know why anyone is surprised this went to number one. The vast majority of people who play games aren't 'core' gamers and don't spend hours trawling forums and reading reviews on the internet.


The 'casual' gamer takes many forms. All that was needed for this to get to number one on the charts was a small portion of the crowd that primarily buys COD and FIFA every year to see the adverts for this and think: 'cool an Aliens game, I'll pick that up'.


What's more, launching at this time of year, it was hardly going to get tough competition!

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Interesting article: http://www.destructoid.com/developer-gearbox-lied-to-sega-2k-over-colonial-marines-245986.phtml


It seems Gearbox were making Borderlands using staff that were supposed to be making Colonial Marines - they didn't tell SEGA about this so SEGA were still funding for a full team to be working on the game.


It's no surprise that when Gearbox asked for even more time, SEGA decided enough was enough and refused the extra time - Gearbox had already dicked around with their money too much. So they released the game as it was.

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Interesting article: http://www.destructoid.com/developer-gearbox-lied-to-sega-2k-over-colonial-marines-245986.phtml


It seems Gearbox were making Borderlands using staff that were supposed to be making Colonial Marines - they didn't tell SEGA about this so SEGA were still funding for a full team to be working on the game.


It's no surprise that when Gearbox asked for even more time, SEGA decided enough was enough and refused the extra time - Gearbox had already dicked around with their money too much. So they released the game as it was.


I read this article this morning and it sounds very similar to the debacle that happened between Silicon Knights and Activision over X-Men Destiny where Silicon Knights basically used the money they were getting to develop X-Men Destiny to fund a series of other developments which they then tried to pitch elsewhere. This left X-Men with a under staffed skeleton team that produced an awful game.


It appears that Gearbox had used Sega's money that was meant for the development of Aliens CM to fund their own projects.


What a sad state of affairs.

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Oh, god, Silicon Knights. Where did they do wrong? Eternal Darkness and The Twin Snakes were brilliant, then they had the big Too Human mess, tried to screw over Activision, got a loan from the Canadian government and refused to pay it back.


And then Dyack went insane and tried to sue Epic games for a lack of support - then during the lawsuit it was discovered that SK had breeched the contract for the Unreal Engine and as a result all unsold copies of Too Human and X-Men Destiny were ordered to be destroyed - including the internal development copies and original came code and the code for all the games they were still working on.

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Oh, god, Silicon Knights. Where did they do wrong? Eternal Darkness and The Twin Snakes were brilliant, then they had the big Too Human mess, tried to screw over Activision, got a loan from the Canadian government and refused to pay it back.


And then Dyack went insane and tried to sue Epic games for a lack of support - then during the lawsuit it was discovered that SK had breeched the contract for the Unreal Engine and as a result all unsold copies of Too Human and X-Men Destiny were ordered to be destroyed - including the internal development copies and original came code and the code for all the games they were still working on.


I think Nintendo staff were heavily involved with the development of ED and Twin Snakes, that's why they were so good. Without Nintendo's input, they were always just another development studio.

Edited by madeinbeats
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What a mess. Not just this game, but Gearbox in general. It sounds like dreadful management of resources and money from those in charge.


As for Silicon Knights, Eternal Darkness is one of my favourite all time games. I can't believe how dreadful they became as a studio once jumping from Nintendo. One can't help but draw comparisons to RARE on that one.

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