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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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but i broke that game and cheated big style with buying crowns, all the golden tools etc. I was young then. Something i am not doing with New Leaf (yes, i know i time-travelled but that was to only see if a lychee would grow, and it did). I didn't gain from it.


What did you do with WW to break it so much?? I accidentally time travelled years into the future and overran the town with weeds just by booting the game; never played again after that. Was sad times. So far I've only time travelled backwards in NL the once because I slept through most of sunday; such early days and I wanted to get my turnip on! Sadly they seem to be getting worse andw rose in price in my town :(


As for my kiddie quest, I've come to realise I've accidentally bought two wardrobes, bit silly of me.

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I doubt it would. I'd guess the system only really notes if you've gone backwards(because time progresses forward anyway). So as long as you don't travel to a time that the game knows you've already passed, it should be ok. My advice when the clocks change is to set it back ONLY if you haven't played for the last hour+ - not sure what adverse effects time travelling will have other than rotting your turnips though tbh.

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I was extremely skeptical about Animal Crossing at first but put me down as someone who is having an amazing time playing it :) Overflowing with charm and little details here and there that make you smile. I'm also enjoying it a lot more now that I realised you can use the D-pad to switch items! Oh and grouping fruit together rather than individually!


I am a bit concerned the game might run out of things to keep me interested after say a month? In previous games was there always something going on over time?


Also I'd like to visit other people's towns on here, how do I go about doing that (newbie question!!)? Don't think any of you are on my friends list?

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What did you do with WW to break it so much?? I accidentally time travelled years into the future and overran the town with weeds just by booting the game; never played again after that. Was sad times. So far I've only time travelled backwards in NL the once because I slept through most of sunday; such early days and I wanted to get my turnip on! Sadly they seem to be getting worse andw rose in price in my town :(


As for my kiddie quest, I've come to realise I've accidentally bought two wardrobes, bit silly of me.


Went forward too much, ended up with a tonne of bells and paid Nook off in a day, had the final upgrades on things within a day and completly ruined the game for myself. And my save become corrupt, i went too far into the future. I tried replaying the game a few years later, but lost interest after my actions within a few weeks.


I'm not doing the same with New Leaf, i intend to play it properly without travelling. And i don't plan on farming to get the bells early on, that would feel like cheating in a way. Even though it's legit, but i will take advantage of extra bells.

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Argh so pissed off right now, caught a whale shark online on the island and just as I was about to go home I got a connection error and lost it :(


If you ask the host to save and continue, it will make everyone else's games save, too.

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Thanks I've just posted in that topic. Random question, can people on your friend list visiting your town take fruit from your trees? :shakehead:heh::heh:


Yes. They can even trash your town, but we're good folk.


They can take all the peaches they want from me, as my native fruit they're pretty much worthless (unless perfect).

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Yes. They can even trash your town, but we're good folk.


They can take all the peaches they want from me, as my native fruit they're pretty much worthless (unless perfect).


Just wondering about etiquette! :heh: Is it generally acceptable to take fruit from other friends' trees? I don't really mind people taking mine as long as they're not perfect ones, but just wanted to check!


Like for instance if I go to a town that has oranges as the native fruit, can I take 3 back to my town and sell them? Is that generally what people do?


Jeeze I sound like a total noob

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Yeah, I'd ask the host myself - what fruit I could/couldn't take. Then again, I haven't really been online/used the comm system - I'd probs mention it in the threads here before a visit(but then having said that, some people will open the gates adn welcome people to take fruit). Personally my biggest point of etiquette is being very careful not to run in someone's town if you aren't familiar with it(or even if you are!) as some people (like me) plant tons of flowers and they disappear if trampled just a few times.

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If you ask the host to save and continue, it will make everyone else's games save, too.


I did that with a session where i traded/gave a lot of other fruits to others. I hope their new fruit was saved.


With trades, i leave a tree or two alone with some fruits on. And i ask if anyone wants any fruit before handing it out, with the recent trade i made with the Lychee, i restricted it to 1 per person as quite a few people wanted it in their games. Will have my fruits back tomorrow (maybe), so will be happy to trade/give some to people.


Currently have available: Lychee, Apple, Orange, Cherry, Peach, Pear.


Oh, and i got Midna's mask in my fortune cookie today, now i look like a deranged mayor.

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Pretty much it!


I have been on the island a few times, but haven't done any major farming and don't plan to. Currently halfway to 98 000 bell mortgage and missing a few thousand on the campsite, the latter which I will finish tomorrow.


Bought a scuba dive mask on the island, I was disappointed to find out it was just a mask.


There is a diving suit.....



And especially if you've got your Feng Shui in order. ;)


I've already made 1 million bells! :o


Wait so Feng Shui makes other differences apart from a good house score? I had no idea in all my Animal Crossing playing.


Interesting to see people racing way past where I am...I've played a lot but clearly not as much as some people! Having said that...


Exciting times in Pompey Nookling Junction is closing down tomorrow for renovations and a new shop is being built to the right of Able Sisters!!!!!!! :bouncy:

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Wait so Feng Shui makes other differences apart from a good house score? I had no idea in all my Animal Crossing playing.


Interesting to see people racing way past where I am...I've played a lot but clearly not as much as some people! Having said that...


Exciting times in Pompey Nookling Junction is closing down tomorrow for renovations and a new shop is being built to the right of Able Sisters!!!!!!! :bouncy:


I think in the old ones if you wore red you could make more money as well.

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Wait so Feng Shui makes other differences apart from a good house score? I had no idea in all my Animal Crossing playing.
Yep, Feng Shui (more importantly than boosting your HHA score) also influences how lucky you are! :smile:

So if you apply good Feng Shui by placing furniture in the correct positions inside your house, you can increase the chances of finding items, rare bugs/fish and bells! :awesome:


It's a simple system based on 3 colours.

Basically you should put yellow furniture/items on the west side of your room, red on the east, and green in the south.




There's a bit more to it than that, for example there are some Extra Lucky items that don't need specific placement, and certain rules you should follow, like not facing Gyroids at walls and making sure that interactive furniture remains functional.

But even just following the colour placement technique should make a difference to your luck.


: peace:

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Yep, Feng Shui (more importantly than boosting your HHA score) also influences how lucky you are! :smile:

So if you apply good Feng Shui by placing furniture in the correct positions inside your house, you can increase the chances of finding items, rare bugs/fish and bells! :awesome:


It's a simple system based on 3 colours.

Basically you should put yellow furniture/items on the west side of your room, red on the east, and green in the south.




There's a bit more to it than that, for example there are some Extra Lucky items that don't need specific placement, and certain rules you should follow, like not facing Gyroids at walls and making sure that interactive furniture remains functional.

But even just following the colour placement technique should make a difference to your luck.


: peace:


Hmmm I have some work to do!!!!!!

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Yep, Feng Shui (more importantly than boosting your HHA score) also influences how lucky you are! :smile:

So if you apply good Feng Shui by placing furniture in the correct positions inside your house, you can increase the chances of finding items, rare bugs/fish and bells! :awesome:


It's a simple system based on 3 colours.

Basically you should put yellow furniture/items on the west side of your room, red on the east, and green in the south.




There's a bit more to it than that, for example there are some Extra Lucky items that don't need specific placement, and certain rules you should follow, like not facing Gyroids at walls and making sure that interactive furniture remains functional.

But even just following the colour placement technique should make a difference to your luck.


: peace:


That may explain why my luck is a little off. Got my yellow desk on the right wall, green fridge on the left and red bed up north. Changes lay ahead.


And where do you get carpet and wallpaper from, i have a flower paper given to me and no floor as such?

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I've been screwed over again! Yesterday I used the cookie ticket and got a duplicate item and then today it happened again! I want an axe to appear so I can set about that smug little raccoon. :D


Yesterday I got a consolation prize because my ticket didn't win.

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