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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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My thoughts mirror what @\-Dem0\- has said. If it's one thing that Namco can do, it's fighting games.


They're also one of the companies which actually listen to the fans (they've spoken out against on disc DLC and brought games to the PC).


I'm hoping that Nintendo will stop it from turning into a Nintendo x Namco game and keeping it generally in line with the previous games in the series. Also, having a different developer working on it will keep the series fresh hopefully.

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I'll admit, I'm mildly worried they'll go too crazy/towards Namco/generic fighters and throw in so many third party characters it'll ruin the game. However, I think that's just a fan's overreaction. They'll DEFINITELY throw in some Tales characters, from games on Nintendo systems, but not the others. Hopefully.


And, as dazzybee said, Sakurai's on this. He IS a genius. He's the man who did what no one truly believed he could, and brought us a game better than Melee. If he's allowed to have a proper final say on everything, and Namco know that/don't pull any tricks and are mainly there for manpower not themselves too much, then it could be ok. The biggest thing though is that Nintendo don't rush him, and that this is allowed to be developed and released in its own time. The Wii U's not even out yet, so there's plenty time. Brawl came out after what, a year and a half or so? There's plenty of time.

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Just listen to this guy, he speaks sense.

It won't become some 'Nintendo Vs. Namco' kind o' affair, because it's freaking SMASH BROTHERS!


Well having a very experienced team of developers who have been making fighting games for years, albeit a different type would be helpful. They can look at smash from a another perspective, they can give different ideas. Nintendo will not jeopardize one of their top franchises. They've probably been thinking about this for a long time, the demand for the next game is so high, so they will be thinking about all of the improvements they could bring to the table while making sure it doesn't take a very long time (e.g. 5yrs+) to develop.

Nintendo & Namco are coming together to make the next entry in the 'Super Smash Bros. Series.' not a Nintendo X Namco fighter. Better online, more balance in the roster, new modes, different ideas for the WiiU|3DS integration. I think this could turn out very good, as long as they don't rush it.



Oh man, it is indeed the first HD Smash and its a series that can just keep on expanding. Absorbing new games/characters/music etc.. into its library.


I only just now finally scraped all the cum off the walls when Sakurai revealed the amount of composers who would contribute a track or two to Brawl.

I will probably warn the neighbours of holes that might appear in the wall this time.

Edited by Fused King
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Namco doesn't worry me. The Soul Calibur games ARE fun, and they handled Link in Soul Calibur 2 pretty lovingly, I thought.


They are great at giving the player customisation, online modes and collectables. Think about all the different weapons, artwork and stuff you could unlock in that series! They even gave you an option to customise the opening cinematic.


To me, this actually seems like a match made in heaven... the way they make games seems quite similar.


It'll still be the Smash Bros engine... gameplay wise I doubt much will have changed.

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Smash Bros. and Kirby's Masahiro Sakurai to Headline This Year's CEDEC

"This year's CEDEC (Computer Entertainment Developers Conference, formerly CESA Developers Conference) will, like always, have three keynote speakers. Heading up the bunch, as far as gamers are concerned at least, is Sora's Masahiro Sakurai.


Sakurai, who's currently working away on the new 3DS and Wii U Smash Bros. games, will deliver a speech on August 20. CESA did not share the topic of his speech in its announcement today.


Before you start anticipating a Smash Bros. trailer, CEDEC conferences tend to be totally industry focused. There probably won't be any news or announcements, but we may get some insights into Sakurai's development methodology."


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I think I'd rather Nintendo had approached Capcom for this one rather than Namco.


Capcom of course have plenty of experience through Marvel vs Capcom and the wonderous Power Stone!


Personally I'd rather third party characters weren't included, but I'd much rather see Capcom Characters in the game over Namco.


Capcom Characters that would fit:


- Amaterasu

- Viewtiful Joe!

- Zack &/with Wiki

- Mega Man



But anyway, Namco it is. At least they have experince with fighters like has been said. So Namco characters, hmm...


- 'Human' Pac Man. (honestly I hate this character... I'd rather they tried to do something clever and include classic pacman, and have him appear like Game & Watch and only move in straight lines but can go anywhere on the screen or something, I dunno)

- Dig Dug (with his pump) has good potential!

- Mr Driller (the son of Dig Dug :p) with his drill.

- The Prince from Katamari Damacy (a Katamari Damacy level could also be interesting)

- Klonoa

- Lloyd Irving


... but honestly it's kinda slim pickings here!

Edited by Retro_Link
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didn't they already said that megaman will be in the next installment?


i hope the graphics and the cutscene movies will be awesome, with an even more dramatic storymode than brawl i really loved the adventure mode, and i hope they give each characters more special moves to choose from, like with link i loved the special triforce attack, but i also want to see the Oni link(fierce Deite Link come back as a special) and make ganondorf more powerfull that he can shoot the lightning bolts out of his hands and make use of his sword, also for link i would love if they give him the Dins fire attack which he had in ocarina of time when he hits the ground a surrounding fire comes out, and the arrows like ice which will freeze you for a second, fire, and the light arrow.


for mario i want more power ups, that when u become a giant for couple of seconds u can actually fight and walk, and his normal attacks when he transforms are Giant mario, metal mario he becomes slower but stronger, Super mario with his cape that he can fly and move faster stuff like that.


in this game i really want a bigger character roster, with more bad guys and good guys to choose from, and even different costumes, as they did in brawl, like dark link and dark pit etc.

and that they even make downloadable contents fot costumes and characters i will even pay big time for smashbros lol,


and for the third party characters (megaman was already known) so i want zero also in it, i want a surprise character (Naruto)

and someone from final fantasy i dont care who (my dream was always cloud) but i think that will never happen

i liked snake in smashbros was really funny when he appeared, but i dont think that he will return


sonic has to stay, and come with two others or three like shadow and knuckles and dr eggman


the pokemon trainer has to return, but this time they have to put an option in it that u can actually choose your pokemon maybe like out of 10 pokemon you can make your own team with three,

they can trow jigglypuff out of the game and put another in it.


man cant wait for the first trailer when that will come out lol

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Hmmm, probably, but is there anything that's supposed to happen in 3 days time? like a conference or a presentation, meeting etc.


Maybe they'll show us something that will hype everyone up...even more!

Edited by -Dem0-
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Could be the Japanse version of some kind of Dojo site. . .




When Nintendo Power asked about the difficulties in making a new Smash Bros. considering the amount of content included in previous games, Sakurai said:


“It isn’t a matter of ‘if the next game has 50 characters, that’ll be enough.’ There is a certain charm to games that have huge casts of playable characters, but they tend to have issues with game balance and it becomes very difficult to fine-tune each character and have them all feel distinctive…. In terms of quantity, we’ve probably already reached the limit of what’s feasible. I think a change of direction may be what’s needed.


Would be a bit gutted if we'd only get 10 new characters of which 3 or 4 replace 'old' characters.


But a change of direction sure sounds interesting!

I foresee haters and lovers alike, and the active-competitive Smash community sharpening their hacking tools.

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ooooh maaaaan. If it's dojo time already.....



I can remember visiting the dojo numerous times a day every single day till release. High school all over again!


I hope this time, there'll be spoiler tags and whatnot, because I'd like to know certain aspects of the game, but not the characters, stages etc. . .


Not sure if I'll be able to hold out on that for 2 years or so :laughing:




and the internet EXPLODES!



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Could be the Japanse version of some kind of Dojo site. . .




Would be a bit gutted if we'd only get 10 new characters of which 3 or 4 replace 'old' characters.


I'm feeling ya. Also, who are gonna be the characters that have to suffer the cut? The clones? I'd possibly rather they just un-cloned some of them and kept them in than cut them and replace them with a load of Namco/3rd party characters.

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I'm feeling ya. Also, who are gonna be the characters that have to suffer the cut? The clones? I'd possibly rather they just un-cloned some of them and kept them in than cut them and replace them with a load of Namco/3rd party characters.


I can see them getting rid of a few characters here and there.

For instance Ike, Toon Link, Wolf, Lucario, R.O.B., and the Pokémon Trainer will probably get different Pokémon if he stays in.

R.O.B. in particular was probably added because of the story, so he could be out.


Looking at Brawl's roster, I think those that are guaranteed to have a spot are:

1. Mario

2. Luigi

3. Bowser

4. Peach

5. Donkey Kong

6. Pikachu

7. Pit

8. Samus/Zero Suit Samus

9. Link

10. Ganondorf

11. Zelda/Sheik (possibly seperate as Sheikah from Skyward Sword)

12. Fox

13. Falco

14. Olimar

15. Wario

16. Yoshi

17. Mr. Game and Watch

18. Kirby

19. Meta Knight

20. King Dedede

21. Captain Falcon

22. Jigglypuff

23. Ness

24. Marth

25. Ice Climbers


The ones in Red are the core of Smash, for they've been in every one and will most likely be in Smash U.


The Sakurai trinity (Kirby, Meta Knight and King Dedede) is a tricky one, but I think he'd like to keep them in, what with him being the man behind them and the Smash series and all.


Still, I personally don't see a good reason for canning characters if they already have their own moveset and charm, like R.O.B. or Ike, but you never know, they did it with MewTwo!?


So if the core are approximately 25 characters, than I'd say they could throw in another 25 :D


Smash just wouldn't be the same if it doesn't have more characters than the previous iteration.

Edited by Fused King
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I'm feeling ya. Also, who are gonna be the characters that have to suffer the cut? The clones? I'd possibly rather they just un-cloned some of them and kept them in than cut them and replace them with a load of Namco/3rd party characters.


I've said it for Brawl and I'll say it again for this:


Young Link with moves from Wind Waker and the DS games.

Gannondorf with moves based on Twilight Princess (i.e. big sword)


And more "clones" in the way of proper alternate costumes and in-game name changes (people like Dr Mario, Dark Pit/Link/Samus/Shadow, Daisy, Funky Kong, Louie, Star Wolf/Krystal/Falco).


(Although I would prefer Krystal as a new character with a staff-based moveset)

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Still, I personally don't see a good reason for canning characters if they already have their own moveset and charm, like R.O.B. or Ike, but you never know.

Ike will almost certainly be replaced with whoever the main character of the new Fire Emblem is. If they're feeling lazy, they can just reuse Ike's moveset, anyway. :p

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I think there will be a bunch of new characters but at the moment, they are not Sakurai's priority. He will probably give in and add like... 10 or something more and change up a few of the old ones. But I feel like his priority is making this different and more balanced.


Also, if any game was designed for download content, it's Smash Bros. New characters / levels to tie into new Nintendo games is kind of guaranteed.


I also hope you can play as your Mii and make a moveset for it using other characters' attacks but who knows!

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Apparently it's the Smash Bros teaser site launching in 3 days.


What's up with the strange background stuff though...


A pig's nose

A horse and carriage

Some sea creature

A monument on an island off the coast somewhere

Dried Fruit

Underwater tunnel


. . .Now what must one think of that?

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What's up with the strange background stuff though...


A pig's nose

A horse and carriage

Some sea creature

A monument on an island off the coast somewhere

Dried Fruit

Underwater tunnel


. . .Now what must one think of that?


Dunno!?! Who knows what it is... With SB not even as far as we know left the drawing board stage yet, it would seem a little too soon for a micro site, even just a splash age. We'll find out tomorrow I guess.

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