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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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I respect items, and there is skill in how you use/counter them. Nothing quiet like throwing a pokeball upward into an airborne player, and having a Pokemon get them when they land.


Imagine the bastards that manage to pip you on it and catch it midair instead! That's why I love(hate) items sometimes.


It takes a lot of hits to break the Smash Ball, if you're going for it then that makes you free to attacks from everyone else. You have a fair few strong Final Smashes like ROB's invincible stupid laser thing, Super Sonic, Wario man, Snake's grenade launcher... but you also have weaker ones like Peach's, Mario's, Meta Knights, Diddy Kongs, I think they should try and make every character's Final Smash even so no one is too strong or too powerful. With Super Sonic you can easily kill everyone twice but with Mario you'd be very lucky to kill anyone at all.


I like to play with items, they can be a bit annoying sometimes but that keeps matches from getting boring IMO and they do add a lot of strategy to the game compared to playing without items. I tend to play the game with friends so we always have 4 players on so that's why I use items, when it's just a 1 on 1 fight then I won't use items otherwise it's easy to camp out the opponent especially when they're slower than you.


I dunno about the balancing...I sort of agree but would rather a few folks had 'weaker' final smashes. For sonic in some stages you can avoid death, and if you avoid it just a bit then just angel it out while they burn out it's only one life. I actually tend to avoid the smash ball a bit myself, letting folks go for it first then attacking them for it...then getting the ball(hopefully)! Makes them very open as you said. If I've got no chance I just stay out of the way and start thinking about avoiding what might be coming.

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Haha I saw that picture with Waluigi in it as I was taking a sip of tea...



...fortunately I then quickly read the words 'Assist Trophy' so all is well, glad that I didn't end up involuntarily spitting tea everywhere. :wink:



I love the way Mario is peeking out over the edge with an expression that says 'I'm-a-gonna get you!' Luigi is looking as if he's staring down his arch-nemesis and Waluigi is just grimacing in pain at being 'reduced' to a mere assist trophy, even though he's never been (officially) playable in a Smash game and never will, just how it should be. :wink:

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What are the chances that Travis Touchdown makes it into the game?


Anywhere between 0% and absolute 0% chance. Shulk will be a possibility eons before Travis is even contemplated. And Shulk has about a 2-4% chance.


Pac-man is the only real 3rd party character with enough clout to make the cut. With Namco co-developing it's a possibility. They don't deserve it though, Namco's home console support for Nintendo has been dire. Still pissed off about Graces and every other game we've missed. In my books they're nearly as bad as Konami.

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"Pic of the day. The Bumper is back with a detailed new design. This also means there will be no Flippers."



"Here's the back side of the Bumper. There's way too much detail put into the side you can't really see. The designers really went overboard."

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"Pic of the day. So far, which attack can blast away enemies the most dynamically… Is it King Dedede's fully charged Jet Hammer? Nah, it can't beat the K.O. uppercut. You can damage yourself by overcharging this attack, so watch out."

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He's such a fucking don! Don't know why but I absolutely love the massive heffer. I feel I don't play as good as I could with him, but I do bloody love to. HUP...BOOM!


NEED this for summer Sakurai - do us a surprise announcement/quick release!

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I do hope this is good online. I played loads of Melee with friends back in the day but Brawl never got a look in as a lot of my mates don't live close anymore and the online was so awful I just didn't bother.


This game best bloody have voice chat!!!

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