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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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So, um. Apart from Sprout, has anyone managed to actually beat Classic on 8.0 or higher even once?


F Master Fortress! F it to high heaven! There's hard, frustratingly difficult, then there's this unholy abomination!


Do about 60% damage to Master and Crazy hand!

Now beat Master Mech, Beast and Swords!

Don't forget a fight against a more powerful version of your character.


Done all that? Neat! Now, here's a heart container. What's that? You'd like that life you no doubt lost in those 5 previous fights? TOUGH!

Go on! Get through a gauntlet of ridiculously unfair versions of the Smash Run enemies with a place littered with Danger Zones that kill you if you touch them when you have more than 100% damage. Which WILL happen because it's full of long range instant beam attacks!


That's as far as I've got.



The sheer thought of having to do that on 9.0 without losing a life is just ridiculous.

I've completely finished Melee and Brawl, but this is too much!

I'm not even gonna bother, I'll be satisfied if I ever survive the damn thing!

Edited by Glen-i
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Who's got and done a lot of amiibo'ing here? Whats your general thoughts and feeling on the whole thing?


I feel like the figurines itself are wonderful and a great collector's item, but the implementation is subpar. Even in MK8 you get what, a costume!? And it bearly even resembles the char in question. How cool would it be if you got to drive around with Fox or Ike? As for Smash 4, I like the idea of training your char, but c'mon that's not why you got that Amiibo. It would be cool if they would add some char specific story mode and you can only unlock it by getting that Amiibo (sounds very farfetched I know) They should at least give you a reason to buy them beyond the simple nostalgia and coolness-factor. Heck, even new/crazy costumes would do! But then again I pre-ordered 5 out of 6 Amiibo's from Wve 3, so I rest my case. Long story short: Don't get 'em if you expect to get any significant ingame use.

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I feel like the figurines itself are wonderful and a great collector's item, but the implementation is subpar. Even in MK8 you get what, a costume!? And it bearly even resembles the char in question. How cool would it be if you got to drive around with Fox or Ike? As for Smash 4, I like the idea of training your char, but c'mon that's not why you got that Amiibo. It would be cool if they would add some char specific story mode and you can only unlock it by getting that Amiibo (sounds very farfetched I know) They should at least give you a reason to buy them beyond the simple nostalgia and coolness-factor. Heck, even new/crazy costumes would do! But then again I pre-ordered 5 out of 6 Amiibo's from Wve 3, so I rest my case. Long story short: Don't get 'em if you expect to get any significant ingame use.


Hmm. I was thinking essentially Smash-specific, with the other things it might do a pleasant aside(thinking of picking up toon link). I do agree they could really do more, but I've been intrigued about them in Smash since reading about the guy who did the Yoshi experiment - wondered people's experiences so far with them here. I'll be doing some local multiplayer from time to time, and it'd be nice to chuck my amiibo in with us if there's a space for it(rather than a CPU). If it takes off nicely I might even convince my friends to buy their own to live at my house ;)

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Hmm. I was thinking essentially Smash-specific, with the other things it might do a pleasant aside(thinking of picking up toon link). I do agree they could really do more, but I've been intrigued about them in Smash since reading about the guy who did the Yoshi experiment - wondered people's experiences so far with them here. I'll be doing some local multiplayer from time to time, and it'd be nice to chuck my amiibo in with us if there's a space for it(rather than a CPU). If it takes off nicely I might even convince my friends to buy their own to live at my house ;)


Well actually that part is done really well. If you train your characters properly, you can make em very skilled. I can barely defeat my own fox and luigi anymore. That's prolly saying more about me than the Amiibo, but nevertheless. There's a thread on reddit somewhere explaining the jist of it. There's also a vid of a guy on kotaku who trained his Pikachu to lvl. 50 using ONLY thunder. Needless to say: he created a MONSTER. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qIfYVQnYmc

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I think I recall reading/hearing about the guy who did the Thunder Pikachu @Foxfear. I was hoping/planning not to purposely train my amiibo, but ofc I read a training guide yesterday, so I have levelled him 1-10 by a lv9 CPU, and then fought with him for levels 10-20, though not stricly to guide - bastard's already getting better than me! I was surprised how quick he was levelling really, though I guess that might slow soon too. With that as his base 20, I've saved him up to get involved in some of our matches tonight - going to ask my friends to show him no mercy!

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Thought I'd posted here but twas in the amiibo thread instead, just a bit of story of my amiibo so far. How are other people's amiibos doing?


Well, Amiibo level much faster in Smash than I really expected. I did a bit yesterday, few matches with a lv9 CPU and it was level 10, few matches with me and it was level 20 - an evening of Smashing this eve with my mates and a little with me and we just got it to level 50 at the end of the night. We were trying to 3-on-1 it to death in a three stock free-for-all(gent's agreement we destroy Rinku before each other, my toon link amiibo) and we were struggling! He's really fucking evasive! I mostly killed myself(DocMariO) trying to catch him(Gaur Plains) and Marcamillian(Pacman) went out before him then Dedede(ROB) struggled a long while to kill him, eventually succeeding with a bit of luck and skill but it was really close and he ended at a high &age. Second match we got him out with a bit of loss but all three of us still standing, then we called it a day on him(he ticked onto l50 with this match). Left him(red team) in a 40 minute match on Bridge of Eldin against a lv9 Charizard(blue team), and lv9 Ike+Dark Pit(green team) - all random'd CPU characters. He won the bloody match.


I've tried 1on1ing(low items) even as toon link myself and I can't defeat him! Two stocked and one stocked so far...I am now determined to somehow get good enough to beat my bloody amiibo!!

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So, um. Apart from Sprout, has anyone managed to actually beat Classic on 8.0 or higher even once?


F Master Fortress! F it to high heaven! There's hard, frustratingly difficult, then there's this unholy abomination!


Do about 60% damage to Master and Crazy hand!

Now beat Master Mech, Beast and Swords!

Don't forget a fight against a more powerful version of your character.


Done all that? Neat! Now, here's a heart container. What's that? You'd like that life you no doubt lost in those 5 previous fights? TOUGH!

Go on! Get through a gauntlet of ridiculously unfair versions of the Smash Run enemies with a place littered with Danger Zones that kill you if you touch them when you have more than 100% damage. Which WILL happen because it's full of long range instant beam attacks!


That's as far as I've got.



The sheer thought of having to do that on 9.0 without losing a life is just ridiculous.

I've completely finished Melee and Brawl, but this is too much!

I'm not even gonna bother, I'll be satisfied if I ever survive the damn thing!


I've done level 9 on the 3ds with Rosalina & Luma. Though I normally always play standard or easy mode. I think the level 9 win with Rosalina was pure luck.

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Patch 1.0.2 is live.


It does some stability fixes but also adds 8 player mode for the following stages



Mario Circuit (Brawl)

Luigi's Mansion



Lylat Cruise

Pokémon Stadium 2

Town and City


Wii Fit Studio

(Omega Mode)

Mario Galaxy

Mario Circuit (Brawl)

The Great Cave Offensive

Lylat Cruise

Pokémon Stadium 2

Town and City

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Awesome! That came out of nowhere! :D (probably were planning on having them all playable in 8 player Smash originally before they decided to cut features to get it out the door in time for last November)


I wonder if they've also added more playable stages for 5-6 player Smash? (the stage list for 5-6 player Smash was larger than 7-8 before)


Edit: Replays still work, so no balance changes have been made.

Edited by Dcubed
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I've done level 9 on the 3ds with Rosalina & Luma. Though I normally always play standard or easy mode. I think the level 9 win with Rosalina was pure luck.


Yeah, I did that with Greninja. I was so proud of myself.

The WiiU version makes that look cake though...


Right now, I'm trying to beat 8 characters on Cruel Smash with Lucina. Got to 5 yesterday. It's those damn Gunners!

Also trying to do All-Star Hard with Duck Hunt Duo. I'm not very good with projectile based characters, so that's another one I'm struggling with.


These challenges are gonna be the death of me...

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Hey guys! I know I'm a bit late to the party, but I'd like to join the 3DS 9.0 club as well...




I didn't give up! I finally did it! ; ~ ;

Now I just have to get the last ~60 trophies, and I'll be all done. And now I can finally get properly started on the Wii U version, too...


(oh god the Wii U challenges are gonna be a billion times harder huh?)

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Hey guys! I know I'm a bit late to the party, but I'd like to join the 3DS 9.0 club as well...


I didn't give up! I finally did it! ; ~ ;

Now I just have to get the last ~60 trophies, and I'll be all done. And now I can finally get properly started on the Wii U version, too...


(oh god the Wii U challenges are gonna be a billion times harder huh?)


Congratulations. It's a genuine achievement! Master Core will always be difficult.


And yes, WiiU challenges are way worse. Some of them are bordering on impossible.

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I've not really played this much but played a little over the weekend, just regular Smash, still got Game & Watch and DuckHunt Dog to unlock now.

Once I've unlocked them and given them a little go I'll start going online. Hopefully it'll hold up well online, if so I'll play a fair bit but if not I think I'll probably trade it in... it's just not much fun on your own (I don't care for all the other modes/challenges etc).

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Try Events out, they are actually pretty decent on your own. Also, I haven't tried it yet but I've heard that the Orders (Master Hand and Crazy Hand Orders) are quite fun.


I'm not really bothered about them either. I never was in any of the other Smash games either. It really is just regular Smash that interests me, with items, without items it loses something and isn't as fun. It's basically going to boil down to how the online is for me, that's the deciding factor.

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Don't know if she just suits my playing style, but Peach is an absolute machine on this game!


Breezed through classic on 8 intensity and one error on the final boss cost me a life when I had 50% damage, and took away my chance to get it done on 8!


What a woman!! :D


I find that Yoshi is a lot more suited to me here then in any other Smash game.

He's just so much more manuverable! I swear he flows better than Sheik at times!

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