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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Im late to the party and just got my Smash copy yesterday.... But Im finding it hard to love due to the small screen and the slight inaccuracy of the circle pad. To be expected, but kind of a shame.


EDIT: Though I guess its the whole package that creates the charm for this version.

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I only need three more pieces of Mii headgear and I've got the lot, but I'm not going to bother focusing on hunting for them.


I lied.


Cleared Classic 9.0 several times (at least once with every character... it's easier when you use equipment) and spent most the money earned from that (and what was left of my sanity) in Trophy Rush. One weekend, over 120,000 coins and 59 hats later (including three more WAAAAAAHluigi Caps) and I got the three hats I needed. All that remains is that "Play 50 collective hours of Smash" challenge, which is giving me Melee Mewtwo horror flashbacks. At least it's just for a trophy this time...


Anywho, if you're the type of person who doesn't mind using Golden Hammers to smash those challenges and isn't too bothered about collecting all the custom stuff in this game, when it comes to the challenge "Obtain all custom outfits, headgear, and special moves", just ask yourself, what would Yzma do?


It's brilliant, brilliant, BRILLIANT, I tell you! GENIUS, I say!

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Couldn't you set up some long CPU-only matches?


Or if you have a friend who could lend you their 3DS you could leave it on through the night. Problem solved. It's way easier on home console where you can use two controllers though.
Were it something more than a trophy (albeit the last two trophies I need (one for completing the challenge and one for completing all challenges)), I'd probably be more compelled to cheat it a little bit. I think I'll just go at my own pace with online battles for this one.


Waaaay back in the Gamecube generation when Melee was released, as kids with little pocket money, my brothers and I couldn't afford to spend a lot on accessories like additional controllers. We could only afford memory cards that could hold tiiiny amounts of save data. As a result, we often had to delete save data of older games whenever we bought a new one. That wasn't such a big deal for the most part, as we enjoyed replaying games from the beginning... unlocking Mewtwo repeatedly was not one of those things we enjoyed though. =P


I still remember the first time though, which was fun! On the final stretch, I played a 99 stock match as Pikachu against a CPU Jigglypuff on Poké Floats (with Poké Balls). I defeated the 'puff, then I (only just) defeated the legend. My older brother and I immediately had a match afterwards on Final Destination (again, with Poké Balls). My brother threw a Poké Ball at me and I just stood my ground and caught the thing. We both said, "Whaaaat?! Mewtwo can catch items?! This character is so cool!" Obviously this sort of thing wasn't limited to Mewtwo, but this was the first time we saw it, and it was awesome.


... I have no idea why I typed all of that. Does remind me that I wanted to do a Smash Bros. write up akin to my Mario Kart 8 one at some point. The games are just so huge though, I'd have to break such a thing down into parts if I were to do such a thing...


Anyway! On an unrelated(ish) note, been watching all this lovely Wii U footage that's been coming out over the past few days, and I'm hearing a lot of music that I like. Including

, which plays on the Mario Galaxy stage!


Warning, contains Fox's voice. "LAAAHND MAHSTUUUH!"


The likely chance of no Wonderful 101 stage is a shame (diplomacy fails again), but at least it's something. Hopefully we'll get more music from that gem of a game somewhere.


Broadcast Yourself
Naturally, this one is a must. Unite up!

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Reflect wasn't in Brawl's Special Smash mode was it?


I can imagine that making for some fun projectile only matches :laughing:


I could swear there was a Franklin Badge option... And that you could pick that AND the curry for some incredibly obnoxious matches.

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I could swear there was a Franklin Badge option... And that you could pick that AND the curry for some incredibly obnoxious matches.


I can't remember exactly... I think we just stuck loads of Franlkin Badges on back when we would do that in Brawl...


Great fun BTW! :D

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Pic of the day. Classic mode in the Wii U version is set up like a battle coliseum with multiple fighters teamed up with each other. Move your trophy and join in anywhere you want. You can see faint images of stages on the platform--the number of fighters clustered on those images indicates the number of fighters you'll face. As you can see, this feature leverages the fact that the game supports multiplayer with up to eight players.




After each battle, the fighters that lost get blown away!! The fighters remaining on the field will once again team up with other fighters on the field. You can actually choose fighters you've blown away to join your team in team battles. A rival will always appear in this mode, and the longer that character survives, the stronger it will get.




Extremely disjointed waiting for the captions and subsequent picture 45 minutes after the first picture went live.

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Automerged Doublepost
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I have decided to get the version of the game with the GC adaptor as then I will already have 8 controllers.

I would normally buy from shopto, but because they won't deliver to a separate address from the billing address I cannot really risk them (guessing it won't fit through the letter box). I am not that fussed about getting for Thursday, but getting it for the weekend is important.


So, I am not sure who to go for, does anyone have an experience of Amazon or Zavvi in terms of getting games for release day?

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I would normally buy from shopto, but because they won't deliver to a separate address from the billing address I cannot really risk them (guessing it won't fit through the letter box).


They do. If it's not available in your account, just email them.

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