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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Those pose looks really unnatural. It's doable (I just tried!) but it's really not one I can see someone falling naturally into, particularly given those unnecessary heels.


Good point. That pose is pretty uncomfortable just to get into, not to mention Samus is using it for shooting...

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Those pose looks really unnatural. It's doable (I just tried!) but it's really not one I can see someone falling naturally into, particularly given those unnecessary heels.

Maybe she does yoga so it's easier for her to do it rather than for a guy in his mid-20s :p

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Good point. That pose is pretty uncomfortable just to get into, not to mention Samus is using it for shooting...


Isn't it an energy based weapon too? I imagine there's not even all that much recoil to even warrant such a position?


I'm pretty flexible.


I actually just decided to try it out myself for a chuckle - it's not that hard but it's similarly incredibly awkward and even rather weak! THIS GAME MAKES NO SENSE.

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Compare with this:




Facing straight towards the target, legs compactly together, leaning on the other leg for stability. Samus? Seems to be at a 45 degree angle, torso needlessly twisting to the left, no support from the front leg...


@Phube But she's a bounty hunter too, so surely she knows how to get maximum accuracy from her guns?

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I literally just found this.


Basically, it argues that Samus is likely to be in that hunched position in the middle of her animation, either when she ducks, or when she suffers recoil. Which is likely, considering Smash Bros is already filled with exaggerated movements and poses.

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It's a weird pose but it's clear they wanted to emphasise her chest and her bum when shooting so I ain't complaining :D


I don't get how that pose in any way emphasises her bum.




Oh my god, they've distorted his back into unnatural, fatal lengths just to emphasise his chest.



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You do realise this is Samus... a lady who can fit into a sphere the size of a football!?


You do realise...we weren't being entirely serious :p?


I did totally start to think a bit seriously after I actually tried it though.

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Well, let's be honest, the morph ball makes no sense at all. Even if there's room, how the hell does she operate it? There's no way she's spinning around with the ball, not to mention jumping with precision at the same time...Which would mean that only the exterior spins, which would require some kind of a floating core, which would then take more space...so how about no.



The above video has some data on height, diameter and volume. Basically plausible, but he also argues that the original morphball was nothing more than a convenient replacement for a crawling animation. In other words...


Q: Y can't Metroid crawl??

A: Because ball easier to animate.

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Samus' ball is a meter in diameter in the 2D games. In Metroid Prime and Smash Bros, the ball is considerably smaller.


The first Prime game quotes it as being a Meter wide. If you get flush with a hole designed for the morph ball, you will see it is quite wide but when the camera swaps to third person, it gives the impression of being much narrower than it really is. It is perhaps better shown in Metroid Prime 2 in Multiplayer but any fight with Dark Samus where she can use the Morph Ball shows how big it really is.

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The first Prime game quotes it as being a Meter wide. If you get flush with a hole designed for the morph ball, you will see it is quite wide but when the camera swaps to third person, it gives the impression of being much narrower than it really is. It is perhaps better shown in Metroid Prime 2 in Multiplayer but any fight with Dark Samus where she can use the Morph Ball shows how big it really is.


I just checked a Multiplayer video and huh, 1 meter sounds plausible.


I suppose it's the camera changes between 1st person & 3rd person that play tricks on the eyes. It really does look smaller, even when Dark Samus uses it.

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Is anyone really that bothered about the actual 'physics' which would be involved in the Morph-ball if it were real? :blank:


I just always saw it as an actually genuinely cool thing that you could do in the Metroid series and it is most certainly not the case of 'oh well it's because we couldn't be bothered to animate Samus crawling' because this has since been done in Metroid Zero Mission. :indeed:


Also the Prime series took full advantage of this unique mechanic in many areas of the game actually making it even more fun in the process so personally I'm not bothered at all by the apparent 'implausibility' as not everything has to be explained in video-games, that's the whole point of them isn't it?


Making fantasy a reality behind the confines of a screen powered by a 'wonder-box' of some description. : peace:


I can't wait to get my hands on Super Smash Bros and the very first thing I will be doing is picking Samus so that I can Power-Bomb everything and everyone on the screen. :heh:

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Is anyone really that bothered about the actual 'physics' which would be involved in the Morph-ball if it were real? :blank:


I just always saw it as an actually genuinely cool thing that you could do in the Metroid series and it is most certainly not the case of 'oh well it's because we couldn't be bothered to animate Samus crawling' because this has since been done in Metroid Zero Mission. :indeed:


Also the Prime series took full advantage of this unique mechanic in many areas of the game actually making it even more fun in the process so personally I'm not bothered at all by the apparent 'implausibility' as not everything has to be explained in video-games, that's the whole point of them isn't it?


Making fantasy a reality behind the confines of a screen powered by a 'wonder-box' of some description. : peace:


I can't wait to get my hands on Super Smash Bros and the very first thing I will be doing is picking Samus so that I can Power-Bomb everything and everyone on the screen. :heh:

We're on a forum to discuss Nintendo games. Clearly realism isn't the most important thing to us :p

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Is anyone really that bothered about the actual 'physics' which would be involved in the Morph-ball if it were real? :blank:


I just always saw it as an actually genuinely cool thing that you could do in the Metroid series and it is most certainly not the case of 'oh well it's because we couldn't be bothered to animate Samus crawling' because this has since been done in Metroid Zero Mission. :indeed:


Also the Prime series took full advantage of this unique mechanic in many areas of the game actually making it even more fun in the process so personally I'm not bothered at all by the apparent 'implausibility' as not everything has to be explained in video-games, that's the whole point of them isn't it?


Making fantasy a reality behind the confines of a screen powered by a 'wonder-box' of some description. : peace:


I can't wait to get my hands on Super Smash Bros and the very first thing I will be doing is picking Samus so that I can Power-Bomb everything and everyone on the screen. :heh:


If nothing else, it's an interesting thing to discuss!


I mean, the difference here is that you have games like Mario which are clearly just fantasy. He jumps high as hell, grows even more with mushrooms etc. In other words, they don't even bother try explaining how these things are happening, because it's irrelevant in such a fantasy environment. Same as with Kirby: he's literally travelling in Dream Land, so anything can be possible!


Metroid, however, is different, since it's more realistic and supposed to be sci-fi. Her suit and all the weapons are explained in detail, because that's what it's all about: creating a believable and somehow plausible environment. Everything should have an explanation of some kind to make that possible...but the morph ball just doesn't fit, no matter what angle you look at it from.


Still, does it matter so much? Not really...I do think it's a cool addition to the Metroid games to spice up the gameplay, plus it has already turned into an iconic trademark of the whole series. It's kind of like the Zelda timelines issue really: everyone knows they make no sense, but it doesn't matter that much since the games are good. Eagerly awaiting Nintendo's explanation on this one, though!

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If nothing else, it's an interesting thing to discuss!


I mean, the difference here is that you have games like Mario which are clearly just fantasy. He jumps high as hell, grows even more with mushrooms etc. In other words, they don't even bother try explaining how these things are happening, because it's irrelevant in such a fantasy environment. Same as with Kirby: he's literally travelling in Dream Land, so anything can be possible!


Metroid, however, is different, since it's more realistic and supposed to be sci-fi. Her suit and all the weapons are explained in detail, because that's what it's all about: creating a believable and somehow plausible environment. Everything should have an explanation of some kind to make that possible...but the morph ball just doesn't fit, no matter what angle you look at it from.


Still, does it matter so much? Not really...I do think it's a cool addition to the Metroid games to spice up the gameplay, plus it has already turned into an iconic trademark of the whole series. It's kind of like the Zelda timelines issue really: everyone knows they make no sense, but it doesn't matter that much since the games are good. Eagerly awaiting Nintendo's explanation on this one, though!


Pocket dimension? Maybe she's still stud up in the dimension she's in and she's looking out of the ball, which is just the ball what we see on our dimension. Maybe go one further and she's the size of some gerbil running in her ball. There ARE physics to explain this sort of stuff. Just nothing we probably should get into, as it would require hefty amounts of looking stuff up and pages and pages of explanations, right?

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