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Bare Bones Mafia II - Taking Over Dystopia


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Right, just checked my targets, and I did target EddieColeslaw night 5.

However, I was roleblocked. If she is telling the truth, I'm not sure if she would get that I targeted her or not.

I am still inclined to believe she is lying though. Mcoy has also been acting very weird. Wouldn't surprise me if he's trying to divert attention/split the vote.


Has Rummy posted this day phase?


Roleblocking = blocking you from performing your action, so you never actually performed it/it didn't reach me. I wouldn't be surprised if the most vocal/"useful" people were all mafia :(


Not massively buying eddie's post at all. Too many suppositions. Cube points out five things and you give a different scenario as a potential explanation, yet your explanations cannot cohesively explain all of them at once.


Just providing some food for thought, I'm not actually accusing anyone. Or else I'd be accusing about 5 people at once, which is a bit pointless.


Well there are 3 possible scenarios.


1. Eddie killed.

2. Tales is a reverse tracker and gave up his power to kill.

3. McCoy appears good under investigation and killed.


You can cross out number 1. :P Time to fall back on "is x a mafia-ish power?". Reverse-tracking: is that more useful for the mafia or town? Mcoy is just...being weird, I don't know what to make of him. If he's the killer, then his nonchalance is covering him well.

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Right, just checked my targets, and I did target EddieColeslaw night 5.

However, I was roleblocked. If she is telling the truth, I'm not sure if she would get that I targeted her or not.

I am still inclined to believe she is lying though. Mcoy has also been acting very weird. Wouldn't surprise me if he's trying to divert attention/split the vote.


Has Rummy posted this day phase?


Yes, I had. I'm currently quite torn between the two so I'm gonna go through the thread and try to make up my mind before voting.


I haven't been able to really make up my mind, however cos I gotta go out I'm gonna Vote:Mcoy.

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Right, this has gone on too long. I feel they both could be mafia. But because Mcoy currently has a good investigation, I will have to go for Vote: EddieColeslaw. Apologies if you are good, but we know who we need to keep an eye on tonight.

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EddieColeslaw (5): jayseven, Cube, Diageo, Ellmeister, mr-paul

Brian Mcoy (4): Tales, Brian Mcoy, Rummy



Day 8 is over.


The town surrounded both Brian Mcoy and EddieColeslaw, and decided that one of them had to go. Ultimately, the majority went with EddieColeslaw. She stood up and tried to run away, with her suit and tie flapping in the breeze, but tripped over the body of her last target, Esequiel. How ironic that he would be the one to stop the killer from escaping - a true town hero. The town surrounded EddieColeslaw and simultaneously curb stomped her skull, like a fortune cookie. Inside was a note. It read thus:


EddieColeslaw is dead. She was a Mafioso. Each night she could pick a target to kill for the mafia. She was Mafia.




Behind the scenes, the mafia begun to worry.


"Our killer is dead!" proclaimed one. "How can we possibly win this now?!"

"Not to worry," spoke another "Remember Dyson's note. Now one of us has to do the dirty work for him..."

"Right you are."


And one of the shadowy figures took their new uniform from the wardrobe..




8 players remain.




Cube (Zell)





Brian Mcoy




The Peeps








Night 8 begins now.

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In a familiar island...


"Wait!" said the gatekeeper "Before we open that door with the five locks, I must defend my honour"


"Hm? Whatever do you mean?" asked King James.


Jonnas simply approached the window, and threw a muffin far into the sky... A muffin that eventually landed in Dyson's floating body: right in his noggin, to be precise.


"Humph! Mock me, will you?...*ahem* I apologize, please, let us proceed with opening that elusive door..."

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Night 8 is over.


Things happened throughout the night. The most important and frustrating one of all, as far as the town were concerned the following morning, was to find Cube's remains smashed across the centre of town..




The night was young. Cube was preparing to make his trip to see Rummy that night, packing his magnifying glass, notepad and inspector hat thing that all investigators seem to have, and started his electric car. It purred as the engine silently armed itself and made its way to the targets' house. Just as he was approaching the house of his target, a car comes from out of nowhere, startling Cube. It approached him at high speed and didn't stop - the mystery vehicle plowed straight in to the side of Cube's, sending his car spinning to a hectic stop at the end of the road. The killer left the car - slightly shaken - and headed towards his target, slightly limping. By the time he arrived at the car, however, the door was already open and Cube was nowhere to be seen. The killer shouted in to the night before getting in his opponent's vehicle.


Fearing for his life, Cube took off on foot. Struggling to maintain a decent speed, he struggled towards the centre of town. The cities nightlights would protect him there, nobody would find him. And if they did they'd daren't touch him in such a built up area. Just as he approached the town centre, however, he fell down on his knee. The wind well and truly knocked out of him, he had almost given up - but not quite. Slowly making his way to the floodlit forum where all the days activities took place, he was just about there, on all fours, when from out of nowhere the killer smashed in to his low profile wreck of a body. It sent Cube flying straight in to the air, after which he landed on the now vacated car of his own. At this point, Cube was already dead, so the next bit was complete overkill. But the cars battery had taken major damage from the collision and exploded in an electric storm, detonating Cube's body all over the town centre.


Cube was dead. He was an Investigator. He could discover players' alignments. He was Good. Almost too good, no doubt he regrets that electric car right about now. Silly ecowarrior.


Player List - 18 players begun the game. 7 remain. 4 is majority:








Brian Mcoy

Cube (Zell)




The Peeps







Day 9 begins now.

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EddieColeslaw (5): jayseven, Cube, Diageo, Ellmeister, mr-paul

Brian Mcoy (4): Tales, Brian Mcoy, Rummy



Mcoy counts four votes with three peoples names. Mcoy believes the mayor who has two votes has already been lynched and Mcoy is pretty sure he himself dosen't have a double vote.


Mcoy think It's safe to say either Tales or Rummy are a Mafia with a double vote role at this point.


I targetted mcoy. He seemed rather overtly normal.


Vote: Mcoy


Mcoy would ask you to review his above post and hold off on a vote at this point with a double voter mafia still alive a quick lynch could be carried out before any true justice is served.

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It isn't me either but I will be working overtime today so I shouldn't let a vote stick that long. I can do it when I get back unless Rummy have done it.


My intended target was diageo, didn't get any pm.


We still have two players who have no powers right? By Mcoy's own logic one of them is likely mafia.

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It isn't me either but I will be working overtime today so I shouldn't let a vote stick that long. I can do it when I get back unless Rummy have done it.


My intended target was diageo, didn't get any pm.


We still have two players who have no powers right? By Mcoy's own logic one of them is likely mafia.


You're a reverse tracker right? That means no one targeted me. I guess that's a good thing.


I'm not sure yet. McCoy was so adamant to protect EddieColeslaw yesterday, I'm pretty sure he's mafia. So I don't trust any conclusions he makes.

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I have to say, Rummy has been a suspect for me for a while. If only I'd tracked him like I had intended to :( STUPID PAUL.

However, Mcoy isn't out of my targets after he seemingly was distracting us from Eddie in the last day phase.

Need to give Rummy a chance to speak, and I think I'll have a total read through later tonight.

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I have to say, Rummy has been a suspect for me for a while. If only I'd tracked him like I had intended to :( STUPID PAUL.

However, Mcoy isn't out of my targets after he seemingly was distracting us from Eddie in the last day phase.

Need to give Rummy a chance to speak, and I think I'll have a total read through later tonight.


Mcoy cannot deny that yesterdays circumstances make him look in the wrong. Mcoy made the wrong assumption that he thought Eddie was innocent and that may come back to haunt Mcoy. Mcoy just hopes you'll give him the benefit of the doubt and help him find out If Tales or Rummy are mafia.

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