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gah, I always got my brother to do the docks for me. I hated them.


I loved the docks because of;


- Sneaking into the warehouse; past the guards station!

and then the amazing cutscene that followed detailing the mirrors!

- Catching the bus to and from the docks on a snowing winters evening!

- Forklift Truck racing before work,

- Working,

- The 70 man fight!

- Knocking some thugs into the water with you motorbike,

- The final fight/QTE of the game; with the metal crate on the crane!

- The final scene of the game; setting sail on a cold winter morning!


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I like (careful, spoiler in white)


The 70 Man battle in Shenmue 1. It's just so cool,

you can freely beat up a ton of bad guys, throw them around,

kick them, punch them, doing what you've wanted to do to

these tugs for quite a while. And it's cool to replay just to see

if you can do it better too.


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Its been so long since i played this its hard to believe its a current generation game. It was planned to have like 16 sequels or so and i remember thinking, ill be playing Shenmue exclusively til the day i die and i was quite prepared to do so.

Too bad it flopped :(

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It was planned to have like 16 sequels.
It was meant be a story of 16 chapters;

I think Shenmue 1 is just one chapter; the intro to the story!

Shenmue 2 is possibly 4 chapters (1 for each disc),

and there were meant to be 4 games in all I think!


I'd love to see ALL the chapters remade and released on next-gen!!

But if they don't do that, then i hope Sega release Shenmue 3 and onwards!!

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I'm a massive Shenmue fan. I play games regularly since I got a Spectrum 48k in 1982, and I can easily say the Shenmue games are my favourite games ever.

I love everything about them, from the story, characters, setting, freedom, the incredible soundtrack (I have hundreds of tracks from the game on my PC), it's simply an incredible experience.


Like Stocka mentioned when I play it it's like I start a new life, not a new game.

I would love to see a third game, although frankly I don't believe in the article from Kikizo (it's incredibly vague). We'll probably never see a new chapter of the game, but at least we had 2 brilliant releases that I love to play over and over again.


Stocka, don't miss Shenmue II. It's funny, it's a continuation of the game but in some ways it's quite different.

In the first Shenmue you have a "small" setting in which you get to know pretty much every character, you have lots of interaction with objects, everything's more familiar.

In the second Shenmue release you go to a foreign land, and at first you kind of feel lost (I'm not saying this in a bad way, it's just like the character would feel), since it's a much larger setting and it's a place unknown to him. You get less interaction with objects, but a lot more to do and to see. It's simply incredible that if you visit a few buildings and see places and apartments that have nothing to do with the story they will have different layouts and furniture, it's incredible the level of detail of the game.

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It was meant be a story of 16 chapters;

I think Shenmue 1 is just one chapter; the intro to the story!

Shenmue 2 is possibly 4 chapters (1 for each disc),

and there were meant to be 4 games in all I think!


I'd love to see ALL the chapters remade and released on next-gen!!

But if they don't do that, then i hope Sega release Shenmue 3 and onwards!!


Shenmue 1 is just chapter 1, Shenmue 2 however, is chapter 2-6. (Or maybe I should say that chapter 2 isn't really there, since it actually was going to be inside the boat. But it was removed. I'm unsure about that one.) Now the remaining chapters are chapter 7-16.

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Funny as you should post this as i finally finished Shenmue II (after a long time since i last played it) on Friday (Xbox version, I have the first on DC).


The two games are sheer brilliance although Shenmue II does drag a bit near the start until you get to Kowloon.

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Here's a trailer for Shenmue Online;


Shenmue Online; (PC)



gametrailers.com has the release date of Q1 2005 (which wasn't the case), so I think they may have given up on the idea; Thankfully!!

IMO, I don't really like any of the character models, apart from Ryu maybe; all the rest look a little wrong, too shiney, and some like Lan Di, lack detail and character!

Also I don't really like the idea of the game; I wouldn't mind it as something COMPLETELY different to the Shenmue story; but only if it didn't take development time away from the main series!


Also, for anyone who hasn't seen Shenmue 2, or wants a reminder of its greatness!! here's the original trailer for Shenmue 2;


Shenmue 2;


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I got a Dreamcast(+ controller) + 3 games + VMU all brand new for £27 off ebay.


I had to buy Shenmue seperately though, and I got it second hand as Shenmue I+II are so expensive sealed. The 3 games I got I don't want but I'm keeping them somewhere safe as they are completed sealed and everything and in a few years when they are ultra rare sell them on ebay for a lot :awesome:

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I'm keeping them somewhere safe as they are completed sealed and everything

Damn, all my dreamcast/ps1 games are stuffed in a big box, and ive lost all the covers... they're probably worth less than a sandwich. And a cheap one at that.

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I love that place!! and catching the bus there and back on a cold winters evening!!


Yeah I loved that, walking home from work around Christmas is pretty magical; stunning graphics for the Dreamcast - high end PS2 easy.


Oh and Shenmue Online was canned ages ago, don't worry about it people.

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I got a Dreamcast(+ controller) + 3 games + VMU all brand new for £27 off ebay.



Wow, for that price I'd happily buy myself a third Dreamcast. (I bought one Japanese to play Japanese games, and one european Dreamcast.)


Anyway, I also loved taking the buss down to the dock. It just felt so real. And I loved running, and just make it in time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I've been playing quite a bit through this festive season, and am absolutely loving it. Its so amazing how at first when you enter Dobuita it seems so big and you get lost, but after a while you feel you know the city better than your own in real life. The game is so alive, its simply wonderful.

Some of my favourite bits so far:

- Going into the Heartbeats pub and teaching the sailors a lesson

- Sneaking into warehouse no.8

- Speaking to Nazomi in the park

And I know there is so much to look forward to!


By the way those wondering where I am I have just got the sword holder thing from the antique shop, and I've been told its the Hazuki Family symbol. Don't have a clue where to go next :hmm: A small hint would be nice but please don't tell me directly.

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Slight Spoilers (more like a couple of small clues):

If it's the Hazuki Family symbol, maybe you should look for something on the Hazuki Residence... (hint) :idea:

Search the property well, the "sword holder thing" will be used, but not before you do/find/use some other things/objects...

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Shenmue 3, how I want it...






Blame the PS2 we didn't get to see this :(


Those are not screenshots of Shenmue 3 though, they're BETA images from Shenmue 2, originally Ryo was intended to reach the village, but like chapter 2 on the boat where Ryo fights Chai they were cut out due to time limits (Look on Shenmue Dojo who do nothing but study this if you don't believe me =P).



Also Shenmue Online has not been canned, a month or two a'go Yu Suzuki went to Taiwan to discuss it, since then new screenshots and everything have been released.

Second article: http://www.planetxbox.com/shenmuedojo/

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I remember in Shenmue 1, I got this kind of rare event, my friends visited me at my house, and they were worried about me, because I had changed. I think I only got this once out of 8 times I completed the game. Also, has anyone gotten Sonic the Hedgehog to open the dorr when you knock the door at a house? I've heard rumours about this.

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Well I've been playing quite a bit through this festive season, and am absolutely loving it. Its so amazing how at first when you enter Dobuita it seems so big and you get lost, but after a while you feel you know the city better than your own in real life. The game is so alive, its simply wonderful.

Some of my favourite bits so far:

- Going into the Heartbeats pub and teaching the sailors a lesson

- Sneaking into warehouse no.8

- Speaking to Nazomi in the park

And I know there is so much to look forward to!


I am so jealous of you! You're getting your first play on Shenmue, and it's a wonderful thing. I remember mine. I played it through about 2 years ago, and the great thing was it was Christmas in the game and very actually Christmas for real, which really added to it. Then (because I was playing it on the DC) I got to go straight into Shenmue 2. Which is even better! Enjoy.


Shenmue is imho a very good example of a mature, adult-themed game. And it flopped. True Crime sells by the bucketload...


/Jumps off cliff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow the move the old guy teaches you at the harbour is quite amazing. I reckon I could even try mixing it in when I spar at boxing sometimes lol. Obviously it wouldn't be quite the same.


Oh man driving the fortlift is pretty fun :awesome:

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Well I've been playing quite a bit through this festive season, and am absolutely loving it. Its so amazing how at first when you enter Dobuita it seems so big and you get lost, but after a while you feel you know the city better than your own in real life. The game is so alive, its simply wonderful.

Wait until you play the second one. I dont think any game has achieved the feeling of a living world as well as Shenmue 2.


No old man dressed as Santa wandering the streets though...plus I miss my kitten.


Bmw Nazca C2

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