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The End Of The World Mafia

The Peeps

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I think that was Aqui1a. Tales shot him.


He was enraged by Nintendohnut so would've appeared evil and acted angry but he broke his artichoke because Aqui1a roleblocked him. It was just flavour.

Edited by The Peeps
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Holy shit, I can't believe I survived! :laughing:


A great game from the mafia, covering every base. We only got one thing wrong and that was not setting targets :laughing:


Despite jayseven threatening to throw me to the wolves with his double vote! :laughing:

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Tales was great, not entirely his fault the town focussed on him for 3 days.


Honestly, how could we trust him after that? He played so selfishly, getting two townies killed and threatening to get a third killed just to save his own skin. I think it's a terrible way of playing the game, and we really should have got rid of him immediately. This is all said from a townie viewpoint, as I sympathised entirely with the town in that case.

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I was seriously panicking on the day Dyson was being voted for. The rest of the mafia were all offline and I had to act quickly before majority was reached. In the end I just posted my story and hoped that ONE townie would be convinced. As that was all we needed for majority. The fact that my story managed to convince everyone that Dazz was evil when it was clearly Dyson who was creating the natural disasters was astounding. In the end the mafia only needed to put one vote on for the majority, and luckily jay came online.


We had a bit of a squeaky bum moment last night; We knew there were four people we needed stop (Mundi: Jailkeeper, Maddog: force player to target him, Ellmeister:Roleblocker and Eddie: Protector) but we just physically couldn't do it. In the end we made Mundi target Ell to get that out of the way, Dyson Roleblocked Maddog, and all we could do to Eddie was randomize her target. At the time we thought this was probably fine, but only afterwards did Peeps point out that we had been foolish and that eddie had protected Ellmeister. lucky for us, Ellmeister didn't send in a target that night, but if he'd targeted any one of us we could have been seriously screwed.


Honestly, how could we trust him after that? He played so selfishly, getting two townies killed and threatening to get a third killed just to save his own skin. I think it's a terrible way of playing the game, and we really should have got rid of him immediately. This is all said from a townie viewpoint, as I sympathised entirely with the town in that case.


I have to say, Tales was probably the main reason we won the game (and you guys, obv). He distracted the town for three days which meant we could perform night kills without worrying too much. He also killed someone on a night we were role blocked, and got another townie and himself lynched. That made up for all the nights when we failed to kill.


Isn't it rather strange that so many townies were lynched and not one mafioso? I find that strange.

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Tales was a blessing for me. That day where he was almost-lynched? I withheld my vote on purpose because I knew he would be quickly lynched by me, Dannyboy and the mafia (and Herojan who insisted on giving moral support :heh:) the next day. I couldn't have recruited mr-paul quietly without Tales as a scapegoat for us.


Also, a highlight for me in my triple agent-ness:


Nintendohnut: The people are accusing Dannyboy! Let's all vote for him, except for Jonnas. Jonnas should defend him, pretend like they are on the same side.


Thank you for making it easy for me :p


Anyway, I'll be working on that write-up...

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To be fair you guys deserved to lose for being so stupid when it came to me. I knew the town were doomed after that, and I'm glad! Because I won and you didn't, so HA!


Was a really great game btw, interesting to follow and play in, just wish I'd managed to last. Also shocked anyone went with the Dazz lynch, that was classic mafia.

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