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Funny Stuff Thread


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"I have read your website and it is obviously that your a foggot."


Funny e-mail exchange between this guy David Thorne and some redneck foo'.


Hilarious stuff. I love the subject titles.



"RE: dneck"


"RE: tarded"


The dude just owned him! I love how he wouldn't give up though, haha. I also love how he was talking about reporting him to the police when he could have been done for threatening behaviour, lmao.


David Thorne is awesome. I don't know him but that page alone makes him awesome.




Okay, just read the Missing Missy one, had me laughing. Especially the 'LOST' e-mail. Bit bad though and I feel bad for laughing but then I don't, lol. Weirdness!


"Nowhere in the bible does Jesus have a sword fight"


Another funny e-mail exchange...

Edited by Animal
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The spider one is pretty good.




I remember seeing that on Have I Got News For You, figured it was just some idiot, but after reading all of the replies/other stuff on that site I realise that he is actually awesome!

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Yeah, I was thinking the same. The redneck one was fun because the writer deserved it, but in a lot of them he just comes off as a prick unnecessarily.


He is a prick but he's funny about it. I don't get why I find it funny because I do actually think he's mean but I can't help but laugh. I felt bad laughing at Missing Missy but I just couldn't help it.

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He is a prick but he's funny about it. I don't get why I find it funny because I do actually think he's mean but I can't help but laugh. I felt bad laughing at Missing Missy but I just couldn't help it.


(Well, that one was a particularly bad example for me because of my love for cats, but I acknowledge my bias there. :heh:)


Some of them are a joy to read, like the one where some idiot he once did some work for and never got paid by wants him to do some free work for him. When the bastards have it coming, it's wonderful.


But in a lot of the cases he just seems to act like a prick for no apparent reason other than to be a dick about petty things. The one with the religious play was particularly bad; I would have backed him up if it was an extremist nutjob, but it wasn't! It was a harmless play about the Christian meaning of Easter, and he could opt out of it if he wanted.


The fact that he's doing it humourously only adds to his dickishness when there's no good reason for him to act that way.

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But he clearly makes fun of himself too. Like when he spoke about using hair removal cream on sensitive areas and his many other little anecdotes.


I loved that the school lifted the computer ban in the flash drive incident.

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But he clearly makes fun of himself too. Like when he spoke about using hair removal cream on sensitive areas and his many other little anecdotes.


I loved that the school lifted the computer ban in the flash drive incident.


It's all besides the point for me, really. It doesn't change the fact that he's acting like a douche.

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Aside from the fact that its some of the funniest stuff on the internet.


Tastes differ, mate.


It's not that I'm against offensive humour at all. It's just ... there's something that just really displeases me about his way of going about it. I can't exactly put my finger on it, to be honest.


Anyway, carry on.

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I'm gonna have to remember this when I mention I'm going to the next Nationals.


I'm 25 and in the Masters Division and I consider myself young, there are a shitload of older people, fathers and mothers of "normal" age. The main factor is that people use/are trained to use meta-decks which win games. Age doesn't matter when you've copied from the internet.

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