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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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Erm well I'm good so please don't lynch me :p


And Zell was confirmed good by ReZ so he's not mafia either =\ and he's definitely not Angus because I investigated his power last night and got the same as before.


So I don't think it's either of us

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Well if chairdriver isn't lying about his "no target", then it's either The Peeps or Zell. Everyone else has targeted someone (and has proof of it).


These two seem to have targeted each other, which means there's no real proof they didn't kill ReZ. If Zell really stole from The Peeps, then that means The Peeps is most likely the killer.



Vote: The Peeps



Unless someone can change my mind/come up with something better.

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I'm going with that, and I'll help you make your mind up when I get into work. Or now, maybe. Vote:The Peeps


Basically I agree on the power, Peeps has flown under the radar because he's given truthful answers on powers, but tbh there isn't much worth to lying about his power when you think about it. It can easily come out, and doesn't really offer much, except if he gambled a lie to get a lynch but then we might have hung him out to dry.


Anyway, why I vote for him, is thanks to some work by Dazz last night! Genius boy, simple work, yet it looks rather suspect to me. There's been something bugging me about Peeps anyhow, but nothing more than a feeling, anyway, this is what Dazz put together last night.


The votings.


DAY 1 (No Lynch)

Vote Standings


No Lynch (14) - jayseven, Dazz, EddieColeslaw, mr-paul, Dyson, MadDog, Mundi, Cube, Sprout, Zell, The Peeps, aqui1a, Ellmeister, Tales

(+Nintendohnut, Eenuh, Flinky, Rummy, Diageo)


Jayseven (1) - Sméagol


Majority has been reached


DAY 2 (No Lynch)

Vote Standings


Sméagol (9): jayseven, ReZourceman, Ellmeister, Heroicjanitor, Cube, Zell, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Dazz, Tales


Majority is 13



Vote Standings


Sméagol (2): Rummy, chairdriver


Mundi (13): Esequiel, Diageo, The Peeps, aqui1a, Dazz, Nintendohnut, ReZourceman, Cube, Ellmeister, Flinky, EddieColeslaw, Tales, Dyson


Majority has been reached



Vote Standings


Dyson (1): Cube


Nintendohnut (4): The Peeps, Ellmeister, Esequiel, Zell


No Lynch (1): Dyson


Diageo (1): ReZourceman


Artichokeman (1): Diageo


Majority is 12



Vote Standings


Marcamillian (12): Diageo, Dyson, Tales, EddieColeslaw, aqui1a, Dannyboy-the-Dane, ReZourceman, Jayseven, Flinky, Esequiel, Nintendohnut, Cube


Nintendohnut (1): chairdriver



Vote Standings


Nintendohnut (7): chairdriver, The Peeps, Cube, Rummy, Nintendohnut, Diageo, Zell


ReZ (1): Ellmeister


Ellmeister (1): ReZ


chairdriver (2): Dazz, Dyson


Majority is 11



Vote Standings


Nintendohnut (7): chairdriver, The Peeps, Cube, Rummy, Nintendohnut, Diageo, Zell


ReZ (1): Ellmeister


Ellmeister (1): ReZ


chairdriver (2): Dazz, Dyson


Majority is 11



Vote Standings


Nintendohnut (9): Rummy, The Peeps, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Dazz, Flinky, Diageo, Tales, Zell, Dyson


EddieColeslaw (3): ReZourceman, chairdriver, Nintendohnut


Majority is 9



Vote Standings


Dyson (9): Zell, The Peeps, ReZourceman, chairdriver, Diageo, Rummy, EddieColeslaw, Flinky, Dannyboy-the-Dane


ReZourceman (1): Dyson


Sméagol (1): Ellmeister


Majority has been reached


DAY 10

Vote Standings


EddieColeslaw (8): Rummy, Dazz, Zell, ReZourceman, chairdriver, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Tales, mr-paul


ReZourceman (2): Flinky


Sméagol (1): Ellmeister


Majority has been reached


DAY 11

Vote Standings


Sméagol (4): chairdriver, ReZourceman, Zell, Eenuh


Tales (7): Dazz, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Rummy, mr-paul, The Peeps, Flinky


Dazz (1): Tales



Majority has been reached


DAY 12

Vote Standings


Sméagol (6): chairdriver, Rummy, Dazz, Zell, ReZourceman, Eenuh


Majority has been reached



Anybody see anything? Or rather, not see anything? He's only on one mafia lynch. That's when there was a lynch split between two mafia also(Smeagol vs Tales), they(the mafia) might have hoped to split it between the two and lynch neither, or considered Smeagol more powerful than Tales and so Tales a more worthy sacrifice.



For the record, this is the list of dead people and alignments for reference, so that you can see the only mafia lynch he was on was Tales(on a number of Town ones, though). Dazz says he also lead a charge on Dohnut but I haven't checked that yet, and tbh I did too, but maybe if he was worried of him helping kill off the mafia it could make sense(Dohnut is the presumed killer of Esequiel, who was mafia).


HeroicJanitor- Good

1st Eenuh- Good

MadDog- Good

Cube- Good


1st mr-paul-good













Esequiel- Evil


dohnut-neutral, killer but claimed not to(only unexpected death was esequiel, mafia)


(^ unexpected = unexplained*)

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I voted for Sméagol first or second but removed it for discussion, I was too late to put it back on in time (because I have a job).


Vote: chairdriver if it's going to be me or him then it needs to be him. Surely enhancing Flink would've been a safe bet? Or one of Dazz or Rummy? Maybe we're too close to majority for Chair to risk enhancing anyone. Maybe he was only enhancing ReZ to stay on his good side and not be bothered by him.


Seriously, I can't believe people are putting so much faith in voting patterns. The amount of times I've removed my vote for discussion to go on alone...


One step closer. Have we even heard from Zell at all today? Surely that's suspicious. What if he appears good under investigation?

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The Peeps, I think you're clutching at straws. I'm clearly good, so excusing me won't get you anywhere. And yeah, I did steal something from your room, so you've just confirmed that I couldn't be the killer.


Out of everyone left, you're the only one who hasn't convinced me of your goodness. By process of elimination...


Vote: The Peeps

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Vote Standings


chairdriver (1): mr-paul


The Peeps (5): Eenuh, Rummy, Dazz, chairdriver, Zell



Majority has been reached




Eenuh, Rummy, Dazz, chairdriver and Zell had come to a conclusion.

"Lynching The Peeps it is, then."






Broadcast Yourself


A girl had appeared in the doorway. "Do not lynch The Peeps! He is my trusted brother!"


"...Who are you?" asked the gentlemen


"It's me, Heroicjanitor! You thought I had died back in Night 2, but I was kept alive!"


Jonnas spoke: "As the resident Gatekeeper, I feel obligated to clarify:

Heroicjanitor is dead. He was the Maid, Mary Wilson, who could steal from other players' rooms. He was Good."


"Oh no... And where might the body be?"


"Master Angus has chosen to keep that information secret"

Heroicjanitor has been revived and has now returned to the game!


"By jove!"


"Good golly!"




"Sister!" The Peeps was relieved "How come the vile hunter let you live?"


"I know not! He simply knocked me out and locked me in an unused storage room."


Rummy found this odd... "That ain't soundin' like no merciless hunter to me. He must've had a damn good reason"


Dazz was hopeful "Perhaps he was overcome in a brief moment of mercy? Perhaps there is a possibility, eh?"


Eenuh retorted "I think not! Angus MacNeil is even more merciless than the vicious Black Masks of old!"


mr-paul considered "Perhaps Angus was holding The Peeps' sister hostage, in exchange for his cooperation?"


Chairdriver clarified "Realistically speaking, that is the more probable outcome. There is little difference, however, it is very likely that Angus has replaced The Peeps, and the original servant is dead"


Zell remembered "...That would explain the three keys I stole from his room last night!"


Flinky had enough "Three keys!? You only tell us this now? Triple Vote: The Peeps! Hasta la vista, baby!"


Broadcast Yourself


Heroicjanitor did not believe it. "No! That cannot be the truth! I trust my brother compl-Argh!"


Heroicjanitor is dead. Again. He was stabbed in the back by The Peeps. Again.


"Hmph... Even the innocent guise within these two siblings was not enough to hold off these impetuous townies..."


"Angus! Your mad hunt ends here!"


"Feh! Of course not! I have a nice boat awaiting me beneath the mansion. You can do nothing but set me back for a few days!"


"...Is that so?"




Nintendohnut had quietly slipped from the ceiling and surprised Angus from behind, slashing his throat with astonishing quickness and precision.


The Peeps is dead. Originally, he was the Servant, Sebastian Wilson, who helped Angus MacNeil due to blackmail. However, he had become Angus himself when Tales was lynched a few nights back. He was Evil, and the final member of The Hunter's group.


"...At last, I have undone my wrongs. I had trained Angus to become a professional, honourable assassin, working for a noble cause...but instead he chose to kill men for sport... What a disappointment...


But from now on, perhaps we Scotsmen may regain some respect among Englishmen"


Chairdriver chuckled "As if..."

Nintendohnut picked up his former pupil's body and hopped off the window. Presumably, he knew what he was doing.




Broadcast Yourself


The Town was victorious



chairdriver - The Magician, Isaac Gavin


A skilled magician who enhanced others, this mysterious, secretive gentleman saw a fine challenge in this game. Yet he remains as mysterious as ever.


Dazz & Rummy - The Canadian Detective, Aubrey Gagnon & The American Detective, Richard Jansen


Dazz was an overly trusting detective from Canada. Rummy was an overly paranoid detective from the United States. Once a team, their personalities cancelled each other out, leaving nothing but the capable detectives underneath


Eenuh - The Royal Butler, Albert Hayes


The butler is truly the finest ally a gentleman may have. Despite her unfortunate choice of targets, she proved to be a valuable ally for the town.

Flinky - King James


An eccentric gentleman, even more so, for he is the King. After finally experiencing a mafia game for the first time, one could say he is more of a man now than he was before

mr-paul - The Athlete, William Brown


An athlete with the odd power of keeping "nefarious" powers at bay. Although a bit paranoid at first, he later realized that intrusive powers do not necessarily imply evil in one's heart.


Zell - The Doorman, Oliver Carter


A shy, quiet, yet loyal servant of the Royal Family. Frustrated with needing to resort to thievery to help the townies, his persistence eventually paid off.



Phew... Finally finished. Comments, and perhaps an epilogue, will come later.

Edited by Jonnas
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Wooo! We fuckin rock! Well played right til the end thought Peeps, could never quite get a solid on you.


Well done to Dazz for his excellent info/vote trawling at the end of the game, he did all the work to make me vote this time. Also many many thanks to him for being such an excellent partner to work with throughout the game, thoroughly enjoyed playing with him :)


Also, big thanks to Jonnas, again and epic game for me, so many ups and downs! Also thanks for my/Dazz's role, I always wondered though...was it planned from the start?

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Yessssss! =D


Knew he was mafia haha.

There's only room for one royal butler in this town! =P



Great game!

Too bad I kept messing up/getting unlucky with my targets, though last night's helped a lot in figuring out The Peeps was mafia (I targeted Flinky, which meant I knew mr-paul, Rummy and Dazz weren't the killer). Flinky wasn't either cause he had the note, which only left three people. I trusted chairdriver and if both The Peeps and Zell were telling the truth about Zell stealing, that only left The Peeps.

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And you used Song Of Angus for the credits! Yay! :D


Yes, I know I died, and I fucking hate it! :heh: First time I've been genuinely bummed to die in a mafia game.


I actually suspected The Peeps since I died. I can't recall exactly what triggered it, but I just had a bad feeling about him. He has been mafia since herojan died, yes?


Oh, and Sméagol, was he always mafia?


Did Angus ever steal the key I had, by the way? Or was my pocket indeed so secret that he couldn't find it? :heh:


Rummy and Dazz, I think you were being a bit too difficult to work with. Granted, I trusted you and didn't want to pressure you more, but I don't see how you could've become bigger targets than you already were. :heh: Hell, I'm pretty sure the mafia started taking out the rest of us because they knew we were protecting you! :p (I curse myself for not being more selfish. :heh:)


Anyway, this has been the best and most epic mafia game I have EVER experienced! Amazing roles, amazing mechanics, amazing write-ups, constant paranoia, lots of uncertainty, huge discussions ... it was amazing! :D


I actually doubt I'll ever love another mafia game as much again ... :(


Still fucking bummed I died, though ... curse you, Peeps and Sméagol!


(Also loving the references in the final write-up, by the way. :D)

Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
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Sméagol was always mafia yes. Brilliant move from him to tell about the keys on day 2 :heh: We didn't steal again so he could lay low, but we continued at the end of the game when we realized we couldn't win with majority. So we tried make a run for the keys instead. The keys were the reason we killed Rez and danny because we had a theory that people related to the queen was in the posession of the keys. Also Rez was annoying. That was the third time he was targeted to be killed :p (redirected from Flink at the second attempt, who I think we tried to kill earlier too) Ellmeister was because he was interfering with our attempt to kill/get keys I think. Including the 3 Zell stole we had 4 in total.


We had to invent dreams for me since day 5.


Great game, lots of activity on the mafia forum too. 700+ posts last time I checked.

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Rummy and Dazz, I think you were being a bit too difficult to work with. Granted, I trusted you and didn't want to pressure you more, but I don't see how you could've become bigger targets than you already were. :heh: Hell, I'm pretty sure the mafia started taking out the rest of us because they knew we were protecting you! :p (I curse myself for not being more selfish. :heh:)


For the same reason you don't walk out into an open battlefield in plain sight whilst your enemy hides in the trees and the shadows. For the same reason you don't reveal you hand too early in a game. It's basic strategy in my mind, any doubt the mafia had about us could leave to protecting us, or even more so influencing their actions in targeting. You don't go into battle blind, and I didn't wish to open their eyes to everything about us. Besides, you didn't need to work with us, you needed to trust us after we lynched you two mafia. Nothing I said in the thread didn't make sense. We can't win outside of the town lynching mafia, I kept saying that, why did people not trust us after two mafia and that? Becuase we were cagey? Did that mean we were evil?


It seems if you don't outright lie or tell the truth, you're a target. Hell, you can kill a man, tell the truth, and not get lynched in these games. What sort of messed up logic is that? I never understood either, how clearing unsuspected towns, in a game where it's assumed everyone is anyway, benefits anything.



And despite me asking all these questions numerous times throughout the thread, nobody actually ever gave me any answers to counter these points.

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Rummy and Dazz, I think you were being a bit too difficult to work with. Granted, I trusted you and didn't want to pressure you more, but I don't see how you could've become bigger targets than you already were. :heh: Hell, I'm pretty sure the mafia started taking out the rest of us because they knew we were protecting you! :p (I curse myself for not being more selfish. :heh:)


For the same reason you don't walk out into an open battlefield in plain sight whilst your enemy hides in the trees and the shadows. For the same reason you don't reveal you hand too early in a game. It's basic strategy in my mind, any doubt the mafia had about us could leave to protecting us, or even more so influencing their actions in targeting. You don't go into battle blind, and I didn't wish to open their eyes to everything about us. Besides, you didn't need to work with us, you needed to trust us after we lynched you two mafia. Nothing I said in the thread didn't make sense. We can't win outside of the town lynching mafia, I kept saying that, why did people not trust us after two mafia and that? Becuase we were cagey? Did that mean we were evil?


It seems if you don't outright lie or tell the truth, you're a target. Hell, you can kill a man, tell the truth, and not get lynched in these games. What sort of messed up logic is that? I never understood either, how clearing unsuspected towns, in a game where it's assumed everyone is anyway, benefits anything.



And despite me asking all these questions numerous times throughout the thread, nobody actually ever gave me any answers to counter these points.


For the record I think the town was being rather stubborn as well, and I did trust you instead of pushing for more info. And I do see your point, but after it became clear you didn't have to target the same person, you really couldn't have become more of a target in my eyes. But I digress.


Still, despite what you may think, it is important to clear townies, even if they're unsuspected, because as we saw with Peeps, we can never quite trust anyone.

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I never understood why Rummy and dazz acted like that. It was pretty obvious they were working together. The only reason we didn't kill them was because we didn't have the time. Whatever they said or didn't say wouldn't change anything, it was pretty obvious they got correct results considering they got me and Eddie!

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Well played town!


Overall we played quite patiently and got there in the end. Obviously we should have lynched Smeagol and Eddie much sooner than we did. The trouble was we were far too focused on Danny and Dohnut and never ended up lynching anyone. Getting Marca when we did probably saved us.


I like my role, even though I was outed on the first day. I'm quite surprised I made it to the end of the game to be honest.

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For the record I think the town was being rather stubborn as well, and I did trust you instead of pushing for more info. And I do see your point, but after it became clear you didn't have to target the same person, you really couldn't have become more of a target in my eyes. But I digress.


Still, despite what you may think, it is important to clear townies, even if they're unsuspected, because as we saw with Peeps, we can never quite trust anyone.


What? We DID have to target the same person! We didn't want the mafia to know that early on though, because then they'd realise we both needed to be alive to work! It's harder to protect two people than it is one, surely? There's never need for more information than neccessary.


And no, it isn't important until they're under suspicion. It's more information than needed, and in the case of evil-appears-good, can lead to false assumptions and beliefs that can let a mafia fly past completely unnoticed. In fact, haven't you done so in the past?


We had no worry about good-appears-evil people though, because as said Dyson had already been that and I didn't expect another.


I never understood why Rummy and dazz acted like that. It was pretty obvious they were working together. The only reason we didn't kill them was because we didn't have the time. Whatever they said or didn't say wouldn't change anything, it was pretty obvious they got correct results considering they got me and Eddie!


As said, yes it's obvious we were working together. But knowing the exact ins and outs, and just knowing we are, are two very different things. You knew straight away we had to target the same person and could communicate outside the thread? You knew that 100%? I don't think so.

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Epic, but gruelling Jonnas!


Congrats town.


I like to formally apologise to my teammates for screwing up from day 1! The keys were the.. Key to winning, as with such a large group, but with 1 normal mafia team, it would be impossible to win traditionally, so my blunder messed up out strategies immensely (but I realised this too late unfortunately.. In hindsight, I should have continued stealing right away). I reckon we had a very big chance of winning if I didn't screw up. Still, it was a very close game. If Zell didn't steal the keys, and Peeps had survived this day, he would have won. I guess that's a testament to Jonnas game-balancing skills ;).


Auto-sign up for part III please.

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