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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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I apologise now if you're town Eddie!

Right, it's time for:





aqui1a/mr-paul - sportsman, protector against nefarious things

night 1- nothing

night 2 - protected ReZ

night 3- targeted Dazz, caught in a trap

night 4 - himself, someone targeted him

night 5 - diageo

night 6 - ellmeister, punched away

night 7 - dannyboy

night 8 - didn't send target

night 9 - didn't send target, cricket bat stolen (replaced by mr-paul)


chairdriver - magician (came out on day 5)

night 1 - tales, already asleep

night 2 - cured Cube's eyes

night 3 - cube

night 4 - targeted flink and failed

night 5 - diageo

night 7 - rez

night 8 - rez

night 9 - peeps, was roleblocked


Cube- Duke Phillip Manning, investigate/protect (DEAD NIGHT 7, GOOD)

night 1 - investigated zell

night 2 - handkerchiefed, then pushed dannyboy over

night 3 - back to being disfigured, trusts flink, targeted ReZ (revealed day 6)

night 4 - diageo, couldn't find out what he wanted

night 5 - someone tried to kill him, fought them off

night 6 - caught in a trap on way to Esequiel


Dannyboy - James Barker - kills and traps

night 1- targeted Sprout

night 2 - targeted cube, was pushed over, something strange going on, amnesia

night 3 - found out he was indeed james barker through deducing in the threead, dazz

night 4 - self

night 5 - self

night 6 - redirected by jay from Cube to ReZ

night 7 - protected flink

night 8 - flink

night 9 - peeps


Dazz investigator (claimed day 3)

Night 1 - Diageo - good

Night 2 - ReZ - good

Night 3 - Sméagol - good

Night 4 - Dohnut - good


ReZ- Good (unspecified night, probably 9)

Dannyboy- Good (unspecified night)

EddieColeslaw- Evil (unspecified night)



Diageo - dancer, clayton rogers, copy powers (DEAD NIGHT 9, GOOD)

night 1 - dannyboy, was roleblocked

night 2 - evidence that Smeagol can protect from non kills

night 3 - roleblocked

night 4 - fought marcamillian, no kill

night 5 - attacked Cube

night 7 - targeted eddie, caught in a trap

night 8 - roleblocked peeps


Dyson - jack bradford, street brawler protector (LYNCHED DAY 9 by Zell, The Peeps, ReZourceman, chairdriver, Diageo, Rummy, EddieColeslaw, Flinky, Dannyboy-the-Dane, GOOD)

Night 1- himself

Night 2 - ellmeister

Night 3 - no-one (out of choice)

Night 4 - flink, held off 4 people

Night 6 - ellmeister, stopped one person

Night 7 - Esequiel, roleblocked

night 8 - ReZ, stopped by traps


EddieColeslaw - comes out on day 8 as roleblocker/protector with traps

Night 1: protected heroicjanitor (no PM)

Night 2: roleblocked jayseven (no PM)

Night 3: protected Cube (no PM)

Night 4: roleblocked Aqui1a (PM: failed)

Night 5: roleblocked Eenuh (no PM)

Night 6: protected Esequiel (no PM)

Night 7: protected myself (no PM)

night 8 - roleblocked dyson

night 9 - rolebblocked smeagol


Eenuh - protector, key went to mysterious figure on death (DEAD NIGHT 3, GOOD)


Ellmeister - spanish, red cape, jailkeeper (claimed day 5)

night 1 - Diageo

night 2 - MadDog

night 3 - Diageo

night 4 - Flink, tried jailkeeping/protecting but someone was better

night 5 - tried jailkeeping Dohnut but caught in traps

night 6 - ReZ - caught in trap

night 7 - dyson

night 8 - smeagol

night 9 - didn't send in


Esequiel - tracker/reverse (claimed day 6) actually a con artist -disguise his identity - (DEAD NIGHT 7, EVIL)

night 1 - self - was targeted by nobody

night 2 - smeagol targeted dannyboy but was blocked.

night 3 - roleblocked (targeted Dazz)

night 4- Tales - targeted no-one

night 5 - forgot to target anyone

night 6 - tried to target Eddie, didn't get a PM


Flinky - notemaker, optional double vote

night 1 - jayseven

night 2 - smeagol - thief, protector - no evidence of grouping

night 3 - dyson, rough protector, did nothing the last night, got a key from eenuh (was a team-mate of her's)

night 4 - diageo, dancer

night 5 - zell, steals things

night 6 - no note, tried targeting ReZ

night 7 - dannyboy, traps and knives and biceps

night 8 - eddie has traps, devices, ropes and strings

night 9 - Smeagol, same as before but something feels different


Herojan - maid, could steal from people's rooms (DEAD NIGHT 2,GOOD)

night 1 - there's a sebastian who can steal things


Jayseven - redirector/barman (LYNCHED DAY 7 by Cube, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Flinky, The Peeps, chairdriver, Eenuh, Zell, Nintendohnut, Dyson, Ellmeister, Esequiel, GOOD)

night 1 - zell to herojan

After a few drinks, Zell speaks heartily. It seems his name is Oliver Carter, and he's unsure of whether his plans for tonight were correct or not.

night 2 - rummy to diageo (failed) caught in a trap

night 3 - rummy to Diageo, Rummy insisted in drinking beer. He said "I don't trust no drinks of yours. I'm drinkin' good ol' fashioned beer or my god-given name isn't Richard Jansen!"

night 4 - chair to flink, The moment you offer chair a drink, you see he had already served himself. Odd, you could swear he didn't touch the bottle... He says, "I'm Isaac Gavin, should you want to see more, I'm not hard to find"

night 5 - no-one

night 6 - dannyboy to ReZ "Dannyboy sure loved a good Scotch. It seems he's James Barker, Angus' twin brother who was thought dead, but now serves the princess. Crazy, huh?"



MadDog - policeman, good (DEAD NIGHT 5, GOOD)

night 1 flink targeted jayseven

night 2 roleblocked

night 3 - says he gets death scene reports - flink hurried away (has the key?)


Marcamillian - Angus MacNeil (LYNCHED DAY 5 by Diageo, Dyson, Tales, EddieColeslaw, aqui1a, Dannyboy-the-Dane, ReZourceman, Jayseven, Flinky, Esequiel, Nintendohnut, Cube, EVIL)

day 5 - says lord James is mafia leader


mr-paul - aoife kavanagh from last game, key stolen on death (DEAD NIGHT 1, GOOD)


Mundi - seargent michael connor, roleblock investigator (LYNCHED by Esequiel, Diageo, The Peeps, aqui1a, Dazz, Nintendohnut, ReZourceman, Cube, Ellmeister, Flinky, EddieColeslaw, Tales, Dyson. GOOD)

night 1 - nothing worthwhile - found out who Oliver Carter is (Zell)

night 2 - targeted ReZ to interrogate, also roleblocks


Nintendohnut - vengeful scotsman Graham Finlay, needs to kill Angus, neutral, can set traps (LYNCHED DAY 8 by Rummy, The Peeps, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Dazz, Flinky, Diageo, Tales, Zell, Dyson, NEUTRAL)

first 3 nights - no-one

night 6 - says the traps at esequiel's weren't his


ReZ - animal handler, investigative cat

night 1 - dohnut, inconclusive

night 2 - was targeted by Aqui1a, Dazz and Mundi.

night 3 - tracked Flink, targeted Dyson

night 4 - protected self

night 5 - tracked maddog

night 6 - sent a cat to diageo

night 7 - investigate Zell - good, enhanced by chair

night 8 - investigate Dyson - evil (wrong info), protect self enhanced by chair again

night 9 - track diageo and dazz, diageo targeted Aqui1a, Dazz targeted ReZ


Rummy - alignment investigator (claimed day 5)

Night 1 - ReZ - evil shady behaviour

Night 2 - chair - clearly evil

Night 3 - Dazz, redirected to Diageo - evil

Night 4 - Dohnut - evil


day 9 - says just trust me on this about eddiecoleslaw

day 10 - guarantees eddie is evil on his own life still refuses to give anything away


Sméagol - thief, claude gallandeau, claims to protect from non fatal stuff, knows lots about keys

night 1- steal dannyboy - failed

night 2 - protect dannyboy - roleblocked

night 3 - protect flink

night 4 - protect flink - someone else protecting

night 5 - protect diageo

night 6 - protect peeps

night 7 - protect rez

night 8 - steal dannyboy - jailkept

night 9 - steal rez - roleblocked


Sprout/eenuh - tracker

night 1 - rummy, someone attempted to talk to her

night 2 - herself

night 3 - aqui1a

night 4 - flink, was stopped by Dyson

night 5 - flink, caught in a trap

night 6 - diageo targeted himself, Rezcat targeted him

night 7 - ellmeister, noone targeted him

night 8 - Rez, targeted himself and visited by chair

night 9 - reverse tracked ell. visited by no-one


Tales - vague dreams, came out with full details on day 10

Night 1: Zell takes a few drinks, chats with two people, is brutally attacked, some yells and threatens him and then something and I wake up.

Night 2: A handsome man has his pain temporarily relieved, met a respected figure and attacked someone unprovoked.

Night 3: Four people were caught in traps. Could have been five but the person escaped only for something to happpen. I assumed it was the victim something I mentioned.

Night 4: A man attacked four people unprovoked, two other men fought each other.

Night 5: One was reflecting upon himself and another upon someone else.

night 6 - one gentleman evaded death a second time

Night 7: A gentleman was stopped as he about to leave. It had fortunate side effects.

night 8 - 3 people caught in traps

night 9 - had a dream about someone entering a room (his) and tripped on the way out


The Peeps - sebastian, herojan's bro, investigator (powers)

Night 1 - Diageo - first roleblcok... then protect

Night 2 - Smeagol, confirms his powers

Night 3 - dohnut has knives and traps

Night 4 - Dazz attempts to learn other people's alignments

Night 5 - zell steals stuff

Night 7 - Rummy attemtps to get alignments

night 8 - caught in a trap

night 9 - eddie roleblocks or protects


Zell - Oliver Carter, thief

night 1 - redirected to herojan and roleblocked

night 2 - found beartraps in Dohnut's room

night 3 - ell, red cape, uses to roleblock

night 4 - roleblocked dohnut

night 5 - stole paper from maddog, gained his knowledge

night 6 - tried targeting esequiel, caught in a trap (tripwire)

night 7 - tried targeting eddiecoleslaw, caught in same trap

night 8 - dyson, found nothing

night 9 - aqui1a, stole cricket bat


Collating all information in the game to route out suspicious individuals. Classic mafia tactic.

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Vote Standings


EddieColeslaw (8): Rummy, Dazz, Zell, ReZourceman, chairdriver, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Tales, mr-paul


ReZourceman (2): Flinky

Sméagol (1): Ellmeister


Majority has been reached




mr-paul made quite an impact upon his arrival. Suddenly, this mafia game had turned into some sort of Spanish inquisition (and none ever expect the inquisition)


Despite all the commotion and demands, the gentlemen reached a solid conclusion.


"All things considered, Edward Coleslaw is the most suspicious of all!"




Broadcast Yourself


"Hmph... It was only a matter of time, I suppose. This game is far too risky..."


The eight gentlemen circled the lady.


"There is no escape for thee!"


"Is there not...? Look at me." They did "Now look at gentleman next to you" Each did as asked "Now back to me" Once again they glanced "Now back to them" And once again they obliged "And now myself again" And they once more turned to...


"What!? She has disappeared!"


"Search for her! She must not escape!"




In a hidden cave beneath the mansion, flooded by water...


Eddiecoleslaw stood next to her master, near a small boat.

"I believe I have managed to elude them. They will not find this place."


"Good... Perhaps it is best if you stay here. The rest of us might still win the game, but even if we don't, we might still escape alive"


"Yes, master. Retreating in the face of impossible odds would be the wisest course of action"


"Heh! You have learned well, Sveta. I knew I did well to choose you"


EddieColeslaw has disappeared (she's effectively dead). She was the Hunter's Apprenticess, Sveta Rost. She was a sneaky Russian lady, trained to become Angus' successor. She was Evil.




Meanwhile, among the gentlemen...

"Huzzah! We have lynched a nefarious lady!"


"How could you possibly know that if she's disappeared?"


"...Jonnas' words of boldness are enough for me, I suppose"




Remaining Players













The Peeps



There are 13 remaining players


Night 10 starts now

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A man was guarding a door. He guarded against any possible attacks.

"iVengan!" he thought "iNadie es más valiente que yo, el Maestro de Éll!"


The hunter appeared.

"Ellmeister, I assume?"


Broadcast Yourself


"Ah... Angus Macneil, el mortífero cazador... iHoy, no matarás!"


The Master of Ell spinned in place and clapped his hands in the air. He then stood there, waiting.

"Is he mocking me...?" Angus, despite his confusion, drew the knifes and attacked as usual.


That was a crass mistake, however. Everybody knows that the Spaniards' strength is the ability to counter impetuous charges by raging buffoons. Ellmeister drew a red cape seemingly out of nowhere and involved Angus with it.




The hunter was at his mercy. Ellmeister simply threw the hunter against the wall, recovered his cape and regained his stance.

"iÃndale, ándale!" Now he was truly mocking him.


"Heh, you are a curious opponent, 'muchaycho'..."




"I care not, 'ameigo'"




"Regardless, everybody knows your 'Paylia' is simply disgraceful..."


"Paella! Vete al infierno, canalla!"


An enraged Ellmeister charged against the hunter. That was a crass mistake, however. Everybody knows that the Scotsmens' strength is the ability to ignorantly insult and imprecate. The strength of cunning Scotsmen is to take advantage of this.


The Spaniard charged straight into a thrown knife. A second knife was thrown, also lodging itself in his chest.


Ellmeister ha morido. Él era el Caballero, Rodrigo Díaz Delgado. He could roleblock and protect people simultaneously. Él era Bueno.


"Ha! Who is the raging buffoon now?"


How did he hear the narrator? We might never know...




The speech was still there, though.


"Ah, curse your elusiveness, EddieNinjaladyslaw!


Regardless, I must now tell you my tales about Tales. It was a very odd room, his. Filled with mystical objects of the occult, and shenanigans of precognitive horoscopes.


Very eerie, though. I felt as if nobody was living there at all..."




Remaining Players












The Peeps



There are 12 remaining players. Majority is 7.


Day 11 starts now

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