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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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Nintendohnut has traps and knives in his room. He has the ability to kill.


You know these things for a fact (presuming nothing interfered with your investigation)?


I suspect him to be Angus.


Someone mentioned a theory earlier that Angus may be the only 'enemy' in the game and that his goal is to get all the keys rather than kill everyone. I'm quite inclined to believe this may be the case although maybe Angus is neutral and there is still a mafia to face.


Aye, but if Angus is neutral and there's a mafia somewhere, it doesn't really make sense that Angus has done all the killings so far.


Unless Jonnas has seriously mixed up the structure of this game.

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Last night I opted not to target anyone. It was not through inactivity, it was a choice. I know not who to trust.


But as there is only one killer you should protect anyone - it's not like you can protect a mafia member.


Now, if I was a mafia urchin, would I not be protecting one of my own each night?


If you were a mafia, you would be protecting townies.




Wasn't Aqui1a a thief?

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But as there is only one killer you should protect anyone - it's not like you can protect a mafia member.




If you were a mafia, you would be protecting townies.


I think you're looking for holes where there are none. Admittedly, I haven't been following this game as closely as I should have been so if there is only one killer/mafioso then I've missed that bit of info.


I feel a little out of my depth since I didn't play the first game. I am trying though!

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Why not? He's alone and there is a seperate group of evil doers, a new Angus. It is entirely possible, though I doubt that is the case.


It is more likely Angus is indeed part of the mafia who are a group that he has "hired" or acquired in some way.


I'd like to hear from Sprout and other people who haven't spoken much, I saw Marcmillian looking earlier as well.

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Why not? He's alone and there is a seperate group of evil doers, a new Angus. It is entirely possible, though I doubt that is the case.


It is more likely Angus is indeed part of the mafia who are a group that he has "hired" or acquired in some way.


I'd like to hear from Sprout and other people who haven't spoken much, I saw Marcmillian looking earlier as well.


The thing is, there has been absolutely nothing to suggest that Angus is working together with anyone. Quite to the contrary, everything so far seems to point towards him working alone.


I'm not saying there isn't a mafia working together with him, but I'm starting to think it's not the case.

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I think you're looking for holes where there are none. Admittedly, I haven't been following this game as closely as I should have been so if there is only one killer/mafioso then I've missed that bit of info.


I'm just saying that if you don't know who to protect, you should pick at random.

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The our best course of action seems obvious.

If we are to believe The Peeps and are sure he wasn't redirected. Regardless, I wish to wait for Nintendohnut to say something about himself. There's nothing I hate more than rushed lynches without letting the accused defend himself. So I will not vote for now.

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If we are to believe The Peeps and are sure he wasn't redirected. Regardless, I wish to wait for Nintendohnut to say something about himself. There's nothing I hate more than rushed lynches without letting the accused defend himself. So I will not vote for now.


Of course. This was implied.

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If we are to believe The Peeps and are sure he wasn't redirected. Regardless, I wish to wait for Nintendohnut to say something about himself. There's nothing I hate more than rushed lynches without letting the accused defend himself. So I will not vote for now.


Even more than transexuals?


Too soon?

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Last night I opted not to target anyone. It was not through inactivity, it was a choice. I know not who to trust.


Now, if I was a mafia urchin, would I not be protecting one of my own each night?


No, not targeting anyone could be part of the plan so that you can come out with this excuse during the day.


Something was stolen from me last night and you're a thief!


Is it just me, or does this outburst sound made-up...just thinking out loud. I think there should be more than one thief, if there's more than one protector.


Peeps, I assume you investigate people's rooms?


I want to hear from Nintendohnut, not voting until then. Would be cool to hear from Fierce_LiNk as well.

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Nintendohnut has traps and knives in his room. He has the ability to kill.


I suspect him to be Angus.


Someone mentioned a theory earlier that Angus may be the only 'enemy' in the game and that his goal is to get all the keys rather than kill everyone. I'm quite inclined to believe this may be the case although maybe Angus is neutral and there is still a mafia to face.


I can half-confirm this. The night before last, I found bear traps in Nintendohnut's room. No mention of knives however. I didn't say anything because it didn't seem relevant at the time.


If you think he's Angus, then:


Vote: Nintendohnut


Something was stolen from me last night and you're a thief!


That was me, by the way. You're a bullfighter, aren't you?

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No, not targeting anyone could be part of the plan so that you can come out with this excuse during the day.


It's always hard to say since reverse psychology can be reversed an infinite number of times (we've faced this issue before recently).


Is it just me, or does this outburst sound made-up...just thinking out loud. I think there should be more than one thief, if there's more than one protector.


No, it's not just you. Especially the "You tell me!" line was awfully direct, though I'm not sure anyone if anyone who was actually trying to sow suspicion would be so forceful. But then we're back at the reverse psychology argument.


In any case, it does lead me to believe Ellmeister may know something that suggests to him that Sméagol was the thief in this case.

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I get reports each night about the death scene. Last night Flink hurried away from the death scene, it then says the killer was more discreet. So Flink didn't kill her, but was present.


Flink what'd you do last night? Or rather who did you target?


Good sirs! I have valuable information regarding Nintendohnut. I targeted him last night and discovered traps and knives in his room. He is a most sinister person and I do not think we should trust him.


Vote: Nintendohnut I think we may have found Angus


Interesting, perhaps explaining why my cherished Whiskerington came back fruitless on his investigation. I'll hold off voting for now, it seems many people have some information....



....Including myself!

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I'd like to hear from Sprout and other people who haven't spoken much, I saw Marcmillian looking earlier as well.

Jonnas is poking me to speak too, but I don't have anything to contribute.. What would you like me to say? =P

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Who did you target ReZ? The Peeps or Nintendohnut? Is that your information?


Jonnas is poking me to speak too, but I don't have anything to contribute.. What would you like me to say? =P

Who did you target last night?

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