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Super Smash Bros Brawl Mafia II - The Game Begins


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Can you stop your own lynch Rez?


I can........


Hey Diagz.


How do I ally with someone if I don't actually have a targeting power? :/


You ally yourself with the player if you stop the lynch on them.


Ah right. I thought it was single use? Also, can I use it on myself?


No, you can use it any time.


Lol, so I'm an unkillable townie?


Unless bad things happen. :p

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Someone with a sword killed Meta Knight by the looks of it:


As soon as the sun disappeared over the horizon, a swift strike split a dark character in half. He had no chance to move.


Characters with a sword are......


2. Ike / RUMMY


15. Assist Trophys /THE PEEPS

17. Toon Link / REZ

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I targeted Tales last night but nothing happened. Wasn't expecting it to really but I thought it'd at least show him in the write-up - but it didn't. I was goldeen.


Seeing as you're 'out' now Nintendohnut, it'd be best if you gave us a list of your results so far.

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Wow, things just got interesting.


Who else is good/evil according to you Dohnut?

How sure are you that Dohnut is good and his results are genuine, Jonnas?


Actually, I am not sure how effective his investigations are, but I am sure he is good.


I'm not quite sure what's happening in the write-up, to me it looks like Dannyboy was killed by someone who I don't recognise, I'm not sure if it was from Jonnas' punch on HeroJan or not.


It's odd, Dannyboy is dying in the first paragraph (he is the "dark figure"), apparently by a sword strike. But a swordsman (which, apparently, is Herojan) is fighting me later in the write-up.


Rummy, what was your power, again? Who have you been targeting?

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All in good time, Rez (I will reveal them, I just want to check something first)


Dyson: can I have a list of your targets again please? Sorry, I know you did it but I'd like to see them again. It would probably help to solve the issue of whether or not Rez is evil, and will also help clear up any other confusing results I have. Then we can just move on/destroy Rez (depending on what Dyson says :D)

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The activity in this thread is dying, we are struggling with this whole lynching people business, in fact we have only lynched 1 person. We need to look at the facts here, Heroic seems to be Wolf the claw killer. We cannot vote for him due to Jonnas, yet their was still a kill last night.


Dohnut comes forward saying ReZ is evil, then ReZ posts "his" PM saying town.


We know that their are some master liars in this game.


Nintendohnut needs to come forward NOW and let us know who he targetted and what his results were. Other players need to come out of the woodwork and let us know what they have found however insignificant.


Im willing to bet that Rummy is actually mafia aswell, im still wary of Jonnas but his story seems plausable.




We really need some more talking here though, i feel like im in a sordid movie where me, Jonnas and ReZ just play with each other (yes i know what that sounds like).

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Dude it's saturday.


I have a bow and arrow not a sword, btw.


Dude the gentlemans game is pretty buzzing and we are pretty much the same set of folks playing.




He uses a bow and arrow as a weapon, as it can also split into 2 small blades.


And that sound alot more like me being a prick than i meant it too! I wasnt being a arsehole it just sound like i was >.>

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Yeah, this needs to go somewhere before Herojan comes back.


Vote: Rummy


Because somebody was the killer last night, and it wasn't ReZ.


Also, Esequiel, what was the item you found last night? Did you already reveal this?

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Ugh. I'm gonna go through this entire thread and see if I can find anything. Before I do, did Rummy claim anything yet (role/power/character)?


Think he said roleblocker? That's what I have written down anyway.

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Ike...is me. I targetted ReZ on night 1, but apparently my roleblock cannot be protected, if someone tries to they'll take a walloping as well. That's why ReZ's self protection probably didn't work on Night 1. I assumed there was no kill because he was the killer, and I roleblocked him, and so I targetted him on Night 2 as well.


So Rummy claims to have targeted me on the night I protected myself from a kill. As far as I'm aware we havn't got his targets. The only other thing I noticed when checking his posts was that he wasn't particularly asking questions, more slyly suggesting things and lighting suspicion on a couple of people. Its not much, but the above quoted post is what has me worried along with us not actually knowing what else he has done.


Vote : Rummy

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