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Super Smash Bros Brawl Mafia II - The Game Begins


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The People with the stars before the name where the people who had the peanuts Nintendohnut needed to win the game. He has two stars after because he had found two, which were with Jayseven and Dyson.


Zero suit samus needed to target 3 human male characters to gain a new power, but she only targeted 1, so has one star after her.


Any comments on the items for the top poster?

Did you like picture roles?

Any comments on the conclusion with the crazy hand laugh and the epic end music and then the congratulations at the end?

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There was obviously a lot of creativity put into the game and the mechanics, and I liked it very much. :D


The role pictures were a neat little thing, but it did make it troublesome to make fake PMs.


I like the detail level of the write-ups. The ending was an epic twist, and it was written pretty well. :)

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I said that chairdriver didn't target you that day mr-paul because your power would have told you, so I said he was probably a real investigator who was trying to give his info without being killed. Turns out he wasn't even an investigator. Lol.


I liked the game and a lot of the ideas, but it was horribly, horribly unbalanced. Diageo night shyamalan.


I did have a lot of fun in the game until I wasn't allowed to interact with it any more though :p SSBM3 soon? :D

Edited by heroicjanitor
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Ah yeah, forgot about that!

MadDog enhanced me twice, so if anyone had targeted me for the first few nights I would have received their PM and been able to alter it however I wanted before it reached them! Unfortunately no-one but MadDog was targeting me!


This differed from my normal power, where I couldn't see my target's PM before deciding what to send them.


We were planning on sending an Artichoke related joke on the night we believed we were inevitably going to win, but blooody Peeps turned on us!

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I have to aplologise to Jonnas, I didn't trust him at all. I feel like if I had we would have played a better game together - as it was I played my own game and spent most of it thinking I was a dumb cop because I investigated Jonnas night 1 and got a townie result when I knew he was evil. This also didn't help with the whole trusting him thing.


I was shit in this game. Plus I got roleblocked at least once, which was a huge pain in the ass.

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I have to aplologise to Jonnas, I didn't trust him at all. I feel like if I had we would have played a better game together - as it was I played my own game and spent most of it thinking I was a dumb cop because I investigated Jonnas night 1 and got a townie result when I knew he was evil. This also didn't help with the whole trusting him thing.


I was shit in this game. Plus I got roleblocked at least once, which was a huge pain in the ass.


You got redirected night one, Jonnas had bananas put around him by Tingle!

You're very lucky actually, you were the target for our first kill, but chair targeted Jonnas too and ended up protecting you!

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The picture roles were very cool, but it put the town at a disadvantage when the mafia made fake ones. It was hard to judge wither they were real or fake, really, but then the whole "quote your PM" as a form of proof of ID is a wobbly bit of ground anyway.


I like mafia games where there's a twist - essentially as a GM you've set up various scenarios and it's up to the random course of events to see how it plays out. This time, the rogue mafia won but I know from personal experience that often you can vest a lot of energy and time into such a twist and see it fall at the first hurdle.


You're good at mafias, diageo - and you've done them with topics I know decent enough to participate in, for which I'm glad! Even if I've been a shit player all round.

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The picture roles were very cool, but it put the town at a disadvantage when the mafia made fake ones. It was hard to judge wither they were real or fake, really, but then the whole "quote your PM" as a form of proof of ID is a wobbly bit of ground anyway.


I never understood why quoting PMs is sometimes not allowed. Surely it's just as trustworthy as anything else said and merely an issue of how good people are at lying their asses off?

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Aaah I bloody loved this game and am SO PISSED OFF at The Peeps!

I had everything planned out for how we were going to win each night, but nope, he betrayed us. I do think it was a bit unfair that he knew what we were doing and could then kill us off before we did it, but I guess we should have caught on. I always trust my team-mates, especially you Peeps, we've been through a lot together before this and never had good luck, now you betray me!


We were doing amazingly well as mafia and I am sorry I had to turn on my team mates but I wouldn't have won otherwise :p I'm sure you guys will get your revenge on me in future mafias lol. mr-paul after all we've been through :( I did feel bad when it was your turn to die.


Items in the game - great idea and implementation of said idea.

Reward for top poster - as above.

Picture Roles - loved them and it was great that you allowed us to make our own. I don't think anyone can complain at that because surely it's known that you can't 100% trust anything someone else in the game posts...


No alignment on death - I'll go against the crowd on this. It worked in this game. The last 3 deaths were all mafia. It really did not help my case at all that the town didn't know the last deaths were mafia - if they had then I think I probably would've tried claiming to be a vigilante or something (which undoubtedly would've got me caught out by the mafia). You had specific roles to investigate the dead too so that balances it imo.


No one spent any time analysing people's roles against what they'd said while alive. Dead players weren't spoken about at all and that was a mistake for the town I think.


Final write-up - I loved the laugh and music :bouncy:

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Think of it this way, say I wasn't recruited and there were 3 mafia and you peeps.

When close to majority, a mafia dies. People think you were redirected. 2 mafias and you. Then you kill again and people jump straight from your trophies having to select a random target to you betraying us all. 1 mafia and you. Too late. After the first kill they have to say it was definitely you, or else you win. Kinda unfair imo. And that is how it was really when Jonnas punched me.

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Except for the fact that you could see from the write-up who was redirected. 1 mafia vs the peeps isn't too late at all, he could still pick to kill the Peeps, which mr-paul decided to try to go after Esequiel. The peeps has to hide from the mafia and the town. He was severely outnumbered and had to lie to everyone.


None of the trophies he said he was going to use, he used. And that was clear from the write-up. Yet people still didn't get it.

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Yeah, if we hadn't recruited herojan, we would've had to get down to 6 players left with The Peeps lynched to win and the rest of us still alive, which was pretty unrealistic.

It's just very gutting because I felt all us mafia had played so well and then had it snatched away from us! Maybe we should have noticed, but it was going so well lynching townies in the day we assumed someone was messing with our kills, but not from within!

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Also, you say Diageo that it was clear from the write-ups that Peeps wasn't doing what we told - not everyone appeared in the write up each night, so isn't it more natural to assume someone else is neutral and has killing powers than our own team mate?


I just remembered I should have caught onto it when Tales vote wasn't removed, but it's more natural to assume he was roleblocked rather than actually using a different power.

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I was really disappointed by myself this game. I should've never hopped on the Rummy bandwagon, never should've dropped the accusations on Peeps, and some of my mild suspicions turned out to be huge in retrospect. I really shouldn't run a mafia and play in another at the same time.


However, trusting mr-paul was the bane of me, and it would've happened, no matter how much attention I paid to this game, because he's a good liar, certainly better than any fake PM any of you could've come up with.


Regarding the twist at the end... Nice idea, but I really don't think it should have been included in a game where alignments don't show up upon death.


And a problem that is starting to get consistent with your games: the off-screen stuff seems to be more interesting than the day-phase discussions, or a townie's personal happenings.

Just something I noticed.


Jonnas had to be applauded, though, he figured most of us out along the way.


:cry: No I didn't! I trusted mr-paul! Yeah, I thought ReZ was shady (I could tell ReZ's PM was fake the moment I saw it, but thought he was just hiding a useful power, or maybe he was Neutral, and we had bigger fish to fry)


Some of them you could have clearly guessed though.


See, the main problem here is that a different mafia player was dying each night and we had no clue they were actually evil.


Yeah, we were dumb for not lynching The Peeps sooner, but we were lucky he was the next in line for lynching in the first place.


I never understood why quoting PMs is sometimes not allowed. Surely it's just as trustworthy as anything else said and merely an issue of how good people are at lying their asses off?


I noticed that the PMs that were written by yourselves were different than Diageo's style. This is why I trusted Dyson the moment he posted his PM, but thought ReZ was shady. mr-paul I never suspected because he never posted a fake PM (and helped me find Wolf/Herojan), so when he revealed the false info about Dyson I trusted him.


So, posting your own PM brings an unfair advantage for the town. Picture PMs actually helped the mafia a lot regarding this (since they seemed more genuine), and I actually liked them a lot.


The items were also a pretty sweet addition.

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Completely irrelevant to argue 'what if heroicjanitor didn't join'. He did join. I was expecting some questions to come up in the mafia forum but we only ever really discussed our actions for the next night. I can understand the frustration but I think there was fair opportunity for people to work things out and turn back against me.


I really thought I was going to get lynched by the town too.

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Hints that the Peeps was not going with the mafia.


- Everyone got their PMs seperate.

- The Peeps only posts the text and not the actual PM until a while later.

- Time tag on his PM different to all other mafia members.

- Used Lyn and killed Dannyboy, even though Wolf was meant to kill that night.

- Was supposed to use Gray Fox, but killed using Gray Fox on ReZ.

- Only mafia sent their PMs that night.

- Green redirection nowhere in the write-up.

- The Peeps stopped telling everyone what his trophies did from the night he started killing.

Edited by Diageo
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If we decided to use a kill on him, and he decided to kill one of us, would it have come down to time of PM? Because he would see us discussing how to get rid of him if we'd realise and therefore would be one step ahead of the game. The only way would be to turn on him in the thread, and that could cause disasters, because there's no alignment reveals, and he could decide to be a massive twat and unveil us all as mafia before he's lynched!


I did think it was a kind of cool twist, yet a massively unfair one.

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