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Badly Phrased Quotes


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Anyone else sometimes completely fuck up phrasing?


For example on Wednesday afternoon I was speaking to our technician/film-making guy about my animatic. He said it may help to have a live action sequence at the start to explain it, which would need a child. Considering I had until last night to finish it I said:


Unfortunately I can't get my hands on a child in the next twenty four hours




And lots of other examples I'll spare you from.



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Not quite the same. I spent most of today with my project group making a papier mache mask/watching Kill Bill 1 + 2 in between layers while they dried, and as I was leaving, I realised I never covered my hands in pva to pick off later (my favourite ever activity in life) so I exclaimed to my group in a state of hurry/bemusement:


Oh! I never used the PVA...I'll give myself a handjob tomorrow.
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Not quite on topic, but this is from earlier today.



Tabletop gaming.


Me ; "Can I do a poor taste joke."


All ; "Yes."


Me ; *shakes table*. "Its a Japan scenario!"


*realises my friend had a friend out there he hadn't heard back from*


"Oh shit, Tom hows your friend?"


Tom ; "Probably dead."





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Not quite on topic, but this is from earlier today.



Tabletop gaming.


Me ; "Can I do a poor taste joke."


All ; "Yes."


Me ; *shakes table*. "Its a Japan scenario!"


*realises my friend had a friend out there he hadn't heard back from*


"Oh shit, Tom hows your friend?"


Tom ; "Probably dead."






Was he being serious or making a joke as well? I can't tell.

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Was he being serious or making a joke as well? I can't tell.


He was serious. Lol. But we had a joke at the situation (of what I had said) and it wasn't a really close friend. It was a one night stand he had, and the guy remembered his birthday last year and sent some Japanese stuff/other stuff.


He hasn't heard from him yet but apparently the internet is fucked out there still etc/so he doesn't know. But we saw the light side of the situation and what I had said. We're good friends so its all good. :p

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He was serious. Lol. But we had a joke at the situation (of what I had said) and it wasn't a really close friend. It was a one night stand he had, and the guy remembered his birthday last year and sent some Japanese stuff/other stuff.


He hasn't heard from him yet but apparently the internet is fucked out there still etc/so he doesn't know. But we saw the light side of the situation and what I had said. We're good friends so its all good. :p


Ah, I see. :)

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