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3DS StreetPass Plaza


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Got 5 today, left it under the counter in work :p hoping for more though, I love this whole streetpass idea.


I got a Mii called Kaytee after walking around Bristol on Tuesday, I guess that was yours. It was the first visitor to my Mii Plaza, thanks. :p


I just went to Bristol, went into two Games and one Gamestation, walked past loooads of people... and didn't get a single street pass :(


I went in all of those a couple days ago, and I got 4 streetpasses (maybe not all from the shops themselves though). One was called cabot, which I assume is the shop demo unit.

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Alright, I think I now know how this here Streetpass works.


After having crossed the whole of The Netherlands from South to North, and not having encountered anyone; I realised that there was a NINTENDO 3DS Event in the North.

I headed there with my girl and started to adjust two 3DSs which were on display, initiating Streetpass and creating Miis that would be used in a Streetpass endeavour.


With my own 3DS casually resting in my inner pocket, I hoped for the best.




When we got back, the light was flashing green :)


:yay: I must've met someone, for I live in one of the most densely populated countries on the planet.

Only a total douchebag would hurry off to a 3DS event, manipulate the 3DSs on display for its own personal gain, and pretend that he met someone on the street; an actual fellow NINTENDO 3DS owner:laughing:


No Sir, not me, I really met someone:D TWO, in fact :D

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Passed a fella on the Northern Line this morning. Whooped his ass at SF IV 3D figure battle heh AND got a new piece towards finishing the Zelda puzzle ^_^


Anyone know how street pass works when two people are together for a long period of time and someone else passes them?


I've been it that situation before and only one of us got 'passed' :/

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Was in Bristol again today, for longer this time, again went into all the game/gamestation/hmv/cex, etc stores and had a look around each and again NO street passes, this thing sucks...


What time was this, as I was at work in Game and had my 3DS under the counter :)

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Was in Bristol again today, for longer this time, again went into all the game/gamestation/hmv/cex, etc stores and had a look around each and again NO street passes, this thing sucks...


Try it midday on Saturday. In smaller cities I imagine shopping centres at weekends to be the best chance at passing someone until Nintendo sell more of the pocket wonders.

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Depends which Game you work in - Galleries about 3, Cabot Circus about 4.


Cabot and I finished at 3 so that's probably why. As KKOB said, best time is weekends as that's definitely the busiest time, plus it's half term now so should stay busy for a while :p

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Why is this so dastardly addictive and compelling? I never thought I would get caught up so gravely in collecting Mii's. I feel a new obsession coming up... This can't end well. =p


Haha yeah, it's actually quite exciting getting home and checking the Mii Plaza. :heh:

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Yay! Got my first Street Pass this morning on my way to work :yay:. Had a battle on SFIV but I haven't checked to see who won, probably the other guy since I haven't played mine properly yet.


Got a Mario hat from Mii Quest and another piece of my Pikmin puzzle.


Streetpass will be great for any future instore events.

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