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Resident Evil: Revival


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So what you're saying is the Wii version has worse graphics and worse controls?
haha, oh dear.


I take it you didn't watch the review then.


I don't get this, the graphics look identicle to past versions to me, and yeah the Wiimote controls weren't going to be bettered, but at least they could have been matched with Move.

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I am in a bit of a dilemma with this one as i never finished the game on the wii when i had it and have since sold it.


I was really excited when this was announced as i thought it'd finally be a definitive version with HD graphics, move support, trophies / acheevo's etc.


But the more i read bout it the more it kinda puts me off.

I mean the graphics are hardly updated and there is no move support. And it worked so well on the Wii. Plus its quite a pricey game when i could pick it up on the Wii for fairly cheap now (im guessing).


Just seems slightly excessive for a game that has had a few different versions now.

And they havent even really tried with it either.


But i really feel like playing it again.



Anyone dowloaded it and have thoughts / opinions on how it compares to the other versions?

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Eurogamer's review made out like the textures and such were awful and did not make the update worthwhile. I can't imagine playing without the wiimote controls they make everything feel much more zippy (arguably easier) which makes for a better experience.


Off to eBay I go then...


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The new version is fine. If you have a HDTV it's going to look a hell of a lot better than any of the previous releases purely due to the bump in resolution.


On the other hand it's a shame the game's such a no-frills port. It looks better than previous versions, that's true, but it represents so many missed opportunities. There's the little things like the Trophies/Achievements being very pedestrian, some odd omissions — there's Leaderboards but not for Mercenaries? — and aesthetically things could have been better; there's no 5.1 mix with some noticeably compressed samples, no anti-aliasing, a lot of the UI elements are just scaled rather than redrawn, no Move support, etc.


It's still an amazing game that's well worth the £6 I paid, but it deserved better than this; it shouldn't be the 'best' version by default, a little more effort could have created something really special.

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From the sounds of things, it's a lazy cash in which has fallen in its own design at the last hurdle, by being too expensive for what it is.


It's strange that the company that transformed this



Into this



Could chose to make such a lazy port of one of my favourite games ever.


And it took so damn long, too!

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@Aimless Yes it may have a bump in resolution, but it's also based off the PS2 version, which had downgraded textures and scaled back environments such as the trees etc...

It looks to be based on the Wii version to me; certainly I haven't run into any toothpick trees. The only thing that's really stuck out at me is the use of some pretty compressed sound samples, but then I played both the GameCube and Wii versions using TV speakers so it's hard to compare. I might have to check out some videos to refresh my memory as I don't see any reason why they wouldn't use the best audio available.


As for Code Veronica, they've revamped the lighting effects entirely but the assets are all the same. As such it'll look pretty different, albeit still as you remember it; your memories of games always look better than the real thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure what IGN and GT played to say CV has had no improvement other than be upscaled but it aint the version I've been playing.


The lighting system for RE:CV has been completley redone you only have to look at the DC version then look at the new version to see improvements have been made. Dynamic lighting ftw.





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I actually buckled and bought RE4. I wanted something new to play and straight away, realised I had 4000+ MS Points stashed away and snapped it up. The control scheme took me a bit to get back into, I was really expecting RE5 style controls! But after a while I slipped back into the Gamecube era. The visuals are crisp enough beyond the opening cinematic sequence, although the textures are a real disappointment, but it's the same great game.


Plus I never played any of the PS2/Wii extras so there's some treats in store :)

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