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"See what happens when kids who are bullied have had enough"


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While I know it's the right thing to do, I'm always peeved by the "he should have spoken to a teacher instead". Well, of cooourse! Because a scolding from a teacher will obviously teach the bully to be a better person and not instead make him pick even more on the victim!


You shouldn't be so dismissive Dannyboy. Speaking to teachers has worked wonders for victims of bullying for years. It always works and it never has any repercussions.

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How different would this be if he'd seriously injured him, or god forbid, accidentally killed him? Extreme and unlikely, I know, but something to consider in regards to how it would have changed the story.


This was a bit of an over-reaction?


I mean, he could of killed the kid.


It works both ways. The skinny kid COULD have killed Casey with a well placed palm punch to the nose, since we're being hypothetical.


Its one thing to punch someone in the arm, but you can't punch someone in the face and expect a mild response

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Plus, Casey could have gone completely mental, but he walked away once it was done. If he was over reacting, he would have totally wailed on the kid afterwards.


He did enough to stop the bullying, making a pretty big statement in the process, then walked away like a fucking king.


The walking away after is what made the whole thing. It's pretty much saying "I'm the daddy here and I'm done with you now".

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Schools are so stupid. They fail to deal with the scumbags, then when a fight breaks out they try to punish both participants and say something like "We don't have fighting in this school" or in this case "does not tolerate any violence and deals with all cases according to its community-agreed discipline code".


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1366797/Ive-The-moment-victim-snaps-slams-bully-floor-wrestling-move.html#ixzz1GoHgrDNQ


And bullies are normally the little sods, for some reason (or at least medium-sized). In my school, I was one of the three biggest, and no one "big" was any trouble at all. Nonetheless, I had loads of fights and never started a single one.


Self-defence is not a crime.

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I retract the first half of my previous post, due to constant takedowns of the video etc, I had actually only seen one punch and the following body slam, not the original punches by the other kid. Basically I hadn't seen the entire thing and made an uninformed comment, apologies.


Apparently this was a year 7 kid who started on Casey, a year 10 kid. So says story-e6freuzi-1226022076411 anyway, but it carries a great quote by Casey's father.


Casey's father said yesterday his son had been the victim of bullying for several years and feared for his safety if he spoke about the fight.


"There'll be reprisals from other kids in the school and he still has to go to school somewhere," he said.


"He's not a violent kid, it's the first time he's lashed out and I don't want him to be victimised over that.


"He's always been taught never to hit. Apparently other people's parents don't teach their kids that."


News seems to say Casey got 4 days and the other kid 22. Despite everything, I don't disagree with the school for punishing Casey to an extent, but it does need to be lesser than his 'attacker'.


Suspension though, never understood the 'punishment' of having days off school.

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Suspension though, never understood the 'punishment' of having days off school.


[i think] It's supposed to put the pressure on the parents as they will have to miss out on work or sort out other arrangements, and thus will punish the kid. However the type of kids who get suspended generally have parents who don't work or discipline their children.

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You shouldn't be so dismissive Dannyboy. Speaking to teachers has worked wonders for victims of bullying for years. It always works and it never has any repercussions.


I'll be honest here, being a victim of bullying, not a lot of teachers could get through to kids when they were in seniors, at least not in my school anyway. The punishments were from kicking them out of some club they loved to suspending them (which I never get, award the little shit with days off school, how brilliant(!)). It did actually make the bullying worse in some ways because they'd get their friends to join in until I had a fight with them, then they'd stay away for quite a bit of time.


Sometimes, fighting can be the answer and sometimes teachers can make it worse, I'm not going to lie. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying all teachers never help and that it's always worse but in my school, it didn't help matters because you were called a grass and stuff like that. There was only one teacher who everyone was scared of and sometimes she was hard to find. I just fought them and walked away, that was how it was settled. I never started them but as Grazza said, it's clearly self-defence. I too was one of the biggest kids in my year and the biggest didn't hurt a fly, it was the thin or muscly guys who thought they were tough who bullied me of my weight and stuff. Sometimes, a good punch can work wonders. It's not something I condone but still, sometimes it's the only way you can get through to ignorant pricks.

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Schoolkids and the playground really is like a jungle, and it's primitive. Basically the only way shit works is like that, survive or die, stand up for yourself and see how shit stops coming your way, unless you're an uber dick or something. It's amazing as well how unnecessarily cruel kids can be!

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I really don't understand this. In primary school maybe this shit happened but in my experience secondary school people mostly just got along. I've never seen anything like this happening and if it did people would break it up.


You went to a non-shit school. There are hundreds of shit schools.


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I really don't understand this. In primary school maybe this shit happened but in my experience secondary school people mostly just got along. I've never seen anything like this happening and if it did people would break it up.


Seriously? Kids get bullied everywhere. I'm doing placement in a school, only been there a few days over two months or so and already encountered three instances of bullying, resulting in crying. One girl's wallet even went "missing".


I think secondary school bullying is often a lot worse than primary school. Up to the point where some kids (want to) commit suicide.

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I'm in the same boat as mcj. There was no instance of physical bullying going on in my time in secondary, there was only one person who got the piss taken out of him all the time but that was just because he was always lying about his uncle. Most people knew how to take a joke and were fairly sensible. The standard group of tough guys never hit anyone since they didn't have a reason to, and I still play football with them from time to time. There is just a general common sense, if anyone was doing what that kid was doing in the video people would ask what the fuck he was doing...

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Self-defence is not a crime.


Actually, in many countries it is considered a crime.


Here in Canada for instance, you're only allowed to fight back if you're completely trapped in a corner. Apparently having a 4th story window behind you also disqualifies that particular corner.


Even in the states, a guy got convicted of assault because he used a railway spike to defend himself against 10 unarmed guys who were trying to kill him.

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