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My First ONE MILLION Viewed Video


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Just a gloating thread I guess, sorry. :heh:


But I just (well think it happen 2 days ago) got a video that has surpassed 1 million views. Never thought any of my vids would reach such a number nor did I expect it to be one that I put so little effort into and well isn't really that good :heh:


It's a video from when I went on holiday to the Philippines in 2007 of when Joy and I spent a day in a hotel in the city before travelling to a different island the next day.


Last year noticed the vid was oddly getting fairly big activity in its viewing numbers that I expected would bottle out sooner or later, but they still just seem to be growing. Currently averaging at about 10,000 to 11,000 views a day. And now it just passed 1,000,000 (if only I could have gotten a euro for each view :heh:)


Why has it done this?


The answer because the internet is still full of people looking for porn (oddly expecting to find it on Youtube when there are much easier ways to find some).


The thumbnail of the video just happens to be Joy sitting on a bed, and because the camera I was using was shit the image I guess looks like an ametuer porn vid :heh:


I don't have anything misleading in the title, description or tags but somehow it just started to appear next to vids that did imply ametuer footage and in some search results.


You'd think I'd at least have the word "bed" in the tags but don't even have that :heh:


This is the vid in question


The video that most people were viewing before mine was this one


And the term used that gained the most views from a serach result to my vid is "scandals in hotels philippines" even though the word "scandal" appears nowhere in my vid.


Guess it might be losing some steam though as it used to be the number 1 result for that term and now it is 9th.

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I'd say you could even increase that number on some of your videos. Remember that apparently my old Irish teacher loves showing your videos to classes of about 30 or so :laughing: Perhaps not the ones that seem like porn though :p


Congrats all the same :D

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I'd say you could even increase that number on some of your videos. Remember that apparently my old Irish teacher loves showing your videos to classes of about 30 or so :laughing: Perhaps not the ones that seem like porn though :p


Congrats all the same :D


haha, i've been meaning to make more Irish videos... just keep putting it off :heh:


Cheers guys, and I see some of ye even made some comments on the vid, cheers.


Re: the negetive comments, I just find them funny. Especially the "you wasted my time" ones... seriously who pressed play? I generally ignore most of them though sometimes I'm bored and point out the obvious.


The most recent "hater" comment, saying Joy was ugly, I checked his profile... says aged 36, obviously a fake, or else a highly immature 36 year old so called him out on it


Let's be honest, dude. You can get to a million in haaaalf the time if you just post that sex tape that they're all after. :heh:


But I already deleted that :heh::hmm::woops:

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