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Pokémafia 9 : Red and Blue


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Why do people always wait for other people to speakup, giving nothing themselves?




(i got nothing. except willies)




I'd say Dyson is a pikachu, and knowing his abilities he probably is too fast for roleblocks (and other abilities?).


Zell being a roleblocker says nothing. Aren't all of ReZ's roleblockers pretty violent, whether they're town or mafia?


Anyway, as of now, I'd say we have too little to go on, but some people have still to post.

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"evaded the blast from a fleeing majestic pokemon" makes it sound like you were already fleeing when you used it...


I think it was an attack which hits a certain percentage of the time, rather than a roleblock.


Vote: Zell


Why would I be fleeing before I used the attack?


You might be right about only hitting a certain percentage of the time, we'll have to wait and see.


That is if you let me live. Please don't vote for me, you don't have any evidence that I'm bad.

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I'd say Dyson is a pikachu, and knowing his abilities he probably is too fast for roleblocks (and other abilities?).


Zell being a roleblocker says nothing. Aren't all of ReZ's roleblockers pretty violent, whether they're town or mafia?


It's generally the mafia ones that are violent I think? Last game EddieColeslaw was a townie roleblocker iirc, and all she did was bump into people to roleblock them. mr-paul was a dragon how beat the shit out of people to roleblock them.


Why would I be fleeing before I used the attack?


I don't know, I was thinking you would have been more questioning about it unless you knew more than you are letting on.

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It's generally the mafia ones that are violent I think? Last game EddieColeslaw was a townie roleblocker iirc, and all she did was bump into people to roleblock them. mr-paul was a dragon how beat the shit out of people to roleblock them.


Actually, I've been skimming the previous Pokémafia, and I'm not so sure anymore, you may be right. However, I don't think a "powerful blast" is particularly evil (yet). Anyway, we know who he is now, and we know he's not the killer from this nght. We can question him again when he doesn't show up roleblocking someone. For now I don't think it's enough to lynch him.

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Right, so to sum up... we suspect Zell, but not enough to lynch him so we're going to watch him tonight and then see what happens, right? Or do we think he's evil and we should get rid of him? I personally am more willing to go with waiting to see what happens...


And if it is the former, is there anything else we should be considering?

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Mistake or slip, townies make mistakes all the time, I see no reason for mafia members to be infallible. They don't post everything they are going to say on their forum before saying it.


Maybe he didn't think anyone would gleam what I have from it. Everyone else certainly didn't.

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Actually, that's a good point Diageo, heroicjanitor won the firefly mafia because nobody questioned his investigator role.. That said, I don't think mr-paul would have posted it so carelessly if he was mafia.


They did question it, Diageo brought it up then too. Then people responded by questioning me and asking me for all of my targets etc. You did especially. But wouldn't mr-paul be more likely to reveal he was an investigator so early on, with no real information to share, if he had nothing to fear? I didn't say anything because tbh it's not worth a lynch yet and I wanted him to act without covering his tracks(if he is indeed mafia). Didn't think of how likely it was that it was a mafia power really since it can be used on either side effectively.

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I'd say Dyson is a pikachu, and knowing his abilities he probably is too fast for roleblocks (and other abilities?).


Zell being a roleblocker says nothing. Aren't all of ReZ's roleblockers pretty violent, whether they're town or mafia?


Anyway, as of now, I'd say we have too little to go on, but some people have still to post.


Hey man, I gave you willies! My point is just how can we have so many people who apparently have nothing. I mean, everybody must have something, but some will have something more useful than others and we need them to speak up to start putting pieces together.


Sorry for not posting earlier. Don't have anything to share though. And at the moment it doesn't look like we have enough information on anyone to vote for them I think.


Did you do anything last night? Are you in the writeup?

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I think some people simply don't choose targets in the first night because we don't know anything about each other. And people like roleblockers, etc. will only see the effect they had in the write-up.


I don't really understand how mr-paul's power has bad connotations. It's just like investigating, isn't it? Or maybe I'm missing something?

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Townie investigators see people's alignments, because that is the most important thing to a townie.


Mafia investigators see people's powers, because they already know people's alignments and they want to find the strong powers so as to know who is the best target for killing.

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Did you do anything last night? Are you in the writeup?


I did, but don't think I'm in the write-up. Unless I missed it or something.


Anyway a lot of people won't have information, especially not on the first few nights. It's very hard to make out who is who from the write-up in the first few days since you have no clue who everyone is heh.

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Mistake or slip, townies make mistakes all the time, I see no reason for mafia members to be infallible. They don't post everything they are going to say on their forum before saying it.

Well, I'd personally keep those results to myself, or just share it with my mafia members if I were a mafia role investigator. As a townie role investigator, I'd only mention it if I had a power which was decidedly evil. And in ReZ's games anything's possible. A townie role investigator is not less plausible than a mafia role investigator. Role investigators are still of use to town. Anyway, all I'm saying is it says nothing so far.

They did question it, Diageo brought it up then too.


Sorry, I meant role investigator specifically. Nobody questioned you really after you had given us your results.

Hey man, I gave you willies!


Please man, I don't want your willies.

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Right, if I was a mafia investigator I would no way come out with information like that. I didn't say who had this power or anything, I was just trying to link what information I had from the night to what was in the write-up, which mentioned an egg. We have to speculate in these games, and if we know something it is better to bring it out than just keep it hidden, especially if one dies soon it is better for the town to know what one has been up to/anything useful.


No I don't appear in the write up.

Now I suspect strongly Diageo to be mafia for being so strangely aggressive towards me for coming out with some information.


I'm not sure what to think of Zell.

As an aside, I'm getting annoyed in these games that everyone's excuse now is "flavour text"!


Also, in a game with 21 players, there are bound to be several players with roles that can gather some sort of information.

You know from your own game that there were several different ways of obtaining information.

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You see the way I'm not voting for you. I'm commenting and speculating. Everyone was so quick to defend your power, I'd just thought I'd throw a few reasons why you could still be mafia.


Maybe you are taking a chance, a risky early reveal to try and gain some trust.


Why don't you appear in the write-up?

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Wouldn't it be a little silly to come out as an investigator this early? If you found out someone was a silencer or a similar you could catch a mafia member quite easily. Maybe you did so because you're not scared of dying, because you are mafia. :p


Well I expected a bit more to have developed since I was away for a lot of the weekend but little has come to light.


Do I remember rightly that someone witnessed the death of Chairdriver? Where is this person?

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Note that mr-paul never explicitly said that he's an investigator, he just knows that someone has a power called "Inheritance Revival Egg".


Chair targeted "a nearby forraging Pokemon", but I assume that was before his death. There doesn't seem to be anything mentioned about it happening.

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I never came out as an investigator. I just said I learnt this about a certain person, I said it so we could speculate what was going on in the write up, and I haven't revealed this name so I don't endanger them. If I were mafia trying to gain trust I'm sure I'd be far more explicit. It wasn't a "hey this person is this, blah blah blah, you should trust me because of this." It was more, "this is some info that I found, what do you guys think?


i just feel the way you've gone at me is unnecessarily aggressive. I can kinda see why you're doing this but it just makes me feel like you're evil even more.

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