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Nintendo Service Centre - Sending Wii for Repairs


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After no updates on my Wii yesterday, it just had two.


first "Repair Started"

2nd "Repair Complete" about 5 mins later, that was fast.


WOHOO... just waiting on them to put it in the post now, hope they do that today and not wait till tomorrow, fingers crossed

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You should have ot by the end of next week at the latest.


End of next week? That's a bit long, if it is fixed all they need to do is pop it in post which should take two working days, so if they put it in today, I should get it Monday.


Though it's still not been updated as "posted" so maybe tomorrow morning in which case I'd expect it by Tuesday. Can't see why it would be delayed in getting posted any longer than tomorrow morning/afternoon.


I say two days as it took the postage label they sent me two days to get to me and it took my Wii two (working) days to get to them :wink:


Mine was sent back by DHL if that helps Mokong.


Cool, hope mine is too, it says on the website FAQ somewhere though that it is Parcelforce they use... either way I'll have to make sure I'm home when it is sent so I don't miss teh delivery


Yeah no update on it being posted and it past 6pm now, I'd assume post office/DHL or whatever are closed over there by now, guess it'll be sent in the morning.

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hhhmmm... ok gues I spoke too soon yesterday... it's Friday evening now and it looks like my Wii is still not posted???


There is an update in the tracking log that says "Request unit back to CS" what does that mean? Just send it already :heh:


Guess this means it likely won't be sent back to me till Monday so I'm looking at Wednesday at the earliest now :heh:


Though I suppose since it was repaired for free and they are paying all the postage costs I guess I shouldn't complain :)


On the plus side however, as I removed my old Decailgirl Skin before I sent it I had ordered a new skin which was shipped on Monday and arrived today... from the USA that's not bad at all. Even the estimate when I ordered it was March 25th so a whole week eariler than expected.


Now I just need my Wii to put it on... *proceeds to wait... again*

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OK my Wii is now screwed... checked the tracking system today and it changed to "Waiting for Payment" and under Fault Diagnosis "Homebrew Channel"

Even though I deleted it and upgraded to 4.3 they still found it... also means even though it was just the disc drive that was the issue they still check the system memory. :heh:


I was talking to them, first guy I talked to said I would get my game saves back so I said fair enough and gave my credit card. Card did go through so I called my bank they said it did go through and now that is causing a problem, the bank keeps saying it went through and Nintendo saying it failed on their end, so they have to check with their authorisation company and see if they took my money or not.


But when I rang them back got a different person and she said I would not be getting any game saves back as they would effectively be sending me a new console. And they can't transfer the game saves over to the new harddrive without copying everything from the old one including the remnants of the homebrew channel. :heh:


I've asked if there is anyway they can sort something out for me, just fix my disc drive on the original and send it back, as it is the homebrew channel is deleted and as it's at 4.3 I can't really get it back on easily anyway. But they said unlikely as they don't want to send a "moddified" console back.


Spoke to the supervisor he said he could try ask the tech guys if they could do that so waiting on him to call me back and to call back bout the credit card issue too.


So looks like I won't be getting my Wii back soon and even if I do it's gonna cost me and I'm gonna loss my Monster Hunter game.


You know if Namco had just released ToS: Dawn of the New World in Europe within an reasonable time frame I wouldn't be in this situation, haha. That was the reason I got the Homebrew Channel in the first place to import that from the States.


Ah well we'll see what will happen.

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Unlucky dude. :(


I don't know, the idea of starting from scratch doesn't sound too appealing right now.
Yeah, I remember when I lost my save data on Mario Kart DS, which is no way near as bad as losing it for something like MH, but even that was really annoying.

Anyway, if you do decide to get back into it, let me know.


: peace:

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Unlucky dude. :(


Yeah, I remember when I lost my save data on Mario Kart DS, which is no way near as bad as losing it for something like MH, but even that was really annoying.

Anyway, if you do decide to get back into it, let me know.


: peace:


If I do, roles will be reversed... you'll have to help me out : peace:


Heard nothing back yet in almost a hour now since I last talked to them....I hate waiting for people to call you back... you never know are they actually doing something or just left you at the bottom of a pile or something.




Just got a call back. Credit Card issue is still up in the air, still says failed on Nintendos side. He asked me to wait till tomorrow and he'll give me a call back then to let me know the story. Figures it'll prolly fix itself when the card companies do their end of day batching.


Also said he had no word back yet on whether I might be able to get my game saves back... hopefully tomorrow brings good news on both fronts.


Haha, can't believe I went from last Friday thinking repair was done and was just waiting on them to post it to now. Ah well that's the breaks I guess... we'll see what happens tomorrow I guess.

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It's great how they make it impossible to back up your save files and then hold them hostage because you deigned to try to circumvent their outdated region locking. :indeed:


I hope they make an exception (because wouldn't it be nice if they didn't delete your hard work just to punish you?). I remember how much it sucked when I lost my save file for Super Smash Bros. when my Wii was stolen. :sad:

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Wait, so the Wii is fixed but they don't know if they can transfer saves files over?


Did I miss something or does that not just make sense?


They're basically refusing to on principle of Franklin having had the Homebrew channel installed on there at some point, despite the fact that it's not on there now and has been reverted back to standard official firmware Nintendo have somehow discovered a trace of it and so will be basically sending him back what is essentially a brand new Wii with none of his data on it because they don't want to put his 'modded' console back into circulation again.


Or at least that's how I understand it to be...

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Gah, Mokong, that sucks. :( Do we know for absolute certain you won't get your data back? Cling onto any hope you can until you have your Wii back and you can check for yourself.


Well, you can join in with us MH noobs if need be cos you'll still be an expert. They can take your save file... but they'll never take your knowleeeedge!

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They're basically refusing to on principle of Franklin having had the Homebrew channel installed on there at some point, despite the fact that it's not on there now and has been reverted back to standard official firmware Nintendo have somehow discovered a trace of it and so will be basically sending him back what is essentially a brand new Wii with none of his data on it because they don't want to put his 'modded' console back into circulation again.


Or at least that's how I understand it to be...


Ahh yeah, forgot the not sending modded console back part. Still, stupid blackmail.

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This is directly from the website under FAQ


Major repairs to a Wii console are charged at �68.50. This charge is generally applied to consoles that have been physically damaged, such as those with foreign objects inside the disc drive. If your Wii has been modified, this charge may be higher.
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Wait, so the Wii is fixed but they don't know if they can transfer saves files over?


Did I miss something or does that not just make sense?


Well I questioned why on Thursday it said "repair started" followed by "repair completed", they said it has to the system has to update with that when a unit goes from the workshop back to Customer Service Centre and that my console wasn't actually repaired at all. :heh:


The workshop just sent it back to customer service when they somehow found the HBC was there... though I do wonder why it took them till today (Monday) to tell me they found out I had the HBC was once on it.


They said that to transfer files that don't copy to an SD card they need to use some sort of special disc and obviously the disc drive is broke and that they won't fix the disc drive on the old one as it was modded. And even if they did and transfered the save files over to a new Wii harddrive they apparently can't pick and choose which files from the old one get copyied, it copies the whole harddrive and the new one would then also show traces of the HBC.


And that if anything happened to the new one and I had to send it back I'd be stuck again with them thinking I modded that one even if I hadn't.


Complicated alright.


I asked them, well what if I was alright to take the risk on getting back my own Wii with a fixed disc drive and my game saves intact and I'd be fine to risk whatever might happen if the discdrive failed again... I'm assuming on this that the only way it could fail again though is if they intentionally did a botch repair which I assume they wouldn't.


The supervisvor said he'd ask the tech guys if they could do anything for me but it was a long shot.

I tried to explain I never used it to play pirated games, which is the gods honest truth, and used it to play 2 imported games (Tos2 and Fatal Frame 4) both of which were retail officail discs. I think he believed me, but protocal and all that will likely not give me any favour :heh:


Where I'm currently stuck at the moment is I already gave them my credit card info for payment (when the 1st guy I spoke to said I would get my game saves back but apparently he thought I was talking bout Shop Channel stuff), their system says the payment failed to process but my bank is saying payment was authorised. Nintendo had to check with the bank/card company people but I have to wait till tomorrow to see if that is sorted.

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Righty, todays update (jesus I should have set up a blog site or something, haha)


Credit Card payment from yesterday still showed as failed for Nintendo this morning... tried on the off chance to put it through again same happened.. twice... and when I checked with my bank all 3 still showed as authorised...:heh:


Bank did say though that if it showing as failed for Nintendo and they don't claim the funds in a couple of days it will automatically cancel from my next statement anyway, so shouldn't have any worry there. I asked Nintendo to send me an email showing the failed transactions just in case I need cover when my statement comes.


Had to go send them a postal order to get payment sorted in the end so that is likely to not get to them till Thrusday or Friday.


Have to say though the people I've spoken to at Nintendo have all been great on the phone with me, especially the Supervisor. He said he's still waiting to hear back from the tech team on the request if I could get my game saves back, said it's unlikely but will give me a call either way when he does hear something. At least he has tried to ask for me rather than an outright "can't do that" pre-memoriesed line or something.


So at this rate I guess I should have it back one way or the other by end of next week.. :heh:


Good thing the 3DS is out on Friday, will have something to game with then, haha

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Have to say though the people I've spoken to at Nintendo have all been great on the phone with me, especially the Supervisor.


So far, Codestorm are the only customer service people where I felt like the people want to help me. I phoned up to ask a rather wild question: My first Wii was stolen, I've just bought a new one. Can you do anything about transferring the games?


I was expecting a "sorry, we can't transfer Wii Shop Channel data without the original console." Instead, the guy talked to his superior and found out that they'll need details about my old and new Wii (my old console code and new console serial number) and a copy of the police report (which took ages). When I sent these details off I got an email less than 24 hours later saying that next time I go into the Wii Shop channel I can download the games I purchased (I even still had the Points that were on the old one).


It sounds in your case that they want to help you, but in your case doing so would make them break their policies (or something like tht).

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Righty the postal order I sent to Nintendo doesn't say it had delivered yet (register it of course), was starting to worry it might have been lost somehow.... but just got an email from Nintendo saying my Wii has been dispatched back to me.


So guess the tracking on the postal order just hasn't updated yet... YAY, gonna have my Wii back soon... likely empty too :cry:


Guess that would mean I'd lose all my Mii's too? Only just thought of that now :cry::cry:

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Speaking of repairs. My boss said that his Wii's disk drive was broken, so he brought it in to work for me to have a look at and fix.


So I plug it in, try putting a disk in to test it to find out that there was already on inside. I press eject...


...the disk came out upside-down. I turned it over. It's completely fine.

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Speaking of repairs. My boss said that his Wii's disk drive was broken, so he brought it in to work for me to have a look at and fix.


So I plug it in, try putting a disk in to test it to find out that there was already on inside. I press eject...


...the disk came out upside-down. I turned it over. It's completely fine.




Wait a sec... MOKONG! I hope you tried this before sending your Wii off!

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Gutted that you will be out of Monster Hunter action for a while. :(




I think its a good idea to make them aware that you weren't able to back up absolutely everything, included your beloved MH file. Anyway, if its just a disc drive issue you'd think they would just be able to pop it out and replace it without any effect to the flash memory. *fingers crossed*




I also think so.

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I had a dream last night that I got my Wii back and all my saves were still on it... I went to load up MH3 and then I woke up :cry: :cry:


Usually when I dream something good happens the opposite tends to come true.... usually it's with winning the Lotto... man I hate waking up after those dreams :heh:

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