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Dead Island


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  • 2 months later...

Looks too similar to Dead Rising which I need to finish properly...for me this game was never going to live up to the feelings and emotion that first trailer evoked and instead just looks like a brash game thats not even trying to do what that trailer was. Hell though without that trailer this game might not be remotely on anyone's radar.

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I hear the PC version is really broken. If i do get it, it'll be on the PS3. Still thinking about it though.


PC version is the debug version they released it like that in error! Also mOre worrying is that it's been proved that it's actually just the 360 version running on PC rather than an actual proper version

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So I spent half of yesterday playing this game (on pc) and I quite like it. The PC version is a bit quirky at the moment. If you have a microphone plugged in, it is always on which is incredibly annoying. My friend just blew his nose last night and caused 5 minutes of hilarity as we all thought he'd farted right down the mic (we are mature).


The menu screen has a different mouse sensitivity setting to the game. The game needs it fairly low whereas the menu needs it higher than the highest setting... but there's only one control and it does them both. So whenever I'm in the menu screen it's like the mouse arrow is moving through tar.


Equipping items. If you have all of your personal spaces full and you pick up a weapon, you need to open up the inventory menu, click the new weapon, click equip and then click the free space (or weapon you want to switch) in your personal inventory. May not sound like much but it is annoyingly long-winded. Drag and drop would've been simpler but it's too many clicks - especially with the ridiculously slow mouse speed. You just don't want to deal with it when you're trying to find a weapon to fight with.


The first 10-20 minutes of the game is very slow and a bit rubbish. Not sure if it was all of these problems I encountered that made me think badly of it or whether it was just the gameplay but once I got into the game with some friends, it was really fun. I'm not sure about playing it on your own, it might get a bit boring as it's fairly slow-paced at the start of the game. If you play it with friends you can definitely have a brilliant time and lots of laughs with it.


It gets a lot more action-packed the further you progress in the game. We just got into the hotel and there are a lot of zombies to take care of while you're doing your missions.


I'd recommend it if you're looking for a new zombie survival game and it's definitely one to play with friends... I'm sure it stands up well as a single-player game too but I haven't really played much of it on my own yet so I can't really judge.

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I wouldn't recommend this game unfortunately. 10 minutes in and it lacked all of the creative flare shown in the first video/previews/



I will explain more later.


Such a trailer was always going to set an impossibly high bar for the actual game to live up too. But it's generally getting 7's and 8's which is a good solid score.

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Such a trailer was always going to set an impossibly high bar for the actual game to live up too. But it's generally getting 7's and 8's which is a good solid score.


I don't think its a case of not living up to it more a case of not even trying to. From what I've seen it's even really tried to deliver an experience of that tone or emotional tug. Some of the characters you play are so generic/stereotypical and very crass not characters you would care for.


But yeah like you said 7/8 is a solid game especially when it has so many faults and problems, seems this game is experiencing something of the fallout syndrome where faults that are usually inexcusable are forgiven due to the scope of what it tries to do as a whole.

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  • 2 months later...

Amidst all this tom-coolery of a sick-fest of games this month, is there anyone else who has Dead Island (360) who doesn't have the other games and is up for some co-op action? :P


I've put in about 10 hours, level 25ish, and am loving the game - the borderlands meets left 4 dead comment above is fairly apt.


Currently pretty much forced to go to the jungle now, but I don't mind if anyone wants to pop on at any point up to that and do missions with. Enemies are scaled to eveery player, so if I'm fighting a level 21 walker and you're level 3, it'll be a level 2 walker to you.


It'll be my main game for the rest of this week (then i get arkham city off a mate) so if anyone wants to have a go, add jayseven NE and join my game/invite me to yours if you fancy a hackandslash. I have my mic!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...
SO if anyone has a PS3 they are running a pretty awesome halloween sale right now and you can pick this up for the sweet price of £11.99 even less if you have PS+. To make things better its the game of the year edition chock full of DLC.


Downloading it now - what a bargain!

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