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I am a happy bunny

That Michael Jackson&Madonna "dress-up" at the end was quite cool


The visuals are very striking too. Reminds me of...Salvador Dali, maybe?

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It's the lyrics that are the most unweildy part of the song. The original production is actually great. So that's what needed changing (not in subject - think it's brilliant in essence what the song says of course).

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I think that's her way of "inventing" a new genre though. I've heard she's after a techno/rock sound. So, I think it suits the song. The country/techno is a nice, unusual twist.


I think I prefer the country road version.


As for the original, like Pancake said, the pop version is a slow burner. It's really growing on me.

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Gaga releases "Judas". Interesting. I actually do really like it. It's a little...or lot like a Bad Romance 2.0. Also seems to just be ticking the boxes for what's popular now.


Regardless I've listened to it several times and I love how she sings the "Juda-juda-as GA GA!" part :D

I also love how she sings the verses. Quite Rihanna.

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Yeah it's better! :) Though still some way off of Bad Romance.


The Chorus is kinda Eurovision :p, but that's ok! Probs gonna find myself singing that all the time! :D


Until I hear the album, she's not hitting Fame Monster levels, and not sure about the speaking part again @2.50, but a step up from Born This Way at least!

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Definitely. Felt the same about the chorus yet I'm singing it. All she wants probably :p


I feel from listening to random bits like "Scheibe" and "Government Hooker" it'll be a lot better :)

I like the lyrics in "Judas"...


Oh, I heard someone on the interweb saying something along the lines that Judas betrayed Jesus 4 days before Easter and this song was released early by 4 days. Regardless of if it was intentional, I like that :D


Forgot to mention, Desi version of Born This Way is also worth a listen. Very nice overall production.


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Apparently this is the official album cover. I HOPE it's fake. It's been "reported" though (by Perez Hilton *vomit* who I think is a friend of hers or something).




I hope this is a filthy, horrible lie.

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It was on her Twitter so I imagine it's real. The scary thing is that she said she'd stayed up over 72 hours working on it...


oh dear...


My favorite response to this -- "I don't speak German, but I can be a bike" :laughing:

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It was on her Twitter so I imagine it's real. The scary thing is that she said she'd stayed up over 72 hours working on it...
I could understand the end result if she produced this cover just by herself after 72 hours googling photoshop tutorials etc...


But if not (actually either way) just oh dear, that's one bad artwork!


I don't understand it in the slighest either, what's her head badly photoshopped on to a motorbike got to do with any of the messages she's been putting out behind this album and born this way?

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What does she mean in her song when she says "It doesn't matter if you love him or capital H I M"



uhghhh...I just hate her, its embarrassing typing these stupid lyrics. Whatdoues itmean

I've wondered this, so after a quick google, which led to the Gaga forum...


Omg... Gaga has explained this before...

She said "H-I-M" is someone you look up to, your higher self. For example, your H-I-M could be Lady Gaga, if you look up to her. It could be any type of God-like figure that inspires you in life. It could be Jesus, Alah, etc, but she is saying it doesn't matter what you believe in, we are all equal, we all love and look up to different people and things, it doesn't have to be just a human (him) that we can love. We can love other people that influence us and it doesn't matter. We shouldn't judge people on it.

Apparently something along those lines?! ::shrug:


Sometimes I think she tries a bit too hard!

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I could understand the end result if she produced this cover just by herself after 72 hours googling photoshop tutorials etc...


But if not (actually either way) just oh dear, that's one bad artwork!


I don't understand it in the slighest either, what's her head badly photoshopped on to a motorbike got to do with any of the messages she's been putting out behind this album and born this way?


I know :hmm: It confuses me. I don't understand why she didn't have this one...




It's a lot better :( At least the special edition is, like Ashley said, a close-up of her face.


Speaking of her lyrics, I do quite like them. I appreciate that she at least writes her own lyrics.


I mean...I really do love the lyrics to "Judas" :love:

"I'll wash his feet with my hair if he needs

Forgive him when his tongue lies through his brain"


"In the most Biblical sense,

I am beyond repentance

Fame hooker, prostitute wench, vomits her mind

But in the cultural sense

I just speak in future tense

Judas kiss me if offenced,

Or wear an ear condom next time"


Give me that instead of "PUT YO HANS UUP!!" For the 1000th time...

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