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Warhammer Thread


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Yay for a Warhammer thread! Although I'm completely out of the hobby, at least until the end of my studies.



Green stuff? I only see green color. o.O


Anyway, some secrets about the green stuff:

It likes your fingers and the tool you're using to shape it much better, than the miniature you want it on. So use a wet metal tool (some kind of modeling tool) for shaping so it won't stick and always keep a bit of water handy. Don't create shapes by adding GS to a still shapeable lump until you have the desired shape, but use a single lump, to "push" the desired shape out of it. If you've got to shape something from two opposite sides, always use a hard core (hardened GS or whatever)! If possible, avoid shaping something from two different sides in the same work session at all. It's far too likely that you'll end up destroying your efforts on the other side.




Could you establish rules in the OP? Like hiding large images or groups of images in spoiler tags etc.?

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Yeah there is no green stuff there, although I've used it an awful lot (in small parts at least) on heroclix. Practise makes perfect really. Hair is easy to do and looks very effect - needle. Heres an example of something I've done that turned out well (Although it doesn't look amazing to be honest, but when painted I think it was pretty much perfect)





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These aren't Warhammer miniatures but they're among the last things I painted:


Runebound 2nd Ed. miniatures:



Still got tons of unpainted and / or half converted miniatures around. While I did "play" my Tyranid army was sort of constantly "WIP" and this hadn't changed by the time I stopped to actively pursue the hobby. :-/


One day...

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Ewwww Beakies. Do not want.


I don't actually paint, but looking at other peoples projects is always nice, plus it's a general Warhammer thread, so I don't have to talk about painting.


When I get a bit more time I may type up a post about our current Dark Heresy campaign, it's 40K roleplaying....death is always imminent, plus we just got on a Spacehulk. Extra helpings of death is being served (ahem, ~7000 troops split into 5 man teams torpedoed into the spacehulk.....18% survived), moral is low.

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Wellllll Unfortunately we're just normal-ish people of the Imperium and not Space Marines.


Fortunately (?) we're pretty sure it's Chaos and Demons on the ship instead of Tyrannids.


We're in the middle of the Hulk, heading for the bridge of the ship we are on....the bridge is about 6 days walk away.

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Nice paintjob Burmy, it's a shame the models aren't that good :hmm:

Wellllll Unfortunately we're just normal-ish people of the Imperium and not Space Marines.


Fortunately (?) we're pretty sure it's Chaos and Demons on the ship instead of Tyrannids.


We're in the middle of the Hulk, heading for the bridge of the ship we are on....the bridge is about 6 days walk away.

Sounds awesome.

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I used to have soooo many Warhammer games models; Warhammer (High Elves and Chaos Armies), Warhammer 40k (Space Marines), Epic 40k (Orcs), Blood Bowl (Humans), Necromunda (sp?) (Dunno what they were called but they had mohicans) Gorka Morka (sp?) are all games I played and collected...


Now I don't have any of it...was all in my loft dunno where it went when I moved out of parents...don't think its here/

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I used to have soooo many Warhammer games models; Warhammer (High Elves and Chaos Armies), Warhammer 40k (Space Marines), Epic 40k (Orcs), Blood Bowl (Humans), Necromunda (sp?) (Dunno what they were called but they had mohicans) Gorka Morka (sp?) are all games I played and collected...

Blood Bowl was amazing. My Dad got it when it first came out. Beautiful. The store where I play the Pokémon TCG has it for £50. They can fuck right off. It's a pr0 game but not that pr0.


Necromunda was weird. I didn't have it, but you're right, it's weird with all the mohicans all over the place.


Gorkamorka was something I had, which was awesome at the time. The silly thing was the unusually small bases and (later shown) shit small stature of Orks:


Something shitty like this:



Then later on they were given these hulking shapes like this:


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Way to make a play-standard painted miniature look artsy. ;)




Nice paintjob Burmy, it's a shame the models aren't that good :hmm:


Yeah, they're not up to GW's standards. They are however quite a bit smaller than the "heroic scale" (= thick extremeties, oversized heads) 28mm GW miniatures. For board game miniatures made out of flexible plastic they're actually quite elaborate.

I'll post a little comparison when I get around to downscale the photos.




Here's a comparison between three Runebound / Descent miniatues and a GW WHFB dwarf:




The Runebound minis stand as tall as a GW 28mm scale human (if they stand), but everything is much more "skinny":






I love Fanatics! Got three of them years back. Thankfully they're the last iteration of the models, because I think they look quiet a bit better than the recent ones:





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Here is the blueprint prototype for the project I'll be working on as soon as the models arrive:



Wondering with Venusaur whether to have the vines straight from the fingers or have him reaching into the ground and then rising up from under Blastoise. Would use a lot less green stuff.

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I think it'd look cooler too.

Yeah, I'm feeling making it some form of bramble attack, like you'd see in Golden Sun, massive thorns and maybe some blood.


The thing I keep coming back to is the size of the base. That and the visuals of the attacks. The vines/brambles are easy. It's water and fire which will prove challenging. I have a few ideas though.


EDIT: Here is a Techmarine I did years ago. I'm very proud of the human portions I did:


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Wondering with Venusaur whether to have the vines straight from the fingers or have him reaching into the ground and then rising up from under Blastoise. Would use a lot less green stuff.

That, what Rez said AND it would cost you a lot less nerves.


The thing I keep coming back to is the size of the base. That and the visuals of the attacks. The vines/brambles are easy. It's water and fire which will prove challenging. I have a few ideas though.

What kind of base are you going to use? Some wooden diorama base like this?


For the fire you might have a look at this duel scene. The fire itself should be pretty doable with GS. The rest is painting. (Edit: Just browsed a bit through the homepage of the duel scene's painter and didn't expect to find the Spanish Inquisition!)

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