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Battlefield 3


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MadDog by buying cheap undies your clearly missing out on the extra comfort that expensive undies provide.


Top Tip: Don't buy fake undies from Thailand they might look the business but ride your butt crack like a mother lover.

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Anyone else get a code to download the beta / demo today?


got an email today from EA saying that cause I got Medal of honour tier 1 edition I can access the Beta today.


I've just put my code to redeem it now, and will begin downloading when I get home, Can't wait.

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Got my code today and am currently downloading :)


I bought a sealed Tier 1 edition of Medal of Honor off eBay a few weeks ago almost purely for this... :p







... that and the campaign for Medal of Honour was pretty damn enjoyable imho, but yeah, anyway B3 beta here I come! :D

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... that and the campaign for Medal of Honour was pretty damn enjoyable imho, but yeah, anyway B3 beta here I come! :D


Yeah, the campaign in Medal of Honour was pretty damned awesome in some places. Would love to find the time to go back to some of it. Shame the multiplayer wasn't up to much.


Anyway, I got my early access beta code. Don't think I can use it at the moment though. My XBL account got suspended because Microsoft screwed up how you have to take cards off of your account and tried to take money out of an inactive account. And as I don't think you can play over XBL with a silver account, I'll have to wait a little bit before I can join in, annoyingly.

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Anyway, I got my early access beta code. Don't think I can use it at the moment though. My XBL account got suspended because Microsoft screwed up how you have to take cards off of your account and tried to take money out of an inactive account. And as I don't think you can play over XBL with a silver account, I'll have to wait a little bit before I can join in, annoyingly.


Maybe give the code away then? The beta goes public on Thursday so the 'early access' is literally just 2 days.

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Playing the Beta right now, first impressions are pretty decent... controls seem natural once you know what everything does, the four classes seem pretty simple to distinguish between - Assault, Engineer, Support, Recon - while the weapons are nice and substantial.


Maps seem vast with a solid amount of detail though I only seem to have identified two different maps that I've played on so far - I don't know how many are in this beta - and there seems to be a decent level of customisation.


Overall I'm enjoying it but I am new to the series - this'll be my first Battlefield title that I purchase - so I probably need to play the beta a good deal more to get a proper feel for it but it certainly seems decent at any rate. :D

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I'm somewhat curious about what the console version is like as well. Would anyone say its worth digging out (And by this I mean taking it off my bookshelf and setting it up again) my PS3 to play the beta a little bit earlier, or wait for the public version on Thursday?

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Playing the Beta right now, first impressions are pretty decent... controls seem natural once you know what everything does, the four classes seem pretty simple to distinguish between - Assault, Engineer, Support, Recon - while the weapons are nice and substantial.


Maps seem vast with a solid amount of detail though I only seem to have identified two different maps that I've played on so far - I don't know how many are in this beta - and there seems to be a decent level of customisation.


Overall I'm enjoying it but I am new to the series - this'll be my first Battlefield title that I purchase - so I probably need to play the beta a good deal more to get a proper feel for it but it certainly seems decent at any rate. :D



First impressions for me started off hating it, but I think that was down to the fact it's an entirely different pace / style of Game to Gears of war 3, which I've been playing a lot of lately.


Once I had settled down, got familiar with the pace, the rate of fire from the weapons (It's not a Lancer from GOW :p ) the fact that I can duck and sprint, Yeah I enjoyed it alot.


Rush is good, but I'd of rather that the Beta was a standard TDM, I was TRYING to play Rush, but it just seemed like other people playing were more interested in Killing / getting a high K/D ratio even though it's a Beta.


But yeah, enjoyed it alot, once I got used to it and dropped the GOW mentality.

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Downloaded the beta and had a few matches and.... yeah, it's a bit buggy. Falling through the map seems to be very common (crouching or even taking up a prone position in some places puts you into the map causing your character to jerk around) and there was some very strange latency issues when playing where I'd fire off a rocket from my launcher while on the move and my character would then jump back several steps and not have fired the rocket and end up dead.


It eventually froze so I called it quits. It was getting really unplayable before it froze though, and it wasn't anything to do with my internet connection so the net code for the game is looking rather messy. And this is only with the Rush mode on one map. What's it going to be like when vehicles are added in for other maps? ::shrug:


They really needed to get this out earlier to iron out the issues. I'm betting several of the issues I've found, and others elsewhere have found, will still be present at launch. Goodie.


Still, I did enjoy the game when it was actually working. Default control sensitivity need tweaking but that's all.

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