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Battlefield 3


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Doing way better now. Can easily do 3:1 KDR and top score whilst doing objectives and being instrumental making the team win. I think lag was the main culprit for me. Sticking to servers on consoles and pc.


Time to work on sniper unlocks. Got most ability unlocks for everything else.


http://bf3s.com/ and http://www.enjin.com/bf3-signature-generator


are providing 3rd party stats and sigs much like BF2. Make use of them :)

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H-o-T mate, think you have been trying the wrong modes. My very short time with BF tells me its not really a single player game. Also, those mulitplayers modes are generally full of the high rankers who are looking to get high kd/r and unlock weapon attackments me thinks who also haven't probably touched single player mode.


Personally I would try to stick to conquest which has a lot more skirmishes going about the fields, alot more different options to acheive, and longer duration and slower pace than the other modes so you can get your bearings and start earning points effectively by sticking to class objectives. IMO stick with the assualt class, head to mission critical objectives, stick a med pack down aand rez ppl with defib when you get that gadget.


I think this series takes time to get into, bet when you do, it can be very rewarding. Hope this helps in some way.


Thanks for the tips. I will give Conquest a blast to see if I can get a handle on things, if not then to the trade in pile it goes.

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Played 2 games on the same map (not had much time to play due to work) and I was top of my team but we lost both times :( the second game was close though.


Strangely I have no problems whatsoever when playing the game. Graphics are great, no lag, fps is fine... but I have to do a clean install of the latest drivers whenever I restart my pc otherwise I get that DirectX error again and the game won't open. I assume there's something simple I'm overlooking again? :p

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Thanks for the tips. I will give Conquest a blast to see if I can get a handle on things, if not then to the trade in pile it goes.


Tried it, still hate it.


I kept running into campers in the few games I played. No matter which spawn point I went to, the enemy had people watching it. I just keep getting frustrated when playing it, basically it's no fun for me.


*gives up and throws on trade in pile*

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Only won one game out of about 10 so far, though I'm holding my own. I guess it's just a bad early run and I'm still enjoying myself. Need to have a rush game now. Tried the co-op, had an irritating moment when myself and another player battled our way to the 3rd wave and the next one didn't trigger. Bah.

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Had a weird moment in singleplayer the other day where my fireteam and I were supposed to go through a door. They decided it would be a good idea to go through without opening it first, which left me stuck. I was about to reload from the last checkpoint, when one of them walked back through the door and opened it for me.


Time to work on sniper unlocks. Got most ability unlocks for everything else.


How do you have that much time to play games?


Tried it, still hate it.


I kept running into campers in the few games I played. No matter which spawn point I went to, the enemy had people watching it. I just keep getting frustrated when playing it, basically it's no fun for me.


*gives up and throws on trade in pile*


That's kind of how battlefield works. Its not like CoD where you just run around getting kills. Its about strategy, and taking objectives. What you refer to as camping is incredibly important for holding a position. If you don't want to get killed as soon as you spawn, pay attention to you spawn point and either spawn on a squad mate who isn't in the middle of the action, or at a base that isn't in the process of being captured by the other team.

Edited by Emasher
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Bossed it today, think i won every rush game we had, Had my first go in a Little Bird gonna be a pain in the arse to get the unlocks for it, but looking forward to unlocking some air to ground missiles, my tank efficiency is getting better and I got some decent unlocks.

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Servers are down... for the rest of the night so I hear, for maintenance?


Is this correct?


If so then it's back to the campaign for me, which I'm actually kind of enjoying at the moment but not as much as the multiplayer.

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Managed to get my mitts on a helicopter in the Firestorm map - I don't know if they've made these easier to fly or something but I'm not as hilariously shit at it as I used to be. I still managed to find a way of going sideways into the deck as soon as an RPG came within 20ft of the rotors, but I at least manged to maneuver while holding it in one competent angle or another for a few minutes.

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First time I got my hands on a jet in multiplayer I clipped my wing as i was taking off and erupted into a ball of fire.


I haven't had any trouble flying anything after that though, although there is a helicopter whos wepons I can't fire...I press the fire butten and all i get is a click. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or what.

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Completed the campaign today. When it was good, it was pretty good, when it was bad it was terrible.


One moment, I was near some river/canal/sewage pipe exit or something. Some stream of water at least. Me and some soldiers were attacking some enemies behind sandbags. I took cover and tried to take out a bunch of guys. Next thing I know, all the other soldiers had fucked off ahead and were yelling at me to "go through the building". Seeing as I was nowhere near a building, I had no clue where to go. The weird thing was, the only route for me to take was past the enemies I was trying to kill, so fuck knows how my team got past them.


Another shit moment was during the night shift mission. I had to take out a guy with the knife. No problem I thought, sneak up behind and stab him. First attempt: got close, guy turned round and killed me. Second attempt: Same thing. I noticed that it said press R2 a bit early, so on attempt 3 I tried pressing it early. Died. Nothing had hit me, but the death animation played anyway. Attempt 4: Just shot the bastard. Killed him, but I died again, despite nothing hitting me. Turns out that on attempt 3 I had pressed the button slightly too early or too late or something. I actually had to press it when before I was in melee range so that a QTE could play. Ridiculous.


The fact that the rest of the campaign was pretty good makes these utterly shit moments stand out even more.



Why did you have to shoot your CO? I don't get it at all.


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I actually rather liked the tone of the campaign as it was spectacular but still fairly grounded. When the scripting wasn't breaking I'd say it's a better singleplayer than Black Ops, but ultimately it's a shame the comparison is so appropriate: the campaign might as well be Call of Duty, not Battlefield.


I'd have preferred the singleplayer to actually teach people about the multiplayer. Give you a chance to pilot a helicopter without having to worry about other players, get you to mark enemies for AI team mates, and have missions that involve the various gadgets like the mini UAV, etc. As is the game's campaign is strangely divorced from the hallmark trappings of the game, plus a lot of people are going into the multiplayer without any kind of tutorial; the in-game manual doesn't really explain anything.

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It amazes me how thick some people can be playing this game. Had a few last night where the enemy team were meant to attack yet they felt it was more entertaining to sit at the back of the map, snipe, and eventually lose the round. I don't get it.

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It amazes me how thick some people can be playing this game. Had a few last night where the enemy team were meant to attack yet they felt it was more entertaining to sit at the back of the map, snipe, and eventually lose the round. I don't get it.


This. People are worse at team games now than ever. Some teams focus on their K/d too much and are happy to lose.


I find you can make a bigger difference in conquest as 1 person. Rush is much tougher for afew good player to overturn a whole team.

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This. People are worse at team games now than ever. Some teams focus on their K/d too much and are happy to lose.


I find you can make a bigger difference in conquest as 1 person. Rush is much tougher for afew good player to overturn a whole team.


One way to solve this...don't have kill death ratio's count for shit in objective modes...sure means less people might play those types but means they people that are in there will care more.

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Completed the campaign today. When it was good, it was pretty good, when it was bad it was terrible.


One moment, I was near some river/canal/sewage pipe exit or something. Some stream of water at least. Me and some soldiers were attacking some enemies behind sandbags. I took cover and tried to take out a bunch of guys. Next thing I know, all the other soldiers had fucked off ahead and were yelling at me to "go through the building". Seeing as I was nowhere near a building, I had no clue where to go. The weird thing was, the only route for me to take was past the enemies I was trying to kill, so fuck knows how my team got past them.


Another shit moment was during the night shift mission. I had to take out a guy with the knife. No problem I thought, sneak up behind and stab him. First attempt: got close, guy turned round and killed me. Second attempt: Same thing. I noticed that it said press R2 a bit early, so on attempt 3 I tried pressing it early. Died. Nothing had hit me, but the death animation played anyway. Attempt 4: Just shot the bastard. Killed him, but I died again, despite nothing hitting me. Turns out that on attempt 3 I had pressed the button slightly too early or too late or something. I actually had to press it when before I was in melee range so that a QTE could play. Ridiculous.

Yeah these were two of the shittest parts, especially that part when you cross the canal. The enemy AI clearly has a fixed course and fuck you if you stand in the way of that. They won't walk round you, or wait for you to move, they'll just push you out of cover and into a rain of bullets.
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I was planning on buying this for the 360 since i can not stand the Dual shock stick placement, N64/Xbox/Gamecube/360 proved it should be the standard control with a D-pad else where


but everyone i know has bought the ps3 version (the install for HD put people off i think)

so i got it for the ps3 and bought a HF-2 controller, 360 layout and you can switch L1/R1 with L2/R2


got to say i am loving the game, it captures a lot of Battleifield 2's magic, and i'm glad that you can't COD style run and gun, you try that you die (also love how COD players bitch it's not fair with vehicles and unrealistic... let me go tell the real life soldiers to ban vehicles)


great multiplayer, pretty much decided Black ops is my last COD now


This. People are worse at team games now than ever. Some teams focus on their K/d too much and are happy to lose.


I find you can make a bigger difference in conquest as 1 person. Rush is much tougher for afew good player to overturn a whole team.


I've had this before, some people cannot play for shit, don't know what game they think they are playing


its best to move on and ctf


had an awesome round with a friend last night, he got in a jeep i got gunner and we captured flags left right and centre, both got around 2500 points each before we were killed by a tank.

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Yeah its great when you have those crazy moments where to works so well. dont underestimate the jeep.


I got afew kills in the gunship yesterday but my gunner kept droping out thinking i was going to die lol. I fly low often and inbetween structures and it scares them.

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Yeah its great when you have those crazy moments where to works so well. dont underestimate the jeep.


I got afew kills in the gunship yesterday but my gunner kept droping out thinking i was going to die lol. I fly low often and inbetween structures and it scares them.


you have large cojones Choze, i can barely keep level sometimes let alone fly between structures

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Give it a few months - soon the K/D obsessives move on to the next big shooter with the school kids, the hardcore clans go back to Counter Strike, the casual players that stick with it eventually figure out how to spot enemies. Eventually what your left with is a pleasant hodgepodge of good sports, hardcore individuals scattered on both sides and the young workers & parents who need to unwind after dinner and everyone will - at the minimum - have a rough idea of what they're supposed to be doing and making genuine attempts towards achieving victory.


I actually enjoy losing games if my side are actually trying, even if they're not as practiced as the opposition - when they do stick around to defend a point, or do make a go of getting you back on your feet even if you just get gunned down again. There's nothing worse then spending all the round getting shot at capture points and wondering why your team is still cowering behind a rock, queuing up for a single jet back at base or sniping fruitlessly from the outer fringes of the map.

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I actually enjoy losing games if my side are actually trying, even if they're not as practiced as the opposition - when they do stick around to defend a point, or do make a go of getting you back on your feet even if you just get gunned down again. There's nothing worse then spending all the round getting shot at capture points and wondering why your team is still cowering behind a rock, queuing up for a single jet back at base or sniping fruitlessly from the outer fringes of the map.


This - If im attacking on rush alsong as we manage to get past the first set of M-Comm stations i'm happy and some decent amount of effort is put in. I was playing on Caspian border the other day one of my team was sat in a tank at our base blasting away not helping anyone, couldn't catch a base for shit then as soon as a team mate who new what he was doing he grabbed a tank, we rolled in as posse and took the m comm stations in 2 minutes.


Gaggle mind if I add you, sound like you know what your doing! or anyone else who wants to squad up, add me. Spazz Monk3y I am on da xbox.

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I remember a few matches back with BC2 where I was defending in rush and teammates decided it was a good idea to put C4 on our own objectives and blow them up. Probably the absolute worst experience I've had with Battlefield games.


So far my teams haven't been all that bad in BF3 though. Although, I do remember one incident during Operation Metro Conquest, where I was sitting at the top of the escalator sniping just about everyone on the other team while all the shorter range players on my team were just sitting cowering behind the barrier not even trying to advance.

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Gaggle mind if I add you, sound like you know what your doing! or anyone else who wants to squad up, add me. Spazz Monk3y I am on da xbox.


Sign me up, bud, Feel free to hop in with if you ever see me on. FYI I don't have a mike, though if you don't mind a mute ally I'd love to have someone reliable to knock heads with.


That goes for everyone else too.

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