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Never had any nostalgia for FFVII because I never played it in my youth/teenage years.
Played it in 2017 and I knew about the thing beforehand so the impact was lost to me. But I can appreciate what it must've meant back then.

The game itself is pretty great, but definitely not my fav Final Fantasy.

15 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I was happy to see the love spread across other tunes as well.


The Remake version is even better.

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8 minutes ago, drahkon said:

The game itself is pretty great, but definitely not my fav Final Fantasy.

I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone here who doesn't think the same thing.

There's no denying that FF7 is amongst one of the most influential RPG's of all time though. As far as I see it, the only competition in that aspect are either Dragon Quest III, or Pokémon Red/Blue.

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3 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Please, it has nothing to do with Tifa being a strong female character. We all know the reasons they chose her but they are too afraid to say it in today's PC climate. :p 

To be fair, she is a strong female character. A strong female character with a nice rack.

Am I going to get canceled now? 


4 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

There's no denying that FF7 is amongst one of the most influential RPG's of all time though. As far as I see it, the only competition in that aspect are either Dragon Quest III, or Pokémon Red/Blue.

Definitely. Those games shaped the (J)RPG world we are living in now.

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15 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

I'd probably say VII is my favourite Final Fantasy.

It's certainly up there for me. FFVIII is my fav (as i've said many times on here over the years) but FFX and FFVII tend to fight for second place and their positions switch depending on what mood I'm in. 

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1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I was happy to see a lot of people on the video were Team Tifa. 


In all seriousness, while there were many smart decisions made around Final Fantasy VII, the decision to have two girls (well, and Barrett) each representing the game's target markets geographically (Aeris/Aerith is distinctly Western, I'd go so far as to say European, in her design; and Tifa is distinctly Eastern) was absolute genius. 

Not only does it cater to both markets, I think considering that this was well before the mass globalisation of anime/Asian culture/etc. and that what we find attractive physically is typically an aggregate of what we're exposed to, I think there's a good chance it could have helped younger folks (and potentially older too) who played the game at the time in the West be more open to being friends with/dating people of a different race, and the same could probably be said for those playing the game in the East, too. I'd also be willing to bet that for many it was their first "real" exposure to an Asian girl or woman, just because that was the reality back then in a lot of the Western world. And I'm sure her, uh, features also didn't hurt in that regard either. 

I might be reaching there, but I imagine it's true for some (even if they've never consciously thought about it before). Hell, I'm mixed race (White/Asian) and being surrounded by white folks 99% of the time growing up meant that I didn't even really meet people of different races outside of my own family and their group of friends until I actually moved country. I don't think I could have been attracted to a different race if I tried because I simply didn't even know I could find them attractive due to lack of exposure ::shrug: in fact, if anything, the overbearing strength independence of Asian women (Filipinos, specifically) in my family put me off that idea entirely until just a few years ago :laughing:

And no, my parents didn't meet due to Final Fantasy VII and my dad cheering Tifa on as best girl. Though now that I think about it, they did meet and get married in 1997, the same year VII got release...coincidence? :p

Anyways, I do agree with @Happenstance: while I thought Tifa was by far and away better in VII (and I still would say I'm Team Tifa after Remake), I do think VII Remake did a great job of fleshing out Aeris/Aerith in a way which the original game did not. 

1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

There was a decent discussion about the music in the game. Obviously One Winged Angel gets discussed but I was happy to see the love spread across other tunes as well. Judgement gets a mention which was pretty funny seeing as I played a quest in Curtain Call the other day that featured it and thought to myself what an underrated song it is.

VII's music is ridiculously good and, two years later, I still can't believe that Remake made a lot of tracks even better – I didn't even imagine it would be possible!

I think there are very few soundtracks - gaming or otherwise - which come close, and even in the realm of Final Fantasy, I think the only thing I could debate (with the games I've played) is that VI might do a better job of giving party members their own theme and then recalling them throughout the game, which leads into the outrageously good reprisal of each theme during the credits? But even then, that's down to a different approach rather than VI's OST being outright better than VII's. 

Too many tracks to name that I love, but while I love how preposterous One Winged Angel is, I still think Those Chosen By The Planet (and how it's awesomely recalled in Birth of a God) are stronger themes for the character of Sephiroth, whereas One Winged Angel does an excellent job of capturing how ridiculous the position he ends up in really is. I'm so glad we got some of it in Remake! 

1 hour ago, drahkon said:

Never had any nostalgia for FFVII because I never played it in my youth/teenage years.
Played it in 2017 and I knew about the thing beforehand so the impact was lost to me. But I can appreciate what it must've meant back then

Oh wow that's super interesting, I first played it in 2017 too (though I don't think I finished the very last part until the very beginning of 2018..?).

I think my key takeaway was that there were definitely some parts to the game which don't hold up tremendously these days from a design and technical perspective (general room-to-room navigation is a bit of a nightmare at times, gorgeous as some of those pre-rendered background are, and then there's obviously the well-documented translation errors, things like that), but more surprising to me was that I don't think the final act of the game - until you reach the very end - holds up under any real scrutiny? I found it very messy, to put it lightly, it went off the rails in a way which I don't think the game benefitted from (well, until it all got turned into memes and the sillier parts of the extended VII canon). 

I thought everything up to and including Temple of the Ancients was virtually flawless from a character and story perspective, though! 

1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Please, it has nothing to do with Tifa being a strong female character. We all know the reasons they chose her but they are too afraid to say it in today's PC climate. :p 

There's a reason she turned up in the Italian senate, that's all that has to be said :laughing: oh, and there was also that questionably posed Tifa statue

Damn, Tifa's having a busy 2022 :p

1 hour ago, Happenstance said:

I'd probably say VII is my favourite Final Fantasy.

I've only played VI, VII and IX so far, all for the first time in the last 5 years or so, and I find my answer tends to swap between all three pretty regularly – I think they're all great games with (well, other than the music) entirely different strengths. 

Overall, though, I'd probably say that I consider VI to be the strongest of the three from a critical perspective, so maybe that's my favourite? It's mechanically airtight, and something I think it has over the other two games (sorry VII and IX) is that there is a natural narrative throughline from beginning to end, whereas VII and IX both fly off the rails in their final act somewhere along the way for me in ways which have me going "uh, the how hell did we get here?" 

I need to play more Final Fantasy games, though, can't believe it's nearly been two years (!) since I played through IX! It'll probably be I, IV, or X next (sorry @Hero-of-Time, VIII is kind of just...waiting off to the side with V :p)

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I love how you posted a well thought out paragraph about Tifa and Aeris, @Julius but when all is said and done the reason for most people gravitating towards Tifa was probably has more to do with breast size and skirt length rather than place of origin. :grin:

When did Tomb Raider get released? I wonder if Tifa's design had anything to do with the popularity of Lara Croft?

I'll have a look at those links after work. I dare not open them at the moment. :D 

Yeah, get Final Fantasy X played! Easily the best out of the ones you   want to play. Just remember that it was the first FF game with voice acting. It can be a little rough at times. 

As for VIII, you've made a powerful enemy today..... :p 

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58 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I love how you posted a well thought out paragraph about Tifa and Aeris, @Julius but when all is said and done the reason for most people gravitating towards Tifa was probably has more to do with breast size and skirt length rather than place of origin. :grin:

Oh yeah 100%, that's what attracted them to her, there's little denying that :laughing:

I guess what I'm suggesting is the inverse? Not necessarily that people were attracted to her because of her origin, but they may have subconsciously taken that away (that they're [more] open to being attracted to people of other cultures, and Asians particularly, if they hadn't before, just due to the lack of exposure), if that makes sense? I could certainly see that being the case depending on the ages people were when they first played the game. 

Anecdotally, I had a friend in high school who randomly came out with "I'm into Koreans" after starting to watch anime and play League of Legends (which is a whole other kettle of fish) :laughing:

You're probably right about them looking at other characters like Lara Croft for what was popular at the time though, we got the final remainders of that in the early 2000's and then I feel the guys in the art departments started to calm down a little bit. Sort of. Maybe. 

I mean it's not all sunshines and rainbows regardless, I'm pretty sure VII is partially responsible for some of the, uh, more questionable parts of the internet and modern culture when it comes to things like Cait Sith :p

58 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I'll have a look at those links after work. I dare not open them at the moment. :D 

The first link is just an article, though it does go on to point you in the direction of the feed.

That second link though...yeah I'd save that one for after work, it has pictures of the questionably posed model in question :laughing:

58 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Yeah, get Final Fantasy X played! Easily the best out of the ones you   want to play. Just remember that it was the first FF game with voice acting. It can be a little rough at times. 

Will be sure to keep that in mind :peace: definitely got my expectations set fairly low in that regard from clips/memes and such over the years, that much is sure. 

It'll probably be a tossup between X and Like A Dragon the next time I'm in the mood for a longer JRPG ::shrug:

58 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

As for VIII, you've made a powerful enemy today..... :p 


Edited by Julius
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  • 2 months later...

So, due to much exposure to this series lately (including Theathrythm), I decided to revisit an old game I never got around to finish: the original Final Fantasy.

As a teen, I never felt compelled enough to finish it, but now I'm far more appreciative of basic RPG adventures, those with very little nonsense on the way. So I'll give this another try.


I'll be doing the GBA version on an emulator, occasionally playing it on my phone.

Each character was named as a reference to something Final Fantasy (or adjacent). I'll try to come up with backstories and personalities for each as I play.

"Zero white mages? It'll never work"

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Barely one hour in, and I already found the peninsula of power. If I hadn't previously known about it, I would've never noticed its secret. I like that the encounters there are "Winter Wolves", though, it suggests that they manage to get there because they walked through a thin layer of ice, or something like that (there are occasional stories of Swedes being able to walk to Denmark in very cold days, so maybe these Wolves did something similar).

Regardless, I won't be using it. I don't want to grind at all, anywhere.

Anyway, GBA!Bikke is somehow funnier than 8BT!Bikke.


I love how, instead of a boss battle, he just meekly surrenders after you wreck his men. It's so anti-climactic, but funny.

Lore-wise, I've decided that the four Warriors all met in Cornelia by chance. Braev is a local, Jack is a friend that travels often, Quann and Farise are mysterious travellers with unknown motives. They met when they were all ambushed at the same time by goblins, twice in a row (true story), and Farise got her clock cleaned. They revived her in a church ("Arise, Farise" got a stupid chuckle out of me), and there they noticed they were each carrying a crystal. King Steve said "Good enough for me!" and declared them heroes.

12 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Am I gonna have to wait almost 9 years for the payoff to that reference?

At the slow rate that I'm beating games? Maybe.

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  • 1 month later...

I really hope that they've polished them up since their original PC/Mobile releases... because they're pretty rough as they are.

I wouldn't say that any of them (aside from FF3) particuarily represent the best versions of their respective titles within the series as they are.

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