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The only problem I have with immigration is integration. I think the government should integrate immigrants more. Then you wouldn't get places such as Bradford, and wouldn't get places such as my home constituency which has a white (not sure if it's white or white british) population of 99.1% (Compared to a national percentage of about 10% non-white and 5% white other).

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The thing is it's not just about immigration I think, but also about race.


Let's say I were to move to the UK to work and live there. I doubt there'd be many people who'd feel hostile towards me (or at least that's what I assume) and would tell me to "go back to my own country".

Yet I've heard of coloured people, who were born in the UK, that they sometimes would have to endure verbal abuse from people, telling them that they're stealing their jobs and that they should go back where they came from. =/


It's a weird thing. Not saying it's just the UK, I think it happens in more places, here as well. But then for some reason people think it's fair for them to move around through Europe and simply go and live somewhere else, like Spain. How is that any different really?

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I work in a community where there are huge number of immigrants, and yes the vast majority of the people i deal with are immigrants who can speak very little english and have no manners at all. I hate them.


Sure there's immigrants who come here and work their nuts off and just want a better life, fair do's but daily i have to deal with the worst kind. Arseholes.

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I think the government should integrate immigrants more.


Is that really the Government's problem though? If someone emigrates to the UK then it's up to them to decide where to live, not the Government. If someone from say, India, gets a good job in London the he's going to live in London.

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Is that really the Government's problem though? If someone emigrates to the UK then it's up to them to decide where to live, not the Government. If someone from say, India, gets a good job in London the he's going to live in London.


Yeah the government should control every aspect of immigration. The Lib dems had a policy (not that that seems to mean much anymore) of immigration that immigrants go to (and stay at) places where they and their skills are needed.

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The thing is it's not just about immigration I think, but also about race.


Let's say I were to move to the UK to work and live there. I doubt there'd be many people who'd feel hostile towards me (or at least that's what I assume) and would tell me to "go back to my own country".

Yet I've heard of coloured people, who were born in the UK, that they sometimes would have to endure verbal abuse from people, telling them that they're stealing their jobs and that they should go back where they came from. =/


It's a weird thing. Not saying it's just the UK, I think it happens in more places, here as well. But then for some reason people think it's fair for them to move around through Europe and simply go and live somewhere else, like Spain. How is that any different really?




I live on a rad that is domanitely muslim, there's a lovely mosque infront of my house and it's all fine and dandy, I used to live in my second year more around Chinese.


I've never had any issues, except what moogle mentioned, I speak to my polish neighbors next door and a couple of the flats on the other side, but the rest of the road keep to themselves, which means they are nice, they don't trouble me or keep me awake. But I find maybe just here in Sheffield, that they do keep to themselves too much and that's sad, that maybe they feel threatened or something to keep so close knit and not speak to others that we miss out on having a vast community full of different race/religion etc.



However, if I mention that, which I have, I get called racist, mostly I find people don't actually listen to me.


Otherwise, I can't really comment because I want to migrate over to Canada. :D


The problem with people who say ''they are stealing our jobs'' is crap, too many people are getting stuck up about it because someone from say Poland will come over and work for £5 an hour, for a job someone here will only do for £8, so it's tough, they for the most part (there's laziness in every country and race.) work hard, send money home, exactly like anyone else does, it's just people being fucking greedy.

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The problem with people who say ''they are stealing our jobs'' is crap, too many people are getting stuck up about it because someone from say Poland will come over and work for £5 an hour, for a job someone here will only do for £8, so it's tough, they for the most part (there's laziness in every country and race.) work hard, send money home, exactly like anyone else does, it's just people being fucking greedy.


See, thats the issue. Employers are more prepared to pay a Polish national £5 p/h to do the same job that a British national does for £8 p/h. Cheaper labour, which is why some people lost thier jobs. To be replaced by cheaper Polish workers, i should know because i was replaced in one of my earlier jobs by a polish national.

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See, thats the issue. Employers are more prepared to pay a Polish national £5 p/h to do the same job that a British national does for £8 p/h. Cheaper labour, which is why some people lost thier jobs. To be replaced by cheaper Polish workers, i should know because i was replaced in one of my earlier jobs by a polish national.


To be fair in this situation it should be noted I get paid £4.97 for a job that someone else does and they get £6.54.


I am going to go stand with the Polish on this one. :wink:

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It's certainly not about race to anyone decent.


Employment is an issue, like Jimbob said, although I would say, on balance, foreign workforces are doing the jobs other people don't want, like nightshifts. The fewer number of "normal" jobs (subjective, I know) available is almost certainly due to the recession and companies wanting to squeeze more profit out of their business by employing less staff. Put it this way, yes, my mates find it hard to get jobs, but none of the ones they want are taken by immigrants.


The biggest problem, undoubtedly, is culture and religion. We'd just be naive if we didn't think we have masses of Muslims who hate us and try to harm us, far more so than any other culture that the UK has ever absorbed.

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To be fair in this situation it should be noted I get paid £4.97 for a job that someone else does and they get £6.54.


I am going to go stand with the Polish on this one. :wink:


Yeah, and being under 21 that is the minimum wage.


I'm not against immigration, because some jobs that are given to immigrants (the ones who do things by the book to get into the country) are the jobs that us Brits do not want. I saw a program last year, where 3 Brits were given jobs on a temporary basis to see if they could do them.


The jobs were Asparagus picking, Painter/Decorator and Bar work in an Indian restuarant. How many of us would take these jobs?. It is because we don't take these jobs that employers look to hire in foreign workers. If we wern't so aragant, we'd have these jobs and not the foreign workers.


It's that part of immigration i agree with, i just don't agree with foreign workers replacing the Brit workers because they are cheaper to employ, as i mentioned in an earlier post.


As for if immigrants are allowed to use the NHS and the Education system. Yes, if they came in legally. No if they came in illegally. Which brings me onto the now-scrapped I.D scheme Labour were going to bring in. I could have seen these I.D cards being used to decifer legal citizens and illegal persons if they wanted to use the services this country offered.

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Yeah, and being under 21 that is the minimum wage.


I'm not against immigration, because some jobs that are given to immigrants (the ones who do things by the book to get into the country) are the jobs that us Brits do not want. I saw a program last year, where 3 Brits were given jobs on a temporary basis to see if they could do them.


The jobs were Asparagus picking, Painter/Decorator and Bar work in an Indian restuarant. How many of us would take these jobs?. It is because we don't take these jobs that employers look to hire in foreign workers. If we wern't so aragant, we'd have these jobs and not the foreign workers.


It's that part of immigration i agree with, i just don't agree with foreign workers replacing the Brit workers because they are cheaper to employ, as i mentioned in an earlier post.


As for if immigrants are allowed to use the NHS and the Education system. Yes, if they came in legally. No if they came in illegally. Which brings me onto the now-scrapped I.D scheme Labour were going to bring in. I could have seen these I.D cards being used to decifer legal citizens and illegal persons if they wanted to use the services this country offered.


Yes I can imagine though that it's much the same way, I will willingly work for 25 hours a week at 4.97, which is legal and fine but a polish may not because they've come over from another country?


Even if that pay is legal? So what if a Polish man will take a job a English man won't, good on them for working when another person finds it beneath them or not worth doing. It annoys me no end that people complain time and time again about people coming over to work. I can understand the aspect if a worker works for lower pay and it isn't the minimum wage, but here I'm fighting the aspect of when it's perfectly legal and honkey dorey!


..and yet we go over to Spain and europe and noone bats an eyelid.

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Personally, I think its more about culture than anything else. Most of my friends immigrated to Canada from China, they also came at a young enough age that culturally they're more Canadian than anything else. Talking to them is no different from talking to white person who was born here. Problems with immigrants usually come from the immigrants who aren't as well adapted to the culture of the country they immigrate to. Basically, they either have no respect for the country that they come to or they start making outrageous demands of the host country and they try to use "White Guilt" and call people criticize their demands "racist" to try and get their way. An example of this would be Muslim immigrants demanding to not have to follow the laws of the country they move to, but rather follow their own religious based laws.


In reality, its culture that is able to hold a diverse country together. State enforced multiculturalism (like what we have in Canada) just leads to more separation between different ethnic groups and is an overall bad thing for a country to have.


I don't quite know what the exact situation is in the UK, or the rest of Europe, though.

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I only have a small general thought to add here...

I think the mass influx in the UK has given people a very large culture shock. I think that it's been difficult for a generation of people to see the country that they grew up in change so much and whilst I don't agree with their animosity towards immigrants, I do understand.


Also it's a delicate balance. A lot of people feel that the minority cultures that immigrate to the UK are allowed defend their culture but it seems a bit unfair for people who already live in the UK to defend their values as this is somehow perceived as being racist or inflexible.


Take the hijab for instance. I don't think that people who defend wearing it that to an older British culture that covering your face or hair make you look as if you are trying to hide your identity. This is something that many people feel makes you look suspicious.


I think that there is a double standard when it comes to this kind of thing.

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I do. I think it's disgusting and I look down on those that go to holiday in somewhere like benidorm, spend the entire holiday by the pool, and then have a meal in an english pub.


I know what you mean but there's no need to be quite so snobby about it. To some people that's what a holiday is, relaxing by the pool.


I agree about the meals though, people really ought to try different food when they're abroad.


As for immigration, the problems with an overly promiscuous immigration policy are devaluing people's jobs and a possible lack of integration, as people have mentioned. I don't have a problem with immigration generally, but it sure has drawbacks. I know it's become a cliché but there was always a problem with liberal minded people calling criticisms of immigration policy 'racist' when they weren't.

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I know what you mean but there's no need to be quite so snobby about it. To some people that's what a holiday is, relaxing by the pool.


I get what he means though. If you want to relax by a pool, why not go somewhere closer? It just seems a waste of time and money if you go there and do nothing but sit by a pool all holiday. However, it's their money and they can do what they wish with it but I do think it's a waste just going to somewhere abroad and then do nothing but sit by the pool. Seems meaningless.

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I get what he means though. If you want to relax by a pool, why not go somewhere closer? It just seems a waste of time and money if you go there and do nothing but sit by a pool all holiday. However, it's their money and they can do what they wish with it but I do think it's a waste just going to somewhere abroad and then do nothing but sit by the pool. Seems meaningless.


The weather and anyway, is Spain not close enough? Also I don't know if you realise but it isn't exactly expensive to go there. Hence the popularity I suppose. It might well mean something to the person that they manage to relax from their job two weeks out of the year. Besides that, a lot of these places have now been cultivated and designed over the years to cater to that sort of holiday maker, so it's not exactly a waste in that sense.


I wouldn't terribly wish to go and do that on holiday myself, but I don't hold it against people who do. As I say though, people who go abroad and just want chips/pizza all the time ....urgh.

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The weather and anyway, is Spain not close enough? Also I don't know if you realise but it isn't exactly expensive to go there. Hence the popularity I suppose. It might well mean something to the person that they manage to relax from their job two weeks out of the year. Besides that, a lot of these places have now been cultivated and designed over the years to cater to that sort of holiday maker, so it's not exactly a waste in that sense.


I wouldn't terribly wish to go and do that on holiday myself, but I don't hold it against people who do. As I say though, people who go abroad and just want chips/pizza all the time ....urgh.


I do get annoyed by the "cultivating and designing things for tourists" really. My grandparents bought a little house in Spain many many years ago (when my mom was still a child) and it's a place our family likes to go to. It's actually almost next to Benidorm. Now because of all the tourist, the place has become completely filled with hotels and apartments etc. Huge buildings that block the view. Too many people so the beach is packed and the streets are super busy. It was such a nice place, but now it's just a bit meh. =(

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