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This came up randomly on my i-pod the other day. So genuinely impressed :o

It was my 1st time hearing it and being in a little bit of absent-mindedness I expected a "typical" Beatles song.


*I was wrong*



The fact that I was alone, walking along a dark street gave it so much more impact.

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Gloria - Patti Smith




You're pierced by the directness of the opening line. Then you're swept along for a whole 6 minutes by its building energy. It's one of those rare times when someone bothers to do conventional music well; it doesn't stray from what we're used to, but still manages to shock and stun.



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Commander - Kelly Rowland



I think this is one of the greatest pop performances of all time. It's so direct. It's so powerful. It's so unassuming, but so confident in its own abilities.


"No fear, no doubt, I'll provide the answer"


Normally I'd maintain that the likes of David Guetta would detract, but it almost feels like Kelly's said "Get me someone to play a track. I need to sing this song."


Kelly Rowland periodically appears from the darkness and unleashes a Solar Beam, and then she shrinks back into the shadows, with a smile playing across her lips, knowing she is the only one who would dare fight Beyonce in a duel.




Edited by chairdriver
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This song is genius. :grin:


It speaks to me on a level that no other song ever has or ever will. It's like I've been in a coma for 20 years and I've just woken up with a raging hard on that's trying to tell the world that "I'VE GOT TO HAVE CEREAL!".


There is no going back for me. I have made it.


By the time she gets to the part where she has to decide where she wants to sit in the car I'm almost in tears. You can see the hidden textures in her eyes that are saying to me that I no longer want to feel this way. HOLD ME CLOSE.


Then after an intense 2 seconds it fades out to the next scene showing us that she is content with her life. In her car. blissful. It's at this point I lose myself fully and just let the lyrics wash over me like a miniature walrus thrashing about in a bidet.


I fall onto the tips of my elbows weeping tears from every orifice but then I remember that she's by my side and that everything will be wholesome because It's Friday!

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Commander - Kelly Rowland



I think this is one of the greatest pop performances of all time. It's so direct. It's so powerful. It's so unassuming, but so confident in its own abilities.


"No fear, no doubt, I'll provide the answer"


Normally I'd maintain that the likes of David Guetta would detract, but it almost feels like Kelly's said "Get me someone to play a track. I need to sing this song."


Kelly Rowland periodically appears from the darkness and unleashes a Solar Beam, and then she shrinks back into the shadows, with a smile playing across her lips, knowing she is the only one who would dare fight Beyonce in a duel.




Looks more like David Guetta wrote the song and got Kelly to sing it.


Writer(s) David Guetta, Sandy Wilhelm, Richard Butler, Jr.

Producer David Guetta

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Bonaparte - Too Much



Hedonism! Yes. While this song is incredibly simple and annoying I find it addictive. They'll be in Cologne next month and I want to see them so badly, but no one - seriously no one - I know thinks Bonaparte is good. Fucking idiots.

I might even go to the gig by myself.


Too Much/10


Bonaparte - Computer In Love



Great lyrics. Amazing video. I love this tune. Computer watching you, computer in love.

I'm your glory-hole to the universe.


Zero One One Zero One One One/10


Edit: Something related to the world ending bla


Bonaparte - Blow It Up

Broadcast Yourself
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Maaaan, so much better. I lurve this too much, the bridge is the best. I feel the groove. I am drunk -- on LIFE! Or somethin' else, friend.




Put your hands on me...John F. Kennedy

Edited by Frank
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