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Gameees On The Goooo


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I played through the opening section both times in co-op play and the fact that there were two cursors on screen meant that it was even harder to see what was behind them :hmm:


I reckon that the chances of it spending any further time in my collection is quite slim, unfortunately. It may well end up being a half decent game, but at the same time, I have plenty of other games that I would probably rather play and I don't think it would be missed..

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They wouldn't have been able to make the graphics nearly as impressive if the game hadn't been on rails, though.


Yeah, I'm pretty certain you're right. Plus it's easier to tactically 'light' areas to make them look great if the player's movements are restricted.


But Eurocom are clearly talented, I'm sure they could have made a damn fine 3rd person horror game had EA given them the rein. Although that kind of budget doesn't really go towards third party Wii games... Still, there's an Xbox iteration of Dead Space floating about EA's offices somewhere, I'd have preferred to see a straight port of that project.

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Have you touched this yet, Burny?


Sadly, I've only played it a bit past the introduction you mention, bet Retro Link has summarized it already. Story and action picks up a lot after the introduction, when the colony goes to the dogs. I'm keeping it for a cooperative playthrough. Lot's of high quality voice acting and quite well executed scripted sequences as far as I could tell. If you didn't pay more than I did (13 pounds with shipping to Germany), you were certainly not ripped of.


Eurocom thankfully got another chance with Goldeneye and the really made it great.

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I personally thought that Dead Space: Extraction was absolutely brilliant.


Preach that shit, baby!


All of you Dead Space Haters lose at life. It was a brilliant game. I'm not going to lie, I think a little pee came out whilst I played that game. Partly due to the intensity, and partly due to excitement. Of the sexual kind.


Brilliant game. Controlled like a dream, the pace was well executed and despite there being quite a few characters, they managed to create a perfect sense of isolation.


Chapter 9 is one of my favourite gaming memories of this generation.

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We mocked it in 2 player, to be fair. Constantly unleashing that grab orb thing and taking the piss out of the voice acting and stuff. I think if / nando / sits down with it in some peace and quiet on his own, he will get into it and it will be up there with the likes of Silent Hill: Shattered Memz. :heh:

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I hated DS:E. I got to the 3rd or 4th chapter and called it a day. I found the game to be too slow paced, which is fine in certain genres but with a lightgun game it just doesn't work. I have the same issue with the Resident Evil games on the Wii but I manage to overlook it as it's Resident Evil. :D


I know the Wii version of Dead Space is a different game to the original but I find Dead Space on the 360/PS3 is a much, much better game and i'm looking forward to the soon be released sequel.

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