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House's Head and Wilson's Heart.




Best season finale of anything I've ever seen. The last two episodes of season four. Made me weep. Probably the only television that's ever done that. I can't remember a film that's done that either, now I think of it.


I hated it with a passion. God damned bad Memento copy! They just took an average storyline and made it appear cool. Bah! House in general is just something to watch when nothing else is on, imo.



This song instantly springs to mind. As does the album version of All Is Full Of Love. I love television shows and movies, especially Six Feet Under as Dan mentioned, but those two songs I just find so overwhelmingly powerful.


Fav radiohead song. It's just so immensely good!

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I hated it with a passion. God damned bad Memento copy! They just took an average storyline and made it appear cool. Bah! House in general is just something to watch when nothing else is on, imo.




Fav radiohead song. It's just so immensely good!

I knew we were just too different.

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Gungrave is an excellent anime series, with family and loyalty as a central theme. Despite the needless sci-fi elements, it's still excellent. I came closer to crying in its ending than in any other anime.


It's weird how awful the first episode is... I mean, whoever chose it as the first ep is a lunatic. Worst marketing ever, you're supposed to lure viewers with a pilot, not scare them away. The real meat and bones of the show is the story of them growing up and rising through the ranks of millenium together... nobody gives a rat's ass about all the BEYOND THE GRAVE bullshit. Japanese anime writers appear to be forced to always include some sci-fi bullshit on every single story, it seems.

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It's weird how awful the first episode is... I mean, whoever chose it as the first ep is a lunatic. Worst marketing ever, you're supposed to lure viewers with a pilot, not scare them away. The real meat and bones of the show is the story of them growing up and rising through the ranks of millenium together... nobody gives a rat's ass about all the BEYOND THE GRAVE bullshit. Japanese anime writers appear to be forced to always include some sci-fi bullshit on every single story, it seems.


The anime was based off an action videogame with cryptic plot. That first episode was probably to assure the videogame fans that, yes, it's the same thing. This is very noticeable in episode 19, that follows videogame logic for no reason other than a certain character had to die at a boss battle. They did a better job with the others, but that episode almost put me off the series.


My best friend introduced me to Gungrave and told me to start with episode 2. He's an awesome friend, that first episode is really mind-boggling (only watched it after I was done with the series).

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I hated it with a passion. God damned bad Memento copy! They just took an average storyline and made it appear cool. Bah! House in general is just something to watch when nothing else is on, imo.


I can't get past the first 3 minutes of Memento. Bores me to tears. I've no idea why, either.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh my gods.


Just watched Exodus Pt 2.


Threw my hands to my face in horror when I heard "Casey?! My baby!". I feel so outwitted. On reflection, it was a really obvious plot, but I was so convinced. I feel so emotionally robbed. I wish I were dead. I'm so depressed.


Also, the scene where Saul kills Ellen was the most intense feeling of sadness I've ever had. Not just "Oh, this is sad because a character we have come to know is dead", but so much deeper on so many levels. The fact we all hated Ellen. The fact Saul knew everyone hated Ellen. But in actuality she was genuinely trying to do the selfless thing. The fact it was really needless. Emphasises so much about the horror or war, and how it extends further than gunfire.


That one scene justified her whole existence as a character on the show. Actual rocked me to my core.


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Oh my gods.


Just watched Exodus Pt 2.


Threw my hands to my face in horror when I heard "Casey?! My baby!". I feel so outwitted. On reflection, it was a really obvious plot, but I was so convinced. I feel so emotionally robbed. I wish I were dead. I'm so depressed.


Also, the scene where Saul kills Ellen was the most intense feeling of sadness I've ever had. Not just "Oh, this is sad because a character we have come to know is dead", but so much deeper on so many levels. The fact we all hated Ellen. The fact Saul knew everyone hated Ellen. But in actuality she was genuinely trying to do the selfless thing. The fact it was really needless. Emphasises so much about the horror or war, and how it extends further than gunfire.


That one scene justified her whole existence as a character on the show. Actual rocked me to my core.



B'hold, I am coming soon.

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Oh my gods.


Just watched Exodus Pt 2.


Threw my hands to my face in horror when I heard "Casey?! My baby!". I feel so outwitted. On reflection, it was a really obvious plot, but I was so convinced. I feel so emotionally robbed. I wish I were dead. I'm so depressed.


Also, the scene where Saul kills Ellen was the most intense feeling of sadness I've ever had. Not just "Oh, this is sad because a character we have come to know is dead", but so much deeper on so many levels. The fact we all hated Ellen. The fact Saul knew everyone hated Ellen. But in actuality she was genuinely trying to do the selfless thing. The fact it was really needless. Emphasises so much about the horror or war, and how it extends further than gunfire.


That one scene justified her whole existence as a character on the show. Actual rocked me to my core.


When reading a post by you such as this, chair, I can honestly never determine whether you're being overly melodramatic or whether I'm genuinely missing out on emotional experiences in life. I sort of both hope and fear that the latter is the case.

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When reading a post by you such as this, chair, I can honestly never determine whether you're being overly melodramatic or whether I'm genuinely missing out on emotional experiences in life. I sort of both hope and fear that the latter is the case.


I would say I'm sensitive, but I think that gives off the wrong impression. Sensitive has connotations of weakness. I cry a lot more frequently at TV shows / films than most people. I'm not claiming to be a people-expert, but generally I find I'm a lot more understanding of things than some others [The following is a shit example because I can't remember a better one off my head:


Watching Blade Runner, my older sister asked "Why is she so sad?". I thought "...WTF? Are you even watching this film??", and replied "Well, she's come to the realisation that she might be / is a replicant."

Silence. "So...?"

And it's just kinda like, where is your ability to put yourself in the shoes of someone else???? Seriously.]


At the same time, it's not even a universal thing for me. You know when people read poems, and are like "Frak, that's amazing". That doesn't happen for me, at all. I can't and don't connect with poems whatsoever. Even like In Flanders Fields only vaguely moves me because I know its context. I just find films/TV far more evocative than any other art form. I lay on the couch for 15 minutes after watching Dancer In The Dark, because I didn't want to / couldn't move.


After that episode of BsG I had to wipe my face on a towel that was due to be washed [not dirty, I hasten to add, just been used for the past week to dry myself], because there were no tissues in my room, and I had so much of that runny snot (characteristic to when you've been crying) and tears over my face that I was embarrassed I'd bump into my flatmate on the way to the bathroom. :p


Watching BsG, everything falls into place. Everything in life makes sense. You can understand why people do horrible things in war. [Aside: It feels like we aren't subjected to enough important things in day-to-day life -- my friend Kat says the main reason that she's at Oxford studying Law is because she is a genuine TV addict (watches at least 4 hours every day), and TV teaches you stuff that real life doesn't.]


I am melodramatic to a degree, but then not really in the same way I'd describe a person who is actually melodramatic. I make a big deal about exciting things. A melodramatic person makes a big deal out of boring things.

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I would say I'm sensitive, but I think that gives off the wrong impression. Sensitive has connotations of weakness...And it's just kinda like, where is your ability to put yourself in the shoes of someone else???? Seriously.]



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I would say I'm sensitive, but I think that gives off the wrong impression. Sensitive has connotations of weakness. I cry a lot more frequently at TV shows / films than most people. I'm not claiming to be a people-expert, but generally I find I'm a lot more understanding of things than some others [The following is a shit example because I can't remember a better one off my head:


Watching Blade Runner, my older sister asked "Why is she so sad?". I thought "...WTF? Are you even watching this film??", and replied "Well, she's come to the realisation that she might be / is a replicant."

Silence. "So...?"

And it's just kinda like, where is your ability to put yourself in the shoes of someone else???? Seriously.]


At the same time, it's not even a universal thing for me. You know when people read poems, and are like "Frak, that's amazing". That doesn't happen for me, at all. I can't and don't connect with poems whatsoever. Even like In Flanders Fields only vaguely moves me because I know its context. I just find films/TV far more evocative than any other art form. I lay on the couch for 15 minutes after watching Dancer In The Dark, because I didn't want to / couldn't move.


After that episode of BsG I had to wipe my face on a towel that was due to be washed [not dirty, I hasten to add, just been used for the past week to dry myself], because there were no tissues in my room, and I had so much of that runny snot (characteristic to when you've been crying) and tears over my face that I was embarrassed I'd bump into my flatmate on the way to the bathroom. :p


Watching BsG, everything falls into place. Everything in life makes sense. You can understand why people do horrible things in war. [Aside: It feels like we aren't subjected to enough important things in day-to-day life -- my friend Kat says the main reason that she's at Oxford studying Law is because she is a genuine TV addict (watches at least 4 hours every day), and TV teaches you stuff that real life doesn't.]


I am melodramatic to a degree, but then not really in the same way I'd describe a person who is actually melodramatic. I make a big deal about exciting things. A melodramatic person makes a big deal out of boring things.

Sold! I'll watch BSG. Let's see how life affecting this show everyone here praises really is.


Actually, I'm queued down with Firefly and Supernatural, but I'll get there quick enough.

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Battlestar Galactica. Just watched The Passage.





It's the superlative of every positive adjective.



I'm just rocked by the fact it takes a character that you were ambivalent about, and makes everything you've experienced of that character 100 times more pregnant.


Kat. Hold her hand as she's lowered.


When she got off the Raptor, and you saw it in her face that she knew countless numbers of people were dead...




The music. It was so chilling. The scene was so extended. She just looks around, and in her eyes you see the sum of all fears. I was bawling. Tears. I'm scarred.



One of the best episodes yet.


My faith in Adama is reinforced. Forgiveness. Yes. Not even forgiveness, just acknowledging that everyone is human. Everyone is 3-D. And the fact he knew that she isn't a hero -- no 3-D person is really a hero -- she was just pushed into doing what she had to do. The coupled scenes of Adama moving her name to C.A.G on the board, and Starbuck placing her photo in the shrine corridor -- The best thing.


Starbuck, she's blazin'. Most compelling character? She's a genuine person.





Stunned. Everything, all the ideas, they're bigger and more impressing than words can convey.



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House's Head and Wilson's Heart.




Best season finale of anything I've ever seen. The last two episodes of season four. Made me weep. Probably the only television that's ever done that. I can't remember a film that's done that either, now I think of it.

I'm going to have to reiterate this one. Watched it this morning and cried for the first time in about 5 years. It was just so amazingly done.

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