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Jetlag and post xmas blues...


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So I'm sat back at work as if I never left...Had an awesome holiday in Canada with my girlfriend but now I've had to come back (without her) whilst part of me is full of happiness at how great a time we had and what the future holds the other is blurgh and kinda in shock that we are apart again, basically I'm saying today sucks and I'm very much down in the dumps. She's over here in April though which isn't all that long and I'm sure soon this sucky feeling will give way to excitement.

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Not quite the same but, I'm back to work today after having an awesome four days off where I basically played Need For Speed : Hot Pursuit and didn't do much else... :p - I've been making up for the past couple of weeks where I've been ill and barely played anything - but it was good and I know I shouldn't complain but going back to work does indeed suck.


However I do count myself lucky that I even have a job atm, it may be part-time but it's something even with its low-points - which all jobs have - so no... I'm not looking forward to going back but at the same time it'll be 'good' for me to get back in touch with reality for a bit I suppose. :indeed:

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Ah that's one heck of a long distance relationship, they can be tough mate, but at least the time you do spend with her you appreciate alot more. And I assume your frequently in contact with her, but totally understand physically spending time with her is alot better than via skype / phone / email etc.


Longest distance relationship I've maintained is Bristol to London.


as for work.... I'm back in the office after a 17 day break, and it's friggin chaos haha. Month end figures, year end figures, catching up with the work missed in 17 days, browsing through my inbox which was 145 unread emails with 15 voice mails.


Happy new year indeed!


But yeah, Just start planning on what you're going to do in April with your partner, plan trips for her, that'll start to get you excited for her visit, rather than reminiscing on your recent visit to her and missing her.



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This was meant to be hey I'm back after an absence lol and turned into a I'm depressed blurgh! However now the first days work is over and I'm sat eagerly waiting to skype with my girlfriend and looking forward to that and starting to feel more normal once again.

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The first day is always the worst. Always hated going back after a long break, but i got used to it once more.


Still, work brings the pleasures in life. Of which you know they are better than ever, because you've earned them pleasures.

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God today was truly awful, seriously two weeks away has not helped even a little bit.


I've had to start working in a different store (long story) and did a 5 hour shift, only the manager talked to me and I was basically ignored otherwise, blergh.


It doesn't help that my housemate I've not seen for a month and he seems to be blanking me on facebook even though he owes me money.


This year hasn't started off well!


Such a shame, hopefully things will pick up for everyone :).

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OMG! flameboy is back! YAY!

Is that the kind of positive you were looking for?


no I meant I was going to come on here and right a positive I'm back but wasn't really feeling it...but cheers anyway lol I'm not even sure it had crossed anyones mind that I wasn't posting lol

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I've been completely the opposite. Not saying I was glad to o back to work (duh) but I was glad to get moving with the next year and achieve the things I've set out too do. Quite surprising for me really as I used to love the festive time and dread when it finished, also because i'm normally pessimistic but meh, times change.

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I'm still mellowing in the holidays. Had a book review to do by tomorrow and spent a good few hours reading 104 pages, and then I get an email that we get an extension of a week, beautiful. Then I get Civilisation V from my boyfriend and my new laptop is arriving around the 6th. Exams start on the 17th which is also the day new episodes of House start. Only 3 exams to do and then I'm not in until late February. Early that month the class is heading off on a trip to Galway, which should be great fun. Loving this new year already.

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This was meant to be hey I'm back after an absence lol

Wow, you suck at HEY I'M BACKs. Like, really, really suck at them. :p


My condolences on being apart from your girlfriend, though. That's the problem with long-distance relationships. At least you have something to look forward to!

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